

单词 wenchel
释义 wenchel Obs.
Forms: 1, 3 wencel, (1 wincel), 3 wenchel, (Orm. wennchell), wancel.
[OE. wencel n.:—*wankil-, prob. related to wancol wankle a. The form wincel may represent a variant *winkil-.]
A child (of either sex); also, a servant or slave; also, a common woman.
c890Wærferth tr. Gregory's Dial. 11/20, & þa arn an wencel [L. mancipium] mid treowenum æscene.. to þære wyllan.c1000St. Basil's Admonitio ii. (1849) 34 And he for his wife ne for his wenclum ne dearr hine sylfne beladian.c1200Ormin 3356 Forr ȝuw iss borenn nu to daȝȝ Hælennde off ȝure sinness, An wennchell þatt iss Jesu Crist.c1205Lay. 31834 Quelæn þa wifmen, quelen þa wanclen.a1225Ancr. R. 334 And hu [he] biseinte Sodome & Gomorre, men & wummen & children [MSS. T, C, were & wif & wenchel].c130011,000 Virg. 98 in E.E.P. 68 His Cardynals were þeraȝen þat he his dignete gan reue Wiþ wenclen [S. Eng. Leg. 89/96 fole wummen] forto go.




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