

单词 Lekh
释义 Lech, Lekh, n.5 and a.|lɛx|
Also Lach, L'ach |ʎax|.
[ad. G. Lech, O.Russ. lyakh; f. O.Pol. *lęch.]
A. n. A member of an early Slavonic people once inhabiting the region around the upper Oder and Vistula, whose descendants are the Poles; also, the name of a legendary ancestor of this people.
B. adj. Of or pertaining to the Lechs or their language. Cf. Lechish n. and a., Lechitic n. and a.
1893W. R. Morfill Poland 23 In the sixth or seventh centuries some people settled on that river [sc. the Vistula] are called Lekhs, a word which has never been satisfactorily explained. The older form probably had a nasal: hence we get in the Latin chroniclers Lenchitæ, in Lithuanian, Lenkas, and in Magyar, Lengyel.1911Encycl. Brit. XXV. 236/2 In the north Polish is closely connected with Kašube, and this with Polab, making the group of L'ach dialects in which the nasals survived... The two Sorb dialects link the L'achs on to the Čechs and Slovaks, the whole making the N.W. group with its preference for c, z, s as against č, ž, š.1929Ibid. XVIII. 161/2 The nearest relative of Polish is Polabian, with which it forms the Lech group.1939G. Slocombe Hist. Poland (new ed.) 12 The Western Slavs had become divided into three distinct sections: the Serbs..; the Czech group..; and the Lech group, in which were included the Obodrites, the Wiltzi, the Pomeranians.., and other tribes who were in the course of the succeeding centuries to form the Polish nation.1950A. P. Goudy in Cambr. Hist. Poland to 1696 i. 10 Besides the name Polanie, there existed another collective name—Lachy (Lechs). This term is used in the Chronicle of Nestor to indicate the Poles and came into frequent use by the old chroniclers.




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