

单词 reintegrate
释义 I. reˈintegrate, pa. pple. ? Obs.
[ad. med.L. reintegrātus, pa. pple. of reintegrāre: see next.]
= redintegrate pa. pple.
1508Fisher 7 Penit. Ps. cii. Wks. (1876) 169 That heuenly cyte shall be restored and reintegrate with good crysten people.a1648Ld. Herbert Hen. VIII (1683) 412 Our King..desired to be, if not reintegrate, yet at least in good terms with the Roman Church.
II. reˈintegrate, v.|riːˈɪntɪgreɪt|
[ad. med.L. reintegrāt- (Du Cange): see redintegrate v. and cf. F. réintégrer, Sp. reintegrar, It. -are.]
1. refl. To reinstate (oneself). Obs.
1581Savile Tacitus, Hist. iii. xxiv. (1591) 128 Here was the fielde where they might reintegrate themselues in their honour again.1622J. Reynolds God's Revenge iii. Hist. xiii, He should..rather seeke to reintegrate himselfe into his Fathers favour.a1648Ld. Herbert Hen. VIII (1683) 418 Desiring the King..to take hold of the present time and to reintegrate himself with the Pope.
2. trans. = redintegrate v. 2 b, 2 d. Now rare.
1605Bacon Adv. Learn. ii. vii. §1 Heere I will make a request that.. I may reviue and reintegrate the missapplyed and abused name of Naturall Magicke.a1648Ld. Herbert Hen. VIII (1683) 159 That all the followers of the Duke of Bourbon should be reintegrated in their former possessions.1869Browning Ring & Bk. xii. 692 The justice of the Court would presently Confirm her in her rights and exculpate, Re-integrate and rehabilitate.
3. = redintegrate v. 1.
1626Bacon Sylva §113 The Falling from a Discord to a Concord..hath an Agreement with the Affections, which are reintegrated to the better, after some dislikes.1798Jefferson Writ. (1859) IV. 225 The atmosphere alone will reintegrate a soil rested in due season.1868Spencer Princ. Psychol. i. v. (1872) I. 86 The disintegrated mass quickly re-integrates itself from the materials brought by the blood.1898Nat. Rev. Aug. 904 The capital thus sunk will neither yield an income nor be reintegrated.
b. Const. into, with.
1855Miss Cobbe Intuit. Mor. 174 The Law of Honour, then, merits to be re-integrated into the moral Law.1881Morgan Contrib. N. Amer. Ethnol. IV. 10 The eight gentes of the Seneca-Iroquois tribe were reintegrated into two phratries.1888J. T. Gulick in Linn. Soc. Jrnl., Zool. XX. 231 The vast majority of the divergent forms arising through Local Segregation are reintegrated with the surrounding forms.




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