

单词 amphi-
释义 amphi-, prefix|æmfɪ|
[a. Gr. ἀµϕι- both, of both kinds, on both sides, about, around.]
Used in many derivatives and compounds. amphidiarthrosis |ˌæmfɪdaɪɑːˈθrəʊsɪs| Anat., a form of articulation (see quots.); amphidromic |-ˈdrɒmɪk|, a.2 [Gr. ἀµϕίδροµος running both ways] (see quots.); amphikaryotic |-kærɪˈɒtɪk|, a. Biol. [Gr. κάρυον nut, kernel], of a nucleus, having two haploid sets of chromosomes; amphimixis |æmfɪˈmɪksɪs|, Biol. [mod.L. (A. Weismann, 1891), f. Gr. µίξις mingling: cf. ἀµϕιµιγνύναι to mix up thoroughly] (see quot. 1949); Amphineura |-ˈnjʊərə|, n. pl. Zool. [mod.L. (H. von Jhering, 1876, in Jahrb. d. deut. Malacozool. Ges. III. 128): cf. Gr. νεῦρον nerve], a group of bilaterally symmetrical molluscs containing the chitons and related forms; ˈamphiodont |-əʊdɒnt|, a. Ent. [Gr. ὀδούς, ὀδοντ- tooth], applied to a form of the mandibles in stag-beetles intermediate between the priodont and teleodont; amphipneustic |-ˈ(p)njuːstɪk|, a. Zool. [f. as amphipneust + -ic], having breathing-pores at both ends of the body, as certain dipterous larvæ; ˌamphi-proˈstylar a., of or pertaining to an amphi-prostyle; amphirhine |ˈæmfɪraɪn|, a. Zool. [ad. mod.L. Amphirhinus, neut. pl. Amphi-rhina, f. Gr. ῥίν- nose], belonging to the Amphirhina, a division (comprising the large majority) of skulled vertebrates, having the nasal orifice double; two-nostrilled; opp. monorhine a.
1842Dunglison Dict. Med. Sci. (ed. 3), Amphidiarthrosis, a name given by Winslow to the temporo-maxillary articulation, because, according to that anatomist, it partakes both of ginglymus and arthrodia.1890Billings Med. Dict., Amphidiarthrosis, joint having characteristics of two classes, both hinge and gliding, as articulation of lower jaw.1909Cent. Dict. Suppl., Amphidromic.1938Nature 11 June 1067/1 The effect of uniting the two waves which will have the higher part of their crests on opposite shores is to produce a set of amphidromic points. These are points at which there is no tidal rise and fall of the water level.1947Sci. News IV. 92 In the northern hemisphere the tidal oscillation will appear to rotate in an anticlockwise direction round such a point, and cotidal lines, joining points which have high water at the same time, will radiate from it. The point is called an amphidromic point.Ibid., The rotation of the tide-producing forces round the sea also operates so as to produce an amphidromic system.
1909J. W. Jenkinson Experim. Embryol. 267 One blastomere has a male and a female nucleus, and therefore 2 n chromosomes (amphikaryotic), while the other has only a female (thelykaryotic).
1893Parker & Rönnfeldt tr. Weismann's Germ-Plasm 20 Amphimixis..consists in the mingling of two individuals or of their germs, and owing to its constant connection with reproduction in multicellular organisms it is usually spoken of as ‘sexual reproduction’... Amongst unicellular organisms..amphimixis is widely spread..in the form of conjugation.1909Sorley Interpr. Evolution 23 It throws off certain cells which have the power of reproducing organisms like itself—this result being dependent in all the higher organisms upon amphimixis.1913Amphimixis [see apomixis].1949Darlington & Mather Elements Genetics 377 Amphimixis, reproduction by the fusion of two gametes in fertilization. As opposed to Apomixis.
1889Cent. Dict., Amphineura.1906G. Bourne tr. Pelseneer's Mollusca ii. 40 When Chaetoderma and Neomenia were investigated from an anatomical point of view, von Jhering united them..in a division of ‘Worms’, which he called Amphineura.1922Chambers's Encycl. I. 238/2 Amphineura are primitive gasteropods.1945Step & Wells Shell Life 181 The orders [of Gastropoda] are only four, but several..have been divided into sub-orders. The first of these orders (Amphineura) consists of the Mail-shells.
1883Amphiodont [see priodont a.].1932J. S. Huxley Probl. Rel. Growth vii. 209 A specimen is classified as Amphiodont if a gap is present which is considered larger than the normal gap between two teeth, Prionodont if it is considered not to exceed this size.
1891H. M. & M. Bernard tr. A. Lang's Compar. Anat. i. 482 This amphipneustic tracheal system is found in many parasitic or half-parasitic Diptera larvæ.1899Camb. Nat. Hist. VI. 450 Other larvæ have a pair of stigmata placed at the termination of the body, and another pair near the anterior extremity..; these larvæ are said to be ‘amphipneustic’.1957Richards & Davies Imms's Textbk. Ent. (ed. 9) i. 134 Amphipneustic.—Only the prothoracic and the posterior abdominal spiracles are open. This type is a common one among larval Diptera.
1875Encycl. Brit. II. 459 A temple with a portico at each end is said to be amphiprostylar.
1871T. H. Huxley Anat. Vert. 147 The other amphirhine fishes.

