

单词 June
释义 June, n.|dʒuːn|
Forms: 4–6 Iuyn, 5 Iuyne, Ioyne, 6 Iung, Iuyng; (2 gen. Iunies), 3 Iun, 4–7 Iune, (4 Iunye, 5 Ione), 7– June.
[In OE. and sometimes in ME. in L. form Jūnius, also Juni; in ME. a. F. juin, juing (= Pr. junh, Cat. juny, Sp. junio, It. giugno):—L. Jūnius; from 14th c. refashioned after L. as June.]
1. The sixth month of the year, in which the summer solstice occurs in the northern hemisphere.
α [c1050Byrhtferth's Handboc, Anglia (1885) VIII. 312 Aprelis, iunius, september, and november.a1100Gerefa ibid. (1886) IX. 261 In Maio and Junio and Julio.a1123O.E. Chron. an. 1110 On Iunies monðe ætywde an steorra norðan eastan.1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) I. 245 In the honor of whom he ordeynede the monethe of Iunius, that is to saye, of yonger men.]
β1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) III. 295 Þe firste day of Iuyn.c1450Merlin 54 The xj day of Iuyne.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. ccxxiv. 229 In the monethes of Iuyn and Iuyll next folowyng.c1500Melusine 16 Theuen..of saint johan baptiste, whiche is on the xx. day of Iung [F. juing].1503Kalender of Sheph. (colophon), Prentyt in parys the .xxiii. day of iuyng, oon thowsand ccccc & III.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VII 37 The .xxv. daie of Iuyn.
γ1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 8310 Þus was þe þridde day of Iun antioche inome.13..K. Alis. 1844 (Bodley MS.) Mery it is in june and hoot firmament.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. ix. xiv. (Bodl. MS.), Þe monþe of Iune is þe ende of springing tyme.Ibid. (ed. 1495) The month of Iune is begynnynge of Somer.c1400Destr. Troy 10822 With the monith of May, & the mery Ione.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 84 The sayd .xxiiii. day of Iune, whiche was sonday and Midsomerday.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, iii. ii. 75 He was but as the Cuckow is in Iune, Heard, not regarded.1749Fielding Tom Jones v. x, It was now a pleasant evening in the latter end of June.1798Coleridge Anc. Mar. v. xviii, A noise like of a hidden brook In the leafy month of June.1848Lowell Vis. Sir Launfal i. Prelude iii, And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days.a1882Kendall Poems (1886) 132 Twenty white-haired Junes have left us—gray with frost and bleak with gale [in Australia].
2. Comb., as June-like adj.; June-apple = jenneting (Fallows Suppl. Dict. 1886); June-berry, the fruit (also called service-berry) of a small N. American tree, the shad-bush (Amelanchier canadensis, family Rosaceæ); also the tree; also used for other trees or shrubs of the genus Amelanchier, or their fruit; June-bug, a name for various beetles which appear in June: (a) of the European genus Rhinotrogus; (b) of the genus Lachnosterna of the northern U.S.; (c) Allorhina nitida, of the southern U.S.; June grass (U.S.), the Kentucky blue-grass, Poa pratensis; June Week, at Durham University, the last week of the summer term, Commemoration week.
1832D. J. Browne Sylva Amer. 217 The wood of the *June berry is of a pure white.1854Mayne Reid Young Voyageurs 356 The berries..are known as..‘June⁓berries’ [or] ‘service-berries’.1864Webster, June-berry.1866Treas. Bot. 641/2 June-berry, an American name for Amelanchier.1914I. Cowie Company of Adventurers 327 A grizzly bear [was] found among the saskatoon (Juneberry) bushes.1928J. E. LeRossignol Beauport Road 274 The chief attraction..was along the fences and hedgerows where, in season, were strawberries, June berries..dew berries.1969R. C. Hosie Native Trees Canada (ed. 7) 234/1 Mountain Juneberry..and Saskatoon-berry..occasionally become trees.
1829in Amer. Speech (1965) XL. 132 Jim Crow... Dere's possum up de gumtree, An Raccoon in de hollow, Wake Shakes for *June Bugs Stole my half a dollar.1836Congress. Globe 5 May 349/2 They hopped upon it, to use a homely phrase, like a duck on a June-bug.1862Standard 12 Dec., He has lighted upon [General] Scott as a hawk lights upon a June bug.1906W. Churchill Coniston xv. 189 June-bugs hummed in at the high windows.1972L. E. Chadwick tr. Linsenmaier's Insects of World 162/3 (caption) An American June beetle, the June bug, having completed development but still in its underground cavity.
1855Trans. Mich. Agric. Soc. VI. 160 A stiff *June grass sod plat.1919Maine, my State (Maine Writers Research Club) 336 How fair her fields when June-grass waves!1970Alberta Hist. Rev. Winter 1/2 Prairie wool, a nutritious blend of..June grass..and other grasses.
1897Daily News 14 May 6/5 The weather..was anything but *June-like.
1897Outing (U.S.) XXIX. 316/1 It was early *June-time.
1889Durham Univ. Jrnl. IX. 1 The end of last term was signalised by what was called by some ‘Commemoration’ and by others ‘the *June Week’.1900Ibid. XIV. 229 Those who have visited the race-course during the June Week.




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