

单词 ampul
释义 ampul arch.|ˈæmpəl|
Forms: 3 ampuile, 3–6 ampulle, 4 -olie, -olle, 5 ampole, -ull, 5–6 ample, 6 ampell, -ul, (9 ampul).
[a. OFr. ampole, ampoule:—L. ampulla (see next word), now commonly used instead; ampul having been obs. since the Reformation, exc. as Fr., or as an ecclesiastical revival; but see also ampoule.]
1. A small bottle or flask; a phial. Obs. in general sense.
1205Lay. 14993 Þa ampulle heo ut droh.Ibid. 19770 Six ampullen [1250 ampulles] fulle.c1230Ancr. R. 226 Þe tale of his ampuiles.a1325Metr. Hom. 148 Boystes on himsele he bare, And ampolies, als leche ware.1474Caxton Chesse iii. v. G vj, An ample or a boxe with oynementis in his lyft hand..and by the ampole ben signefyed the makers of pygmentaries.
2. esp. A vessel for holding consecrated oil, or for other sacred uses. (In this sense ampulla is now commonly used.)
1362Langl. P. Pl. A. vi. 11 An hundred of ampolles · on his hat seeten.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 111/3 Thenne a doue descended fro heuen whyche brought the crysme in an ampull.1523Ld. Berners Froissart I. ccclxix. 606 He was sacred and anoynted, by tharchbysshop of Reynes, with the holy ampell.1536in Antiq. Sarisb. (1771) 195 An Ampul of chrystal..containing a Toe of St. Mary Magdalene. [1644,1750: see ampoule. 1872 O. Shipley Gloss. Eccl. Terms 394 Ampuls, standing transparent vials mounted in metals.]




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