

单词 whipperginnie
释义 whipperginnie Obs. slang.
Also 6 whipper-ienny, 7 whip her Ginny, whip-her-ginny, 8 whip-her-jenny.
[Of obscure origin.]
1. A term of reprobation or abuse applied to a woman.
1593Tell-trothe's N.Y. Gift (1876) 13 Shee fals so hot to scoulding with the whipperginne her ostice.Ibid. 21 That fornicators (after they had obtained their desires..) should..seeking other wenches, meet with whipper ginnies.1599Porter Angry Wom. Abingt. (Percy Soc.) 103 What needst thou to care, whipper-ienny, tripe-cheeks?
2. the land of whipperginnie, app. a nickname for purgatory.
1594Nashe Unfort. Trav. C 3 b, What newes from heauen, hell, and the land of whipperginnie.
3. Name of an old game at cards. Obs. exc. arch.
1622J. Taylor (Water P.) O'Toole Wks. (1630) ii. 19/2 Thou hold'st it Valours ignominy, To spend thy dayes in peacefull whip her Ginny.1629Wit & Mirth xix. ibid. 181/2 An vnhappy boy..would fall to Cards at the Cambrian game of whip-her-ginny, or English one and thirty.1737Poor Robin Dec. B 7 b, Maw, Whip-her-jenny, Poor and Rich, With other fruitless Pastimes.1923R. Graves Whipperginny 45 The minds of these two princes Were of such subtlety and such nimbleness That Whipperginny on the fall of a card Changed to Bézique or Cribbage or Piquet.




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