

单词 well-coloured
释义 well-ˈcoloured, ppl. a.
c1400[see coloured ppl. a. 2].1445–50J. Metham Wks. 92 Qwan the myd lyne ys..euyn and wele colouryd, yt sygnyfyth a mygthi stomake.1535Coverdale 1 Sam. xvii. 42 He was but a childe, well coloured, and beutyfull to loke vpon.1591Shakes. 1 Hen. VI, iv. ii. 37 These eyes that see thee now well coloured, Shall see thee withered, bloody, pale, and dead.1662Charleton Myst. Vintners (1675) 184 In which time the Wine usually becomes well-coloured and bright.1731Pope Ep. Burlington 153 The rich Buffet well⁓colour'd Serpents grace.1913Oxford Mag. 6 Nov. 67/1 The author writes..in a well-coloured and original style.




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