

单词 new man
释义 new man, n.1
Brit. |ˌnjuː ˈman|, U.S. |ˈn(j)u ˈmæn|
Forms: see new adj. and man n.1; Also with capital initials.
[‹ new adj. + man n.1]
a. Theol.In allusion to Ephesians 2:15, 4:24. A person morally or spiritually reformed or renewed, esp. a convert or penitent. Occas. (esp. in biblical translation and commentary) opposed to old man (see old man n. 2): the spiritual condition of those who have been redeemed; post-lapsarian mankind as redeemed by Christ.
The phrase is also used in some translations at Colossians 4:9–10: ‘yee haue put off the old man with his deedes: And haue put on the new man, which is renued in knowledge, after the image of him that created him’ (Authorized Version, 1611).
OEælfric Homily (Vitell. C.v) in J. C. Pope Homilies of ælfric (1967) I. 216 Ðurh Moysen wæs gesett þam ealdum mannum iu æ, & open lagu, & se leofa Hælend gebrohte us niwum mannum gife & soðfæstnysse.c1384Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Eph. ii. 15 He make twey peplis in him silf into a newe man, makinge pees, that he reconcile bothe in o body to God by the cross, sleynge the enemytees in him silf.c1384Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Eph. iv. 24 Be ȝe renewid, or maad newe aȝen, by spirit of ȝoure mynde; and clothe ȝe the newe man, that vp God is maad of noȝt in riȝtwysnesse and hoolynesse of treuthe.a1450Three Kings Cologne (Royal) 124 Constantyn..was conuerted to crist..and was chaunged..in to a newe man.1533J. Gau tr. C. Pedersen Richt Vay 31 Faith..quhilk renwis the hart and makis ane nev man.1561T. Norton tr. J. Calvin Inst. Christian Relig. i. 19 Paul,..from a cruell and bloody enemy conuerted to a new man, with sodaine and vnhoped change.1651T. Hobbes Leviathan iii. xlii. 274 He that is Baptized, is Dipped or Washed, as a sign of becomming a new man, and a loyal subject to that God, whose Person was represented in old time by Moses.1770H. Brooke Fool of Quality V. 127 The Apostle distinguishes, most precisely, between the opposite Natures and Tendencies of the two several Seeds of the first and the second Adam, between the Outward and Inward, the Vitiated and Regenerate, the Old and the New Man.1888P. Schaff Mod. Christianity in Hist. Christian Church 219 Faith is the submerging of the old man, and the emerging of the new man.1959Times Lit. Suppl. 6 Feb. 73/1 The ‘Individuated’ man of Jungian analytical psychology, released from the destructive contradictions within humanity, bears a startling resemblance to the ‘new man’ of the Pauline Epistles, released from the bondage of sin.1989Encycl. Brit. XVI. 285/2 In the New Testament statements about the new man, it was not a settled, complete new condition that was being spoken of, into which people are transposed through grace, but rather the beginning of a coming new state, the consummation of which will first take place in the future.
b. A man transformed (esp. for the better) in character, behaviour, mood, or appearance. Freq. in to be a new man, to make a new man of (someone), etc.
a1475(?a 1425) tr. R. Higden Polychron. (Harl.) VIII. 556 As soone as he was crowned, enoynted, and sacred, anone sodaynly he was chaunged into a new man.a1625J. Fletcher Womans Prize v. v, in F. Beaumont & J. Fletcher Comedies & Trag. (1647) sig. Ppppp3v/1, Me thinks you look a new man to me now, A man of excellence, and now I see some great design set in you.1758A. Murphy Upholsterer i. 5 Till this Accident I was no better myself,—but ever since I am grown quite a new Man.1852H. B. Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin (1853) xvii. 163 Your loving me,—why, it was almost like raising one from the dead! I've been a new man ever since!1892Overland Monthly Mar. 240/2 They say the sight of that little helpless..baby..made a new man of John Kayser. Anyway he was altogether different after that.1937M. Allingham Dancers in Mourning xxvi. 314 Yeo had become a new man since the message from the [Police] Records Department.1958P. G. Wodehouse Cocktail Time xviii. 156 The Beetle and Wedge home-brew..touched the spot. It had everything. It ran like fire through Albert Peasemarch's veins and made a new man of him.1996F. McCourt Angela's Ashes (1997) xii. 311 There's a letter from Dad. He's coming home two days before Christmas. He says everything will be different, he's a new man.
a. A man who has recently arrived in a place or assumed a position, a newcomer; a recent appointment or recruit; a novice.
