

单词 whennes
释义 I. whenne, when, adv., conj. Obs.
Forms: α. 1 hwanone, 3 hwanene, whanene, wanene, hweonene, wheonene, wenene, whonene, whonnene, wonene, (whænnenen). β. 2 hwonne, 3 hweonne, whone, wanne, 3–5 whenne, 4 Sc. quhene. γ. 1 hwanon, -an, -un, hwonan, -on, 3 hwannen, whannen, -in, wannen, wanen. δ. 1 huona, hwona. ε. 4 wen, wan, north. quen, Sc. quhen, 4–5 when. See also whyne.
[OE. hwanone, hwanon, hwonan = OS. hwanon, -en, whence (nêthwanen from somewhere or other), OHG. (h)wanana, wanân, wannen (MHG. swannen = *sô wannen sô whencesoever): a derivative of the interrog. stem χwa- who, what, as hen, henne (= hence) is of χi- he, and thenne, then (= thence) of þa-.]
1. interrog. = whence 1, 2.
Beowulf 333 Hwanon feriᵹeað ᵹe fætte scyldas?Ibid. 2403 Hæfde þa ᵹefrunen, hwanan sio fæhð aras.c888ælfred Boeth. v. §3 Wast þu hwonan ælc wuht cume?c950Lindisf. Gosp. Luke i. 43 Unde hoc mihi ut ueniat mater domini mei ad me, huona [Rushw. hwona; Ags. hwanun; Hatton hwanen] ðis me þætte cyme moder drihtnes mines to me?a1000Gosp. Nicod. iv. (Thwaites) 2 Hwanone sceoldest þu specan on Hebreisc?c1200Vices & Virtues 69 Ic ðe warni..ðat tu..understande and lierne fastliche ða ȝekyndes of sinnes, hwannen and hwanne hie cumen.c1205Lay. 1430 Whonene [c 1275 Wanene] beo ȝe cnihtes?Ibid. 6193 He..hæhte heom suggen wannen heo weoren.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 2407 He esste hom wanen [v.r. of wanne] hi were & wo him þider broȝte.13..Guy Warw. (A.) 1724 Gij..seyd, ‘wen comestow, pilgrim?’1362Langl. P. Pl. A. xii. 75 He..asked him after, Of when þat he were.c1380Sir Ferumb. 2547 ‘Ihesu lord’, quaþ Olyuere; ‘fro wan comeþ al þis gold?’1390Gower Conf. I. 265 Of Envie noman knoweth Fro whenne he cam bot out of helle.a1425Cursor M. 13929 (Trin.) Whenne he shal com shal noon knowe.1483Cath. Angl. 416/1 Whenne, vnde.
2. rel. or conj. = whence 3, 4.
c1000Ags. Gosp. Matt. xviii. 25 Þa he næfde hwanon he hyt agulde.c1175Lamb. Hom. 61 Parais, from hwonne þe engles a-dun follon.c1205Lay. 2034 He hire sette name on..to munien his ikunde whone he icomen weore.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 4298 Toward þe wode wanene [v.r. fram wanne] hii come þe brutons gonne to fle.1390Gower Conf. I. 212 To..go..To Rome, whenne that sche cam.
b. Qualified by ever: = whencesoever.
1390Gower Conf. I. 156 He which was a Bacheler, Mi fader, is now mad a Pier; So whenne as evere that I cam, An Erles dowhter now I am.c1440Ipomydon 497 Where [v.r. when] he euer come or what he is.
II. whenne, whennes, -us
obs. ff. when, whence.




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