

单词 wap
释义 I. wap, n.1 Obs. exc. dial.
Also 4–5 wappe.
[Belongs to wap v.1]
1. A blow, knock, thump.
c1400Destr. Troy 6405 Ector for þat od dynt, ournyt in hert, Wode for the wap, as a wild lyon.c1400Laud Troy Bk. 9338 On smytes his felawe thorow the pap, And he ȝeues him a sori wap.15..Christ's Kirk xi, in Bannatyne MS. (Hunter. Club) 285 He hit him on the wame a wap, It buft lyk ony bleddir.1810Splendid Follies II. 138, I had such a plumper off the old mare the first time I went out! What a wap of the head I had surely.1818Scott Br. Lamm. xxv, A wap wi' a corner-stane o' Wolf's Crag wad defy the doctor!1823‘J. Bee’ Dict. Turf, Wap, a species of slap, resounding, as if imparted by a wet dishclout.1914C. C. Murray in Aberd. Univ. Rev. Nov. 45 An' fat was a wap wi' a spainyie or tag To hands that were hard as a steen.
b. at a wap: at one blow, suddenly.
13..E.E. Allit. P. C. 499 Þou..trauayledez neuer to tent hit þe tyme of an howre, Bot at a wap hit here wax & away at an oþer.a1400Wars Alex. 3040 Alexander allþire first on þaim all he settis And aithire ward at a wapp wiȝtly inIoynes.Ibid. 4142, 5318. c 1400 Sege Jerus. 515 (E.E.T.S.), & wel wenen at a wap alle þe wo[r]ld quelle.c1460Towneley Myst. xxiv. 314 As I wold at a wap wyn all at ones.
2. Sc. A sudden storm (of snow).
1818Scott Let. in Lockhart (1837) IV. vi. 204 You will find it [a plaid] a good bosom friend..when your country avocations lead you to face a dry wap of snow.
3. A shake, flap; a sweeping or tossing movement.
a1663D. Dickson Serm. Pract. Writ. (1845) I. 99 Preaching is like the wap of a fan, to tell the one that they are chaff [etc.].c1800‘Leesome Brand’ vii. in Child Ballads I. 182 Ye do you to my father's stable, Where steeds do stand baith wight and able... Strike ane o them upo the back, The swiftest will gie his head a wap.1820Scott Abbot xvii, Pomp and pleasure pass away as speedily as the wap of a falcon's wing.
4. A pugilistic fight. Also, a quarrel. Sc.
1887P. McNeill Blawearie 24 It not unfrequently happened, if a well matched pair or two met and had not had their ‘wap’ out, both pits would be thrown idle on the Monday that all who wished might see the affair wound up.1887Service Life Duguid xi. 68 It happened ae day that a neebor woman..and Bessie had a terr'ble wap.
II. wap, n.2 Obs.
In 5 wapp, 6 wappe.
[f. wap v.3]
A kind of mongrel formerly used as a house-dog.
Owing to a mistake of his translator Fleming (1576), Caius has commonly been said to have identified the ‘wappe’ with the ‘turnspit’, and to have given waupe as an actual variant form. His Latin for Wappe is Admonitor (rendered ‘Warner’ by Fleming); for Turnespete he gives Versator.
1464Plumpton Corr. (Camden) 14 Sir Henry Vavasor was gone hence or I wist, so that I might not speak to him for the wapp.1570J. Caius De Canibus Brit. 12 b, Ad postremum, degeneres, Wappe and Turnespete nominari dicebamus: hunc à verbo nostrati turne,..& spete..; illud à naturali canis voce Wau, quàm in latratu ædit admonendo. Vnde, originaliter Waupe dicendum fuit. Sed euphoniæ bonæque consonantiæ gratia, vocali in consonantem mutata, Wappe à nostris vocitatur.1589Nashe Anat. Absurd. B 4, The sillie Sheephearde committing his wandering sheepe to the custodie of his wappe.
III. wap, n.3 Obs. rare.
[? f. wap v.2]
1. A turn of a string wrapped round something.
1545R. Ascham Toxoph. ii. (Arb.) 111 You must looke that youre bowe be well nocked for fere the sharpnesse of the horne shere a sunder the strynge. And that chaunceth ofte when in bending, the string hath but one wap to strengthe it wyth all.Ibid. 111 below, 119.
