

单词 analogue
释义 analogue, n. and a.|ˈænəlɒg|
[a. Fr. analogue, f. Gr. ἀνάλογ-ον analogon, which was in earlier use.]
A. n.
1. An analogous word or thing; a representative in different circumstances or situation; something performing a corresponding part.
1837Whewell Induct. Sc. (1857) III. 438 Identifying..the strata with their foreign analogues.1839Hallam Hist. Lit. IV. iv. v. §12. 228 Boileau is the analogue of Pope in French literature.1874Sayce Compar. Philol. viii. 324 ‘Renard the Fox’ has its analogue among the Kafirs.
2. esp. in Nat. Hist.
a. A part of an animal or plant which in function answers to a different part in another animal or plant; a representative or corresponding organ. Strictly said of organs of different origin.
1826Kirby & Spence Introd. Entomol. III. 566 In Vespa &c. a small subtriangular piece just below the base of the upper wing is probably its analogue.1870H. Macmillan Bible Teach. vii. 137 The green cells which clothe the veins of the leaf..may be regarded as the analogues of the green leaves which clothe the branches.1878Foster Phys. i. iv. §5. 158 Such a vasometer centre has an analogue in the intrinsic ganglia of the heart.
b. A species or tribe in one region, or at one period of the earth's history, which represents or occupies the place of a different species or tribe in another country, or at a different epoch; a foreign representative, an ancient or modern representative.
1830Lyell Princ. Geol. I. 28 Steno had compared the fossil shells with their recent analogues.1870Yeats Nat. Hist. Comm. 105 The Arctic vegetation has no analogue in the southern hemisphere.
c. A species or group of animals or plants which occupies in relation to the division to which it belongs a position similar to that of another species or group in relation to its division; a representative in a different class or group; as the newt is among amphibians the analogue of the lizard among reptiles.
1835Kirby Habits & Inst. Anim. I. ii. 71 Humming birds, like the butterflies, whose analogues they are, suck the nectar of the flowers.1858T. R. Jones Aquar. Nat. 253 This sipunculus, however, would appear to be of a less changeable disposition than its crustacean analogue.1879G. Allen Colour Sense iii. 25 The fishes, marine analogues of flying creatures.
3. Chem. An organic compound with a molecular structure closely similar to another (typically differing in one atom or group).
1939Jrnl. Org. Chem. IV. 366 The synthesis of the true pyridine analog of thiamine is under way.1941Jrnl. Biol. Chem. CXXXIX. 975 The sulfonic acid analogue of pantothenic acid.1953Fruton & Simmonds Gen. Biochem. x. 251 In general, substances that exert a competitive inhibitory effect on a given enzyme are closely related in chemical structure to the substrate of that enzyme. One of the classical cases of such inhibition by structural analogs is the inhibition, by malonic acid..of the action of the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of succinic acid..to fumaric acid.1957[see iron-monticellite s.v. iron n.1 15 b].1969Nature 29 Mar. 1225/2 Non-toxic concentrations of amino-acid analogues when fed to Drosophila larvae reduced the longevity of adults.1975Sci. Amer. Jan. 84/1 If this were the case, then analogues of the toxin (molecules with structural similarities) might interfere with the production of runners by the toxin.1985Chem. Week 29 May 15/2 Synthetic human calcitonin and its analogues isolated from nonhuman sources currently are used therapeutically.
4. A synthetic food product that is made to resemble a natural food in taste and texture, so as to serve as a substitute for it.
1970Jrnl. Agric. & Food Chem. Nov.–Dec. 1007/2 In the preparation of the meat analogs, fat as well as other ingredients is added.1973New Scientist 2 Aug. 277/1 They're tinkering with analogues of scallops, prawns, and, one gets the impression, a good many other products.1974A. J. Huxley Plant & Planet (1978) xxx. 405 Similar analogues have been made by spinning protein from field and soya beans.1977Washington Post Mag. 3 July (Potomac Suppl.) 18/5 Stay away from processed cheeses and the ‘analogs,’ those synthetic products that pretend to be cheese substitutes.
B. adj. analogue (U.S. analog) computer, a computer which operates with numbers represented by some physically measurable quantity, such as weight, length, voltage, etc. (cf. digital a. 4). Also, analogue device, analogue machine, etc. Hence analogue computing, computing by this process.
1946D. R. Hartree in Nature 12 Oct. 500/1 The American usage is ‘analogue’ and ‘digital’ machines.1947Electronic Engin. XIX. 178/1 Electrical analogue computing.1948G. R. Stibitz Function Unit Theory of Counting Computers i. 2 The ordinary desk calculator is a digital machine. If the numbers are not broken down into digits, but are represented by physical quantities proportional to them the computer is called ‘analog’. A slide rule is an ‘analog’ device.1948Electronics July 116 The REAC (Reeves Electronic Analog Computer) can solve such problems, and more complex ones.1949Jrnl. R. Aeronaut. Soc. LIII. 628/1 Electrical and electronic analogue computers have recently been developed on a commercial scale, and have been found useful in problems of aeroplane dynamics, heat transfer, and so on.Ibid., The analogue machine is not strictly a computing machine, but rather a direct physical analogue of the system being studied.1952J. Diebold Automation ii. 25 Analogue computers, especially the electrical ones, are very useful for the construction of models, or analogues, of industrial processes and systems.1960E. Delavenay Introd. Machine Transl. 130 The analog computer..simulates the problems it is asked to solve, the digital computer..works out numerical solutions to problems, by calculations made with and on digits.

