

单词 Jersey
释义 Jersey2 U.S.|ˈdʒɜːzɪ|
= New Jersey, the name of the state situated south of New York, used attrib. and Comb. to denote people or things coming from or associated with New Jersey, as Jersey girl, Jersey maid; Jersey-built, Jersey-made adjs.; Jersey blue, (a) a colonial New Jersey soldier (so called from his blue uniform); (b) a native or inhabitant of New Jersey; (c) a breed of chicken; Jersey justice, strict or severe justice; Jersey lightning colloq., a strong kind of apple-jack, peach-brandy, or whisky; Jersey pine, the scrub pine, Pinus virginiana; Jersey tea, the red-root, Ceanothus americanus, the leaves of which were used as a substitute for tea; Jersey wag(g)on, a light carriage formerly used in New Jersey.
1758C. Rea Jrnl. 16 July in Essex Inst. Hist. Coll. (1881) XVIII. 110 Excepting ye Yorkers and Jersy Blews all y⊇ Provincials didn't loose more than 100 men.1849J. F. Cooper Sea Lions I. i. 3 Distinctions..exist between the eastern and the western man,..the Buckeye or Wolverine, and the Jersey Blue.1850D. J. Browne Amer. Poultry Yard 77 The Jersey-Blue Fowl..is another large mongrel of a bluish cast.1942C. Weygandt Plenty of Pennsylvania 277 We have no native breeds of fowls in Pennsylvania as New Jersey had its Jersey Blues.
1829R. C. Sands Writings (1834) II. 121 Trim Jersey-built wagons.
1770Boston Gaz. 7 May (Th.), A likely active Jersey girl.
1903N.Y. Tribune 18 Oct. 8 Even with a faithful judge..‘Jersey justice’ did not shine as brilliantly as usual.1948Collier's 20 Nov. 78/3 Pellechia is having dealings with Jersey justice.
1852Alta California (San Francisco) 23 Aug. 2/5 The rumsellers dealt out Jersey lightning by the gallon.1872G. P. Burnham Mem. U.S. Secret Service p. vi, Jersey lightning, a peculiar New Jersey drink; ‘blue ruin’.1970Observer 19 Apr. 9/4 This urbane and sophisticated man came to believe that after repeal Jersey Lightning would capture the fancy of the whole country, and become a standard national drink.
1778Boston Gaz. 25 Aug. 373 Handy, light, Jersey made waggon.
1713Boston News-Let. 5 Oct. 2/2 A Jersey Maids times for four years and an half very good Servant to be disposed of.
1743J. F. Gronovius Flora Virginica 191 The common Jersay-Pine.1908N. L. Britton N. Amer. Trees 46 Jersey Pine—Pinus virginiana Miller... This tree grows in poor rocky or sandy soil from southern New York to Indiana.1971Country Life 23 Dec. 1773/1 A singular collection of conifers, some species such as the Jersey pine (Pinus virginiana) being planted in considerable numbers.
1759P. Miller Gardeners Dict. (ed. 7) s.v. Ceanothus. New Holland Dogwood with female cornel leaves commonly called New Jersey Thea grows naturally in most Parts of North America, from whence great Plenty of the Seeds have been of late Years brought to Europe, by the Title of New Jersey Thea, where I have been informed the inhabitants dry the leaves of this Shrub to use as Thea.1808H. Muhlenburg Let. 5 July in E. Rowland Life W. Dunbar (1930) 203 Red Root or Jersey Tea we call the Ceanothus americanus a little shrub with white Flowers, cordate leaves—Some times the sanguinaria is called so.1870Amer. Naturalist IV. 583 The Ceanothus, or Jersey tea, is a frequent inhabitant of the prairies.1948Green Bay (Wisconsin) Press-Gaz. 13 July 11/4 Jersey tea, the shrub whose leaves were the ‘tea’ used by the colonists after the Boston tea party.
1811R. Sutcliff Travels N. Amer. p. viii, Jersey waggons..are made very light, hung on springs with leather braces, and travel very pleasantly.1835J. J. Audubon Ornith. Biogr. III. 606 Fishermen gunners passed daily..with Jersey wagons, laden with fish, fowls, and other provisions.1944Sat. Rev. (U.S.) 14 Oct. 24/2 The vagabond Reverend Mason Weems ‘bumping along in his Jersey wagon’.




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