

单词 well-furnished
释义 well(-)ˈfurnished, ppl. a.
Amply provided, stocked, equipped, etc. (see furnished).
1474Paston Lett. III. 107 He..lefte a greet garnyson theer, weell ffornysshyd in vytayll.1553[see furnished 2 c].1566Painter (title), The Palace of Pleasure, Beautified adorned and well furnished with pleasaunt Histories and excellent Nouels.1618T. Gainsford P. Warbeck 45 The Kings Foreward being full of companie and well furnished.1635–56Cowley Davideis iv. end, Lo! they 'arriv'ed now at th' appointed place; Well-chosen and well furnisht for the Chase.1687Lond. Gaz. No. 2240/4 A thick well furnished grey Gelding, full aged.1710Congreve Doris 11 Wks. 1730 III. 293 Her sparkling Eyes she still retains, And Teeth in good Repair; And her well-furnish'd Front disdains To grace with borrow'd Hair.1852Grote Greece ii. lxix. (1862) VI. 193 A year's campaign..would enable them to return with a well-furnished purse.
b. esp. of a house or room.
1635–56Cowley Davideis i. 681 Well-furnisht-Chambers, for in each there stood, A narrow Couch, Table and Chair of wood.1829Anniversary 122 He has..a fair estate,..a well furnished house, [etc.].1850Lynch Theoph. Trinal vii. 133 A well-clad woman in a well-furnished room.
Hence well-ˈfurnishedness.
1653H. More Conject. Cabbal. (1662) 118 In respect of the fulness and well-furnishedness of the Earth.




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