

单词 invious
释义 I. ˈinvious, a. Obs.
[f. L. invi-us (f. in-, in-3 + via way) + -ous.]
Having no roads or ways; pathless, trackless.
1622Peacham Compl. Gent. xvii. 180 Sertorius..could leap broken and unpasseable Rockes and like invious places.1663Butler Hud. i. iii. 386 If nothing can oppugn Love, And Virtue invious ways can prove.1681H. More Exp. Dan. i. 8 Invious and inaccessible Rocks.
Hence ˈinviousness.
1710R. Ward Life H. More 15 ἀπορία, Inviousness and Emptiness.
II. ˈinvious, -e, -vyous, -e
obs. north. and Sc. var. of envious. So ˈinviously adv.
c1440Promp. Parv. 263/2 Invyouse, invidus.1483Cath. Angl. 197/1 Invyous, emulus.1568Dunbar's Poems xxiii. heading, Be mirry and glaid..For that suffisis to anger the invyous.1570Levins Manip. 227/17 Inuiouse, inuidiosus.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. xi. 462 The hæretikis, quha before Jnuiouslie..teached had [etc.].




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