

单词 joyful
释义 joyful, a.|ˈdʒɔɪfʊl|
[f. joy n. + -ful. For earlier native synonyms, see blissful, blithe.]
1. Of persons, their feelings, etc.: Full of joy; having and showing a lively sense of pleasure or satisfaction; elated with gladness, delighted. Formerly const. of.
c1290S. Eng. Leg. l. 50/112 Ȝeot was heore heorte glad, and Ioyful, þo huy him founde.13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 288 Were I at yow by-ȝonde þise wawez, I were a Ioyful Iueler.c1400Destr. Troy 974 Medea the mayden..Was ioyfull of Iason, aioynit hym to.1535Coverdale Ps. xcix. [c.] 1 O be ioyfull in God (all ye londes).1590Shakes. Com. Err. i. i. 51 A ioyfull mother of two goodly sonnes.1632J. Hayward tr. Biondi's Eromena 75 Polimero taking him..for the Admirall, was the joyfullest man in the world.1725Pope Odyss. ix. 72 Sad for their loss, but joyful of our life.1841Lane Arab. Nts. I. 87 He passed the night happy and joyful on account of his recovery.1876M. M. Grant Sun-Maid i, Ah, Monsieur, they are all joyful to receive you.
2. Of action, speech, looks, etc.: Expressing or manifesting joy; indicative of gladness.
c1340Cursor M. 20516 (Fairf.) He..saide til ham wiþ ioiful steyuen comis wiþ me.1535Coverdale Ps. lxiii. 5 When my mouth prayseth the with ioyfull lippes.1611Bible Ps. lxvi. 1 Make a ioyfull noise vnto God, all yee lands.1632J. Hayward tr. Biondi's Eromena 68 Being the first time that a joyfull looke was seene in that Court, sithence the departure of the Princesse.1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) IV. 32 He was received..amidst the joyful acclamations of almost all Italy.1842Tennyson Captain 30 Then the Captain's colour heighten'd, Joyful came his speech.
3. Of things, events, etc.: Fraught with, attended by, or causing joy; gladsome, delightful.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 786 Nere neuere king ne quene glad wanne hii him seie Ac to þe Ioiuol day hopede wanne he ssolde deie.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) ix. 34 He was putt oute of þat ioyfull place.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. ccxxvi. 232 All thynges and wethers fallen to me ioyfull and lykyng and gladsum.a1592H. Smith Serm. Luke xix. 6 Wks. 1867 II. 158 This was the joyfullest news that ever came to Zaccheus's house.1680Burnet Rochester 143 It was one of the joyfullest things that befe him.a1808Hurd Serm. Rev. xix. 10 Wks. 1811 V. 24 Contemplating with grateful admiration so joyful a state of things.
4. O (or oh) be joyful, an alcoholic drink. slang.
1823P. Egan Grose's Dict. Vulgar T. (rev. ed.), O be joyful, good liquor; brandy. Sea term.1830Greensborough (N. Carolina) Patriot 4 Aug. 4/2 They didn't come to, till the old woman and her darter poured some o be joy full down their throates.1846L. Crawford Hist. White Mts. iv. 45, I was loaded..with a plenty of what some call..‘O-be-joyful’.1865London Jrnl. 8 Apr. 222/3 Like a great many other clever fellows, he was too much addicted to the ‘O be joyful!’1934T. S. Eliot Rock ii. 77 Well, boys, what do you say to a pint of Oh be Joyful?1968Listener 21 Mar. 369/3 It's a lively scene on this part of the Oldham Road: some very jolly pubs, Dutton's O Be Joyful ales in little bottles.




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