Add: amphiˈpathic a. Chem. [Gr. πάθος experience, state, property], having both a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic part; consisting of such molecules.
1936G. S. Hartley Aqueous Solutions of Paraffin Chain Salts vii. 44 It is..because the paraffin-chain ion is *amphipathic that the paraffin-chain salts are good emulsifying, peptising, foaming and cleaning agents.1972Sci. Amer. Feb. 31/1 The lipids found in membranes are amphipathic.1989Nature 5 Jan. 94/2 This N-terminal layer is connected by a long loop to another layer which consists of two pairs of antiparallel amphipathic helices.
so ˈamphipath, an amphipathic molecule or substance.
1971New Scientist 14 Jan. 64/1 Liposomes, incorporating positively charged *amphipaths,..are, to all intents and purposes, impermeable to monovalent cations like K+ or Na+ , but permeable to anions.1980Jrnl. Biol. Chem. CCLV. 9331 (heading) The effect of cholesterol and other intercalated amphipaths on the contour and stability of the isolated red cell membrane.
amˈphipathy, the quality of being amphipathic.
1936G. S. Hartley Aqueous Solutions of Paraffin Chain Salts vii. 44 The property is essentially the simultaneous presence of separately satisfiable sympathy and antipathy for water. I propose, therefore, to call this property ‘*amphipathy’—the possession of both feelings.1979D. Chapman et al. in R. Perron Physicochimie des Composés Amphiphiles (Colloques Nationals du CNRS) 209/1 This property of amphipathy, this duality of properties within the same molecule, has great significance for all biology.

Add: amphiˈblastula n. Zool., a blastula composed predominantly of two different cell types, which constitutes a free-swimming larval form in certain sponges.
1888Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. XXIII. 76 The walls were either double or single on different sides of the same *amphiblastula in Halichondria.1940Parker & Haswell Text-bk. Zool. (ed. 6) I. iii. 120 The embryo leaves the parent sponge in the peculiar stage to which the name of amphiblastula is applied.1987Laverack & Dando Lect. Notes Invertebr. Zool. (ed. 3) iii. 25/1 The flagellated embryo is liberated from the parent as an amphiblastula.., and generally swims for a time.
amphiˈcarpic a. Bot. = amphicarpous a.
1846Florist's Jrnl. VI. 152 *Amphicarpic, bearing fruit of different forms, or which ripens at various seasons.1964Amer. Jrnl. Bot. LI. 26 A more detailed investigation of the physiology of the seeds and seedlings of a typical amphicarpic plant.
ˈamphicyte n. Anat. = satellite cell s.v. satellite n. 8.
1925Strong & Elwyn Bailey's Text-bk. Histol. (ed. 7) ix. 170 The capsule cells (amphicytes) enveloping the cerebrospinal and sympathetic ganglion cells.1978Acta Anatomica CII. 238/2 Surrounding individual ganglionic neurons were well-defined satellite cells (amphicytes) to form the ‘capsule’.1985C. R. Leeson et al. Textbk. Histol. (ed. 5) vii. 219/2 Each perikaryon has a ‘capsule’ formed by a single layer of small, flattened, low cuboidal cells, the satellite cells or amphicytes.
amphiprotic |-ˈprəʊ-| a. Chem. [ad. G. amphiprotisch (coined by J. N. Brönsted 1930, in Zeitschr. f. angew. Chem. XLIII. 231/1)], designating a solvent (or solute) which can act as either a donor or an acceptor of protons; amphoteric.
1931Chem. Rev. VIII. 193 Thus we recognise water as *amphiprotic since it is capable of the acid reaction H2O{lrar}H+ + OH- and the basic reaction H2O + H+{lrar}H3O+ .1966J. A. Timm Gen. Chem. (ed. 4) xxvii. 369 A solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate contains the amphiprotic hydrogen carbonate ion.1991Chem. & Pharm. Bull. XXXIX. 2929/1 The solutes having amphiprotic substituents usually exhibited the acceleration effect.
amphitrichate |-ˈtrɪk-| a. Microbiol. = *amphitrichous adj. below.
1929Topley & Wilson Princ. Bacteriol. & Immunity I. ii. 25 There may be a single flagellum at each pole, the *amphitrichate condition.1983Current Microbiol. VIII. 234 The genus Campylobacter..contains bacteria that are Gram-negative, motile, amphitrichate.
amphiˈtrichous |-ˈtrɪk-| a. Microbiol., designating or pertaining to bacteria having one or more flagella at each pole.
1900Dorland Med. Dict. 38/1 *Amphitrichous.1928F. W. Tanner Bacteriol. iv. 63 The adjectives used to denote the presence or absence of flagella, and their location when present, are..amphitrichous-tufts of flagella on both ends.1986M. Kogut tr. Schlegel's Gen. Microbiol. ii. 59 Bipolar polytrichous flagellation is called amphitrichous.




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