a1387J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) VII. 263 As he þat was a newe man..and knewe nouȝt þe customs.1658Earl of Monmouth tr. P. Paruta Hist. Wars Cyprus 34 Most..were new men, and unexperienced, especially being unback'd by Horse.1720D. Defoe Capt. Singleton 313 The Sloop returned; she had a new Man put into her for Captain, one we knew how to trust; and the old Pilot appearing only as a Passenger.a1860A. Smith London Med. Student (1861) 14 The new man does not enter much into society.1895Pall Mall Mag. Nov. 328 The new man seemed to be a gem.1926J. Devanny Butcher Shop xv. 159 ‘And how do you like the new man, Jimmy..?’ ‘He is a splendid man for the job,’ said Jimmy scrupulously.1940PM 29 Nov. 14/3 Instead of having an entire company of trainees, even one ‘winterized tent’ of trainees, all together,..there will be throughout the 44th Division scads of veterans surrounding each new man.1992J. Lehrer Bus of my Own (1993) vi. 118 A new man had taken over as president of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
b. In early use, after classical Latin novus homō novus homo n. A man who has (comparatively) recently risen to distinction, notice, or social standing; esp. one not belonging to a well-established family.
1611B. Jonson Catiline iii. i. 19 A new Man (as I am stil'd in Rome) Whom you haue dignified.1709Swift Project Advancem. Relig. 30 Nine in Ten..are younger Brothers, or new Men.1741C. Middleton Hist. Life Cicero (1742) I. i. 4 A New Man, not that his Family was new or ignoble.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. i. 38 There were new men who bore the highest titles.1903Mrs. H. Ward Lady Rose's Daughter xiv. 230 He was a good deal of a politician, himself a ‘new man’, and on the side of ‘new men’.1943D. W. Brogan Eng. People iii. 81 Lord Reading was the first Marquess of Reading, a ‘new man’.1996T. Hall Midnight in City of Clocks i. 25 Young bloods bow to the boxes Where old families and new men Observe from the leathered dark.
a. A man (or type of man) considered different in some respect from previous generations, esp. in character or conduct; a modern man.
1782‘J. H. St. J. de Crèvecœur’ Lett. from Amer. Farmer iii. 51 What then is the American, this new man? He is either an European, or the descendant of an European.1841R. W. Emerson Ess. (1st Ser.) v. 146 He is a new man, with new perceptions, new and keener purposes.1894Daily News 25 Oct. 6/2 The pneuma, the overshadowing spirit of the new man who is sought after by Angela, the Psyche or feminine principle of aspiration and intuition.1911O. Schreiner Woman & Labour (1914) vi. 257 If the New Woman's conception of love between the sexes is one more largely psychic and intellectual than crudely and purely physical,..the New Man's conception, as expressed in the most typical literature and art, produced by typically modern males, gives voice with a voice no woman has surpassed to the same new ideals.1965Listener 10 June 860/2 The idealist who saw his vision of the New Man shattered by harsh reality.1990Australian 2 May 11/2 Castro harks back to his former comrade-in-arms, Che Guevara, invoking the name of the revolutionary hero as an example of the ‘new man’ all Cuban youth should aspire to in building a glorious new society.
b. Usu. in form New Man. A man who rejects sexist attitudes and the traditional male role, esp. in the context of domestic responsibilities and childcare, and who is (or is held to be) caring, sensitive, and non-aggressive.
Cf. also quot. 1911 3a.
1982Washington Post (Nexis) 17 Dec. f1 ‘Tootsie’ has enough rowdy, inconsequential fun in it to take the curse off Hoffman's sentimentalized notion of The New Man, but it's also in the nature of a lucky tightwire act that comes close to tripping him up.1991Arena Summer 17/2, I stand outside the New Man arena like so many others and laugh at your attempts to be all things to all women in a desperate bid to shine in their eyes.1995K. Atkinson Behind Scenes at Museum viii. 233 Bunty and I were in the Co-op mobile shop,..when Mr Roper bounded on board, looking for washing-powder—a new man ahead of his time.2000Observer 5 Nov. (Review section) 4/1 What is significant is that it appears that straight men are taking an interest in fashion, which is a sure sign that some New Man thing is about to kick in again.
Derivatives. new mannish adj.
1990Sunday Tel. 25 Mar. 62/2 Mother and baby are joined by *New-Mannish father.2002S. Margolis Apocalipstick ix. 119 It was OK for a bloke to cook for a woman early on in their relationship—because that was sexy and new-mannish.




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