

单词 well-doing
释义 I. well-doing, vbl. n.|ˈwɛlˌduːɪŋ|
1. The action or practice of doing good; virtuous life and behaviour.
1414Brampton Penit. Ps. (Percy Soc.) 62 Slownes is a cursid thing: For it is evere weri of weel doyng.c1450Knt. de la Tour 3 Ladies..that..were..honoured..for her wel⁓doinge and goodnes.1526Tindale 2 Thess. iii. 13 Brethren be not weary in well doynge.1574Hake Touchstone E 1 b, Of sinne commeth death: Of wel doing commeth life.1663Patrick Parab. Pilgr. xv. (1687) 128 He suffered for well doing, and we for ill.1736Butler Anal. i. iii. Wks. 1874 I. 59 We are so made, that well-doing as such gives us satisfaction.1824Scott St. Ronan's xiv, Laugh at your ain toom pouches—it will be lang or your weel-doing fill them.1883Whitelaw Sophocles, Antigone 703 Welldoing and fair fame of sire to son, Of son to sire, is noblest ornament.
b. Valour, martial prowess. Obs.
c1450Merlin xxvii. 550 But the cristin ne myght but litill space endure, ne hadde be the well doinge of the v knyghtes of the reame of logres.
c. pl. Good deeds or actions.
1552Latimer Serm., 1st Sund. Epiph. (1584) 300 b, Seeing wee shall haue no rewarde for our well doynges.
2. Thriving condition; health, prosperity, welfare, success.
1387–8T. Usk Test. Love ii. x. 120 In hope of weldoing, and of getting agayn the double of thy lesing.1557Q. Mary in Mary A. E. Wood Lett. Roy. Ladies (1846) III. 313 The lady Latimer, who, of a natural and motherly affection, doth tender the well-doing of her said daughter, hath been of late an humble suitor unto us for our letter, desiring [etc.].1579Manutius' Phrases Lat. (1595) 154 Your welfare and weldoing reioyceth me as much as mine owne.1625Ld. Mountagu in Buccleuch MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) I. 262 We are glad to hear of your well doing.1659B. Harris Parival's Iron Age 215 He began to make head again, and was in a way of well⁓doing, when he received the Kings command to disband.1763Mills Syst. Pract. Husb. II. 415 For..the increase and well-doing of the plants.1800Wordsw. Michael 432 A good report did from their Kinsman come, Of Luke and his well-doing.1854Poultry Chron. II. 338 Houses..for fatting wild fowl,..whose well-doing was so considered, that [etc.].1924Rose Macaulay Orphan Island ix. 93 ‘Our ten [children] have done well.’.. ‘They certainly..seem to have had a fairly large allowance of descendants apiece, if that is well-doing.’
II. ˈwell-ˌdoing, ppl. a.
1. That does good or acquits oneself well; valiant; diligent in performance of work or duty; well-behaved, respectable.
c1330Arth. & Merl. (Kölbing) 4773 Four score..Hardi & wele doinde kniȝtes.1597Shakes. Lover's Compl. 112 And controuersie hence a question takes, Whether the horse by him became his deed, Or he his mannadg, by th' wel doing Steed.1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus ii. i, 331 That his Master may find him doing, yea welldoing.1822Byron Heaven & Earth i. iii, I am safe, not for my own deserts, but those Of a well-doing sire, who hath been found Righteous enough to save his children.1888D. Grant Sc. Stor. 76 Sic an honest, weel-daen woman as I kent my wife to be!
2. Sc. Well-to-do, prosperous, thriving.
1821Galt Ann. Parish v. 59 He was a douce and discreet man, fair and well-doing in the world.1897‘L. Keith’ My Bonny Lady vii. 67 ‘Do you know nothing of her folk?’ ‘Nothing, forby that they are well-doing in the world.’




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