

单词 witie
释义 I. ˈwitie, n. Obs.
Forms: 1 wit(e)ᵹa, -iᵹa, (2 witȝe, -eȝa), 2–3 witiȝe, -eȝe, witie, (3 witeie, witti(e, -y).
[OE. wít(e)ᵹa, -iᵹa = OHG. wîȥ(ȥ)ago, altered (by association with wîs wise a. and sagen say v.1) to wîssago (MHG. wîssage, -ag), ON. vitke: f. wīt-: see wit v.1]
A prophet. Also adj., prophetic.
c897ælfred Gregory's Past. C. xxxii. 213 Ne eow..ne ondrædað for nanes monnes wordum, ne for nanes witᵹan gæste.c950Lindisf. Gosp. Mark i. 2 Suæ awritten is in esaia ðone witᵹo.c1175Lamb. Hom. 43 Of þas pinan spekeð dauid þe halie witeȝe.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 83 Salemon and alle wise witeȝe.Ibid. 127 Þis childes witiȝe gost.c1205Lay. 15877 To þan kinge was ibroht Joram þe witie [c 1275 witty].a1225Juliana 39 Þen muchele witti witeȝe ysaie.
II. ˈwitie, v.1 Obs.
In 1 wit(e)ᵹian, 2–3 witeȝen.
[OE. wít(e)ᵹian = OFris. wítgia (MLG. wittigen), OHG. wîȥagôn (MHG. wîssagen, G. weissagen); f. wíteᵹa witie n.]
To prophesy.
c950Lindisf. Gosp. Matt. xxvi. 68 Witᵹa us, crist, hua is se ðe ðec of-sloᵹ.c1000ælfric Num. xi. 27 Ða hi witeᵹodon on wicstowe.c1175Lamb. Hom. 7 Þis he witeȝede bi drihtene þurh þene halie gast.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 127 Hie witeȝede..of ure louerd ihesu cristes to cume.
III. ˈwitie, v.2 Obs.
Forms: 3 witeȝen, -iȝe, -ien, -ye, wete (?), 3–4 witi(e, wytie, 4 -ye, wetye; pa. tense 4 wited.
[OE. *witian, as in bewitian biwitie.]
trans. To keep, guard, protect: = wite v.2
c1205Lay. 2753 Heo biȝeten men þe heom cuðen witen [c 1275 witie].Ibid. 23738 Þat he..mid his riht honde witeȝe me wið sconde.Ibid. 32155 Þe pape hatte Sergius, he weteð Peteres hus.a1290St. Eustace 92 in Horstm. Altengl. Leg. (1881) 213 Wendeþ..godes way, Wytieþ oure soule niȝt and day.c1290St. Brendan 299 in S. Eng. Leg. 227 Þat euerech frere of þat him leuez witiez to is soper.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 9875 Saladin..let witie þe sepulcre þat no cristine ne com þer.1340Ayenb. 122 Þe baylifs þet gouerneþ and wytyeþ þe kingriche.c1350Will. Palerne 176 Þis litel barn..couþe..kepe alle here bestes,..& wited hem so wisly.a1400Engl. Gilds (1870) 357 And þat seluer..be y-take to sexe godemen..for þe Commune assent, and treweleche wetye, and trewleche spende.
Hence ˈwitier, protector, guardian; ˈwitiing vbl. n., guarding.
1340–70Alex. & Dind. 678 [Bacus] wis witiere of win þat alle won bryngus.13..Pol. Rel. & L. Poems (1903) 268 Of vr vife wittes a wel witiynge.
IV. witie
obs. form of witty.




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