

单词 invocation
释义 invocation|ɪnvəʊˈkeɪʃən|
Also 5 yn-.
[a. OF. invocation, -cion, -ciun (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), ad. L. invocātiōn-em, n. of action from invocāre to invoke.]
1. The action or an act of invoking or calling upon (God, a deity, etc.) in prayer or attestation; supplication, or an act or form of supplication, for aid or protection.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints, Johannes 306 Or he þe tempil suld..Of dame diane gere Ryve done Of criste thru Invocacione.c1384Chaucer H. Fame i. 67, I woll make invocation..Unto the god of sleepe anone.1433Lydg. S. Edmund ii. 901 The lord of lordys..Herde..ther Inuocacioun And gaff hem comfort of that they stood in dreed.1537Inst. Chr. Man, 3rd Commandm., To pray to saints to be intercessors with us and for us to our Lord for our suits..so that we make no invocation of them [1543 Necess. Doct. so that we esteem not or worship not them as givers of those gifts, but as intercessors for the same] is lawful and allowed by the Catholic Church.1554in Strype Eccl. Mem. (1721) III. App. xvii. 43 We disallow invocation or prayer to saints departed this life.1607E. Grimstone tr. Goulart's Mem. Hist. 337 He..yeelded up the ghost in the invocation of the name of God.1664Jer. Taylor Dissuas. Popery Wks. 1847–51 VI. 489 Invocation of Saints: which if it be no more than a mere desire for them to pray for us, why is it expressed in their public offices in words that differ not from our prayers to God?1673True Worship God 52 It is a piece of Religious worship, as every Vow made to God is, implying an Invocation of God to judge according to the Truth or Falshood of what we promise.1782Priestley Corrupt. Chr. I. iv. 350 This does not imply a direct invocation.1863M. Howitt F. Bremer's Greece II. xix. 211 The Greek new year's wishes for the present year contain a fervent invocation to Phœbus to protect their Majesties.1899Ch. Q. Rev. Jan. 274 We use the phrase ‘invocation of saints’ in the sense ordinarily attached to it at the present time: namely, to denote the practice of requesting departed saints for the help of their prayers to God.
b. Eccl. A form of invocatory prayer, as part of a public religious service. Also, The name or appellation used in invoking a divinity, etc.
spec. The petitions addressed to each person of the Godhead and to the Trinity, which form the opening part of the Anglican and Roman Catholic Litanies (including, in the latter case, petitions to saints also); also, the third part of the prayer of consecration in the Communion Office of the Nonjurors of 1718, and in the Office of the Scottish Episcopal Church of 1764, whence also in the American Book of Common Prayer.
1827Southey Penins. War II. 682 The Valencians imputed their deliverance..to..the Virgin, under her invocation of Maria Santissima de los Desamparados.1852Hook Ch. Dict. (1871) 400 The commencing part of the Litany, containing the invocation of each person of the Godhead, severally, of the Blessed Trinity in Unity.1852A. Jameson Leg. Madonna Introd. 35 A new invocation was now added to her Litany, under the title of Auxilium Christianorum.
2. The action or an act of conjuring or summoning a devil or spirit by incantation; an incantation or magical formula used for this or a similar purpose; a charm, spell.
1390Gower Conf. III. 46 Babylla..With Cernes..He traceth ofte upon the grounde, Makend his invocation.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 130 b/2 He was taught in the arte of enchauntement and of thynuocacions of feendes.1541Act 33 Hen. VIII, c. 8 Sondrie persons..practised inuocacions and coniuracions of spirites.1600Shakes. A.Y.L. ii. v. 61 'Tis a Greeke inuocation, to call fools into a circle.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 444 Themselves renuing their former invocation, and the Divell entring into this man, causeth him to write.1867Parkman Jesuits N. Amer. vi. (1875) 68 The sorcerers..yelled incessant invocations to the spirits.
3. Admiralty Prize Procedure. The calling in of papers or evidence from another case: see invoke v. 5.
1806Sir C. Robinson Admiralty Rep. VI. 355 In the practice of invoking evidence from other causes, it had been the rule not to permit invocation from any case till that cause had been heard.1828Webster s.v., A judicial call, demand, or order; as the invocation of papers or evidence into a court.




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