2. Naut. A shroud-stopper. [Perh. another word: cf. warp n.]
1704J. Harris Lex. Techn. I, Wapp, is that Rope in a Ship, wherewith the Shrouds are set taught with Wale⁓knots; one end is made fast to the Shrouds, and to the other are brought the Laniards.1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., Wapp, or Whap.
3. (See quot.) dial.
1828[Carr] Craven Gloss., Wap, a bundle of straw, called also a loggin.
IV. wap, v.1 Now dial.|wɒp|
Also 5 quappe, 9 Sc. waup.
[Of obscure origin; cf. swap v. and whap, whop v.]
1. a. trans. To throw quickly or with violence. Often with adv. or phrase, down, to the ground, etc. to wap off: to pull off roughly; to wap sindry (see sundry adv.), to scatter, disperse; to wap wide, to throw wide open.
c1400Destr. Troy 7297 Mony doughty þat day deghit in the fild, Mony [were] wofully woundit, & wappid to ground!c1440York Myst. xxxiii. 343 Do wappe of his wedis þat are worne.c1470Gol. & Gaw. 127 The yettis wappit war wyde.c1480Henryson Paddock & Mouse 171 (Bann.) Now on þe quheill, now wappit [Harl. wrappit] to þe ground.1513Douglas æneis viii. iv. 150 Wyth branchis rent of treis, and quarrell stanis Of huge wecht doun wappand all at anis.1562Winȝet Cert. Tract. Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 94 Quhy hef ȝe wappit doun al the affixit tabellis of the Lord?1563tr. Vincent Lirin. v. II. 22 Than wes..monasteriis destroyit, clerkis wappit sindry [L. clerici disturbati], the ministeris of the Kirkis strikin [etc.].Ibid. vi. II. 23 That be them he wald raiss vp his Kirkis afoir wappit doun.1572Satir. Poems Reform. xxxviii. 30 Be war with the wand syne he wapis in the fyre.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 25 Gif thay sie ony fishe mair diligate..the pray quhilke..thay brocht far aff, with speid thay wap out of thair mouth.Ibid. II. 29 At last, the Jnglisman wappit fra his horse, the Scot winnis the Victorie.c1730Ramsay O Mither dear! v, Get Johny's hand in haly band, Syne wap ye'r wealth together.1828[Carr] Craven Gloss., Whap, to shut or close with violence, as, ‘twind waps door tull’.1912A. McCormick Words fr. Wild-Wood vi. 82, I had..mechanically ‘wapped’ my line once or twice in the glassy pool above.
b. In figurative expressions like wapped in woe, there is some doubt whether wapped belongs to this verb with the sense ‘thrown’, or to wap v.2 with the sense ‘wrapped’. Cf. the similar use of warp v. The word may have been variously apprehended by those who used the proverbial expression. Obs.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xliii. (Cecilia) 239 Ve sal be wappyt in til yre, percace in erde in brynnand fyre [L. incurremus furorem exurentem in terris].c1440York Myst. xxxi. 12 In wrathe when we writhe, or in wrathenesse ar wapped.c1440Ibid. xlvi. 1 In waylyng and wepyng, in woo am I wapped.c1450Holland Houlate 748 For ws, wappit in wo in this warld wyde, To thi son mak thi mane.c1480Henryson Paddock & Mouse 166 Now in fredome, now wappit in distres.c1550Rolland Crt. Venus Prol. 107 Syne the xij Signes, and of thair conuersatioun, How thay ar wapt to diuers variatioun.Ibid. ii. 619, I se this warld wappit with variance.Ibid. 641 To Ilk man geuis in warld his fatall weir[d], Quhidder it be to weill wappit, or wo.c1560A. Scott Poems xx. 3 Oppressit hairt, indure..Wappit without recure In wo remidiless.
c. intr. slang. To copulate. Obs.
[1567T. Harman Caveat sig. G4v, He tooke his Iockam in his famble, and a wapping he went.]1611Middleton & Dekker Roaring Girl sig. K4v, Wee'l couch a hogshead vnder the Ruffemans, and there you [sc. Moll Cutpurse] shall wap with me, & Ile niggle with you.1699B. E. New Dict. Canting Crew, Wap, c. to Lie with a Man. If she won't wap for a Winne, let her trine for a Make, c. If she won't Lie with a Man for a Penny, let her Hang for a Half-penny. Mort wap-apace, c. a Woman of Experience, or very expert at the Sport.1725in Farmer & Henley Slang (1903) VII. 293/1 This doxy dell can cut been whids, And wap well for a win.