B. adj. a. Relating to or operating with signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity, such as voltage, spatial position, etc., which in the case of measuring instruments can be displayed on a dial or other fixed scale. Also: designating a signal represented in this way.
1948G. R. Stibitz Function Unit Theory of Counting Computers i. 2 A slide rule is an ‘analog’ device.1959Times Rev. Industry Aug. 24/3 All analogue quantities generated..are digitized.1965Simulation 5 329/2 The purpose for this digitalization is to replace analog shaping networks by digital programs.1977Science 18 Mar. 1156/1 The headlight control..was introduced in 1952 and used the analog vacuum tube technology of the day.1997J. Coe House of Sleep (1998) v. 96 Converted from binary data into analog signals, his film review was propelled down the telephone lines.2000Sci. Amer. Oct. 34/1 Analog phones are suited for voice rather than data communications.
b. Of a timepiece: showing the time by means of hands on a dial-plate rather than displayed digits; (of other instruments) having a display with a continuous, typically circular scale and a moving pointer.
1972Business Week 18 Mar. 21/1 ‘Digital readouts are not going to replace the conventional analog watches entirely,’ says Zoltan J. Kiss, Optel president.1986Sunday Express Mag. 12 Oct. 73/3 Digital dashboards—for most purposes, conventional analogue dials are easier to read.1990Ideal Home Apr. 60/1 (caption) It also has an oven light, stay-clean linings, analogue clock and double-glazed drop-down door.2000Scootering 5 Mar. 39/1 A traditional analogue speedo remains to inform you of what limits you are about to break.
c. Of sound or music: generated by an analogue instrument, esp. an analogue synthesizer; relating to or characterized by such sound.
1986Electronic Musician May 37/1 The ubiquitous CZ-101, a terrific synth that produces both digital and analog-type sounds.1987New Scientist 19 Mar. 28/3 The old Laservision videodiscs had analogue sound, but new CDV discs will have digital sound.1993Echoes 25 Dec. 22/4 Dreams starts like Gabrielle before..exploding into the supreme hypno-wibble of the analogue attack finale.2002N.Y. Times (National ed.) 5 Sept. e4/5 Some audiophiles have found that the music on SACD's is similar to the analog sound of vinyl records in terms of warmth.

A. n. The use of analogue recording techniques; an analogue recording or medium.
1986Absolute Sound Winter 53 Digital is here to stay. We intend to criticize it (and analogue) where it counts.1991Music Paper Mar. 39/1, I like to record the basic track on analog, for warmth, and then transfer to digital.1995New Musical Express 28 Oct. 58/2 He'd been holding up for years doing a retrospective of his work, particularly his early work, which was all recorded in analogue.2003JazzTimes Sept. 100/2, I go flat to tape. In digital it doesn't really hurt to do that. In analog I would compress, EQ and hit tape the way I wanted it to sound.

▸ In extended use. a. Designating the original or traditional form of something that now has a digital or computerized equivalent.
1987S. Brand Media Lab. ii. xi. 221 It became obvious that digital retouching could be made absolutely undetectable—as opposed to analog retouching (dodging, airbrushing, etc.).1988D. K. Gapen in E. R. Johnson Managem. Issues Networking Environment ii. 122 Our present collections, which are in paper,..tapes, sound recordings, maps, AV materials, etc. are in ‘handleable’ form and can be delivered to the patron physically (i.e., in analog form).1995K. R. McCloy Resource Managem. Information Syst. vii. 295 Conversion of analogue maps is done either by digitizing directly from the map, or by scanning the map.2001L. A. Pitschmann Building Sustainable Coll. Free Third-party Web Resources iii. 31 Even the most skilled and experienced bibliographer of print publications would have difficulty in applying..guidelines for evaluating print and analog formats to scholarly resources in digital format.2004R. Chabrá & R. Salinas in M. Sturken et al. Technol. Visions xvii. 307 It is a journey that..takes us to analog libraries where we read analog books.
b. colloq. (chiefly humorous). Esp. of a person: unaware of or unaffected by computer technology or digital communications; outdated, old-fashioned.
1993Wired Dec. 38/1 (advt.) Trying to size up a room with a tape measure is not just a two-person operation; it's also for analog dweebs. Digital do-it-yourselfers carry the Seiko Home Contractor.1997N.Y. Times 7 Sept. 36/2 Traditional grammar, spelling and usage, the digerati sneered, are hopelessly ‘analog’: uncool, fossilized, predigital.2008Herald Sun (Melbourne) (Nexis) 23 May 71 Technophile or technophobe? I'm an analogue guy living in a digital world.

analogue-to-digital n. Electronics attrib. (esp. in analogue-to-digital converter) designating a device or system which converts analogue signals to digital ones, and the process of such conversion.
1950W. W. Stifler High-speed Computing Devices (Engin. Res. Associates) xv. 386 An *analog-to-digital converter is a device which accepts instantaneous values of continuously variable quantities and expresses them in discrete numerical form.1967Technol. Week 23 Jan. 43/1 (advt.) A unique analog-to-digital system converts these outputs and transmits the digital data on-line to a CDC 3300 computer.1997NetGuide Jan. 36/1 Outgoing X2 data still ‘chugs’ at 33.8 Kbps, since faster analog-to-digital conversions are unreliable.2003L. Hanzo et al. OFDM & MC-CDMA for Broadband Multi-user Communications iii. 63 The distribution of signal amplitudes determines the necessary parameters of the analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) at the receiver.




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