

单词 willow-tree
释义 willow-tree
= willow n. 1; cf. also 1 d, 6 d.
c1425Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 646/33 Hec silex, wyllotre.1495Trevisa's Barth. De P.R. xvii. cxliii. (W. de W.) T iiij/2 A wylowe tree..hath noo fruyte but oonly sede or floure.1535Coverdale Ps. cxxxvi[i]. 2 As for oure harpes, we hanged them vp vpon the trees [fo. dlxxxij Vpon the trees, rede, Vpon the wyllye trees].1548Turner Names Herbes (E.D.S.) 70 Particalis salix is the greate Wylowe tree whyche hath longe roddes..growynge in it.1563Googe Eglogs vi. (Arb.) 51 This mournynge looke, this Vesture sad, this wrethe of Wyllow tree.1599Shakes. Much Ado ii. i. 225. 16.. R. Barnsley in Wit Restor'd (1658) 35 That I may goe free From the sad branches of the willowe tree.1610R. Jones Muses Gard. xii. (1901) 18 For once thou wert where thou wouldst be Though now thou wear'st the willow-tree.1641Best Farm. Bks. (Surtees) 41 A wilfe tree that groweth in the hedge of the Bramble hill bottomes.1860Piesse Lab. Chem. Wonders 3 Willow-trees are allowed to grow here and there.




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