2. To shake. Obs.—0
1570Levins Manip. 27/24 To wappe, motare, agitare.
3. intr. To strike, knock upon; to strike through.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 882 Þe ȝonge men..Wapped vpon þe wyket & wonnen hem tylle.a1400–50Wars Alex. 2226 Othire athils of armes Albastis bendis, Quirys out quarrels, quappid [Dubl. MS. wappyd] thurȝe mayles.1889H. Johnston Glenbuckie 99 Yer cannon balls, well they wud just wap through them [spirits] and no do them wan bit o' hairm.
4. Of the wind: To blow in gusts. Of a cloth: To flap in the wind. Of wings: To flap, beat. Obs.
13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 2004 Þe werbelande wynde wapped fro þe hyȝe.c1400Destr. Troy 9513 The smorther, & the smoke of þe smert loghys..waivet in the welkyn, wappond full hote.c1400Isumbras 632 A rede clothe therinne he seghe Owte-wappande with the wynde.a1600Flodden F. i. (1664) 5 When flickering fame that monstrous wight With hundred wings wapping was blown.
5. Used to express the intermittent sound of shallow water over stones: cf. plap, plop vbs.
1910J. Masefield Ballads & P., Fragments 12 Simois babbles over stone And waps and gurgles to the sky.
Hence ˈwapping vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. v. xxxi. (1495) 142 Grete wappynge and lepynge in any of the rybbes betokeneth woo and sorowe other rauynge.1610S. Rid Martin Mark-All sig. E3, Nigling, company keeping with a woman: this word is not vsed now, but wapping, and thereof comes the name wapping morts Whoores.1612Dekker O Per Se O sig. O1v, And wapping Dell, that niggles well, And takes loure for her hire.1629Gaule Holy Madn. 296 The wapping of a Towell will urge a Beare.1707J. Shirley Triumph of Wit (ed. 5) iii. 198 Wapping thou I know do's love.
V. wap, v.2 Obs.
Also 5 inf. whappyn, 4–6 wappe.
[Of obscure origin; possibly an altered form of warp v.; cf. wrap v. and wlappe lap v.2]
trans. To wrap, envelop; also, to wrap (a covering) about something.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xvi. (Magdalen) 524 Þai lad þat body, þat ded was,..wappyt in a furrit mantele.c1420Wyntoun Cron. cxlv. 1989 A mantill wappit him about.c1425Cast. Persev. 1212 in Macro Plays, Whanne ȝe be in bedde browth boþe, wappyd wel in worthy wede.c1440Promp. Parv. 287/1 Lappyn, or whappyn in cloþys, involvo.Ibid. 515/2 Wappon', or hyllyn' wythe clothys or oþer lyke, tego, contego.Ibid., Wappyn', or wyndyn' abowte yn clothys, involvo.c1440York Myst. xlvi. 274 It [Mary's girdle] was wonte for to wappe þat worthy virgine.c1440Alphabet of Tales 211 Þat womman..had a little chylde syttand on hur kne wappid in a clothe.c1460Towneley Myst. xx. 593 Kythe youre strengthe, And wap you wightly in youre wede.1501Douglas Pal. Hon. Prol. 40 The vmbrate treis that Tytan about wappit.1542Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. VIII. 131 Item, for ix stane merling cord deliverit to George Halyburtoun to wap and mak the lowpes of the somes and thetis, v li. viij s.
Hence wapping vbl. n.
c1440Promp. Parv. 515/2 Wappynge, happynge or hyllynge (v.rr. lappynge, lappinge), coopertura, coopericio (involucio).
VI. wap, v.3 Obs.
Also 7 whap.
intr. To bark. Hence ˈwapping vbl. n. and ppl. a.
c1440Promp. Parv. 515/2 Wappyn', or baffyn' as howndys, nicto, Cath.Ibid., Wappon' or berkyn', idem quod berkyn, supra.Ibid. 516/1 Wappynge, of howndys, whan þey folow here pray or that they wolde harme to..nicticio, niccio.Ibid., Wappynge (of howndys, MS. K.) or berkynge, bajulatus, latratus.1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. v. iii. 366 As the harmlesse wapping of a curs'd curre may stir up a fierce mastiffe to the worrying of sheep.1650Pisgah iii. i. 409 Solomon was an absolute Prince,..in his peaceable Countrey, where no dog durst bark against him (save two or three whapping curs toward the end of his reign).
VII. wap
occas. spelling of whop v.




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