

单词 juggling
释义 I. juggling, vbl. n.|ˈdʒʌglɪŋ|
[f. juggle v. + -ing1.]
The action of the verb juggle: a. the practice of magic or of legerdemain, conjuring; b. the practice of trickery or deception.
c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. II. 137 No jogelyng ne falseheed was ony tyme in Crist.1483Cath. Angl. 199/1 A Iugulynge, gesticulacio.1528Tindale Obed. Chr. Man To Rdr., The worke of Antychrist and iugulynge of ypocrites.1577tr. Bullinger's Decades (1592) 128 Let vs not..abuse the name or worde of God, in coniuring, iugling, or sorcerie.1667Duchess of Newcastle Life Duke of N. iii. (1886) 170 There was such juggling, treachery, and falsehood in his own army.1727De Foe Syst. Magic i. ii. (1840) 47 Innocent art, secret and cunning contrivances to delude the sight; this we call juggling, legerdemain or philosophical delusion.1788H. Walpole in Walpoliana cxiv. 48 Ireland, by the infamous juggling of the ‘Propositions’ has lost all confidence in this country.1900Speaker 23 June 328/2 This disingenuous juggling with noble ideals.
c. attrib.
1530Palsgr. 234/2 Iogelyng caste, passe passe.1573G. Harvey Letter-bk. (Camden) 28 He plais me a pretti iugling kast of leger de main.1589Pasquil's Ret. D iv, You haue lost your iugling stick.1727De Foe Syst. Magic i. iii. (1840) 68 The juggling trade grew stale and dull.1750tr. Leonardus' Mirr. Stones 142 (222) Quirinus is a juggling stone found in the nest of the hoopoop.

Add:c. The art of tossing and catching a number of objects continuously, keeping at least one of them in the air while handling the others, esp. as a form of entertainment. Also transf. (cf. *juggle v. 2 c).
1836Handbill (Vauxhall Gardens) July, Great Attractions of this Fête..include..Double Juggling.1874L. Carr Judith Gwynne I. vii. 202 Dinner being got through, not unaccompanied by some terrible feats of knife-juggling.1879C. Keith Circus Life & Amusements iii. 23 We armed ourselves with some juggling knives.1921J. E. T. Clark Juggling 98, I ask the keen aspirant to practice diligently simple juggling.1947J. J. Mills How to do Juggling 5 There is an unusual interest in juggling at the present time.1976F. Howerd On the Way I lost It ii. 31 Acts that demanded any degree of physical dexterity, such as conjuring, juggling [etc.].1989C. Trillin Couple of Eccentric Guys in Amer. Stories (1991) 115 He spent only most of his time practicing juggling, leaving some time to practice the unicycle.
II. ˈjuggling, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
That juggles; playing tricks of magic or legerdemain; playing tricks, cheating, deceptive.
a1533Frith Disput. Purgat. To Rdr., Sith we..will..not conferre and examine these iuggling mistes with the light of Gods word, our ignoraunce is wilfull.1595Shakes. John iii. i. 169 Though you..This iugling witchcraft with reuennue cherish, Yet I alone, alone doe me oppose Against the Pope.1652Sir E. Nicholas in N. Papers (Camden) 312 That juggling Cardinal will not suffer the K. of France to do any good for the K.1756Burke Vind. Nat. Soc. Wks. I. 58 The government is..a juggling confederacy of a few to cheat the prince and enslave the people.1814Southey Roderick xx. 208 Fabling creeds, and juggling priests.
Hence ˈjugglingly adv., in a juggling or deceptive manner; beguilingly.
1647Myst. Two Juntos 5 It is known how malignantly and how juglingly writs for new elections were granted and executed.1653H. More Antid. Ath. iii. xvi. (1712) 138 Who cunningly and jugglingly endeavours to infuse the poyson of Atheism into the mind of his Reader.




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