

单词 remainder
释义 I. remainder, n.1|rɪˈmeɪndə(r)|
Also 5–6 -maindre, (6 -maender), -mayndre, (5 -dore), 6–7 -maynder.
[a. AF. remainder (n.) = OF. remaindre inf. (:—*remanĕre), var. of remanoir:—L. remanēre: see remain v. and -er4.]
1. Law.
a. The residual or further interest remaining over from a particular estate, coming into effect when this has determined, and created by the same conveyance by which the estate itself was granted.
When the residual interest, instead of being devised to another, is reserved by the grantor, it is called a reversion. contingent remainder: see contingent A. 9.
1424E.E. Wills (1882) 60 The remaindre of þe maner of Steneby..[I bequeath] to Thomas my son and heir.1535Bury Wills (Camden) 125 Item I gyve and bequethe vnto my cosyn John Drury..my best gylte goblet, wt the couer as yt ys, the remaynder ther of to be to my godsone, Robert Drury.1544tr. Littleton's Tenures (1574) 95 b, If a lease bee made to a man for terme of life, the remaynder unto another for terme of life, the remaynder unto the thirde in taile, the remainder unto the fourth in fee [etc.].1601Shakes. All's Well iv. iii. 313 Sir, for a Cardecue, he will sell the fee-simple of his saluation, the inheritance of it, and cut th'intaile from all remainders, and a perpetuall succession for it perpetually.1685Petty Last Will p. vii, I have in Ireland, without the county of Kerry, in lands, remainders, and reversions, about 3100l. per ann.1766Blackstone Comm. II. 164 An estate then in remainder may be defined to be, an estate limited to take effect and be enjoyed after another estate is determined.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) II. 304 Thomas Cary devised to Peter Cary and the heirs male of his body, remainder in the same manner to his other sons.1876Digby Real Prop. v. 227 A remainder is created by express words at the same time as the particular estate, and is so limited as to come into enjoyment or possession so soon as the particular estate comes to an end.
b. So remainder over. Sometimes = a further remainder.
1544tr. Littleton's Tenures (1574) 13 Yf a man let landes..for terme of yeres, the remainder ouer to an other for terme of lyfe.1628Coke On Litt. 142 b, If a man..will giue lands in taile, the remainder ouer in fee simple without deed [etc.].1766Blackstone Comm. II. 164 This makes A tenant for years, with remainder to B for life, remainder over to C in fee.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) V. 331 Lands were given to an alien in tail, remainder over to another in fee.1891Law Times XCI. 3/2 Although the deed purported to bar the remainders over, its legal effect was to pass merely a base fee.
c. cross remainders, estates in remainder arising where lands are devised to two or more persons in tail, with remainder to either upon failure of the other's issue.
1766Blackstone Comm. II. 381 Here A and B have cross remainders by implication, and on the failure of either's issue, the other or his issue shall take the whole.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) VI. 435 Cross remainders will not be raised between two persons without words creating a necessary implication.1858Ld. St. Leonards Handy-Bk. Prop. Law xvii. 110 The common settlement..is..then to the daughters, as tenants in common in tail, with cross-remainders in tail.
d. remainder man, the person to whom a remainder is devised.
1743Swinburne's Wills (ed. 6) 180 Provided that if any of the Remainder Men alien the Land, his Estate shall cease.1766Blackstone Comm. II. 166 The remainder-man is seised of his remainder at the same time that the termor is possessed of his term.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) VI. 41 It divests the remainder or reversion,..leaving only in the remainder-man or reversioner a mere right of entry.1881Times 14 Apr. 10/1 With extended facilities and provisions for the security of the remainderman, many encumbered Irish properties would now be willingly disposed of.
e. transf. The right to succeed to a title or position on the decease of the holder; esp. the right of succession to a peerage expressly assigned to a certain person or line of descent in default of male issue in the direct line.
1809Mottos Peers Scotl. Errata, James, Earl of Hopetoun, was created an English peer..with remainder to the issue male of the body of his father.1827Hallam Const. Hist. iii. (1876) I. 123 Henry had exercised the power with which his parliament..had invested him, by settling the succession in remainder upon the house of Suffolk.1893Burke's Peerage 1481 He was advanced to a viscounty 1885, with remainder, in default of his male issue, to his daughter with remainder to her male issue.
attrib.1893N. & Q. 8th Ser. IV. 461/2 In the event of any future Earl of Cromartie becoming Duke of Sutherland, the Cromartie honours should at once pass to the next remainder heir.
2. a. Those still left out of a number of persons; the remaining ones; the rest ( also in pl.).
a1547Surrey æneid iv. (1557) E iv b, Troy and the remainder of our folke Restore I shold.1588Shakes. Tit. A. v. iii. 131 Where you behold vs now, The poore remainder of Andronici.1656Heylin Surv. France 11 Of the Inhabitants..9000 and upwards are of the Reformation,..the remainders are Papists.1663H. Cogan tr. Pinto's Trav. i. 2 The remainder of us they left at night in the Road.1737[S. Berington] G. de Lucca's Mem. (1738) 30 We drove the Remainder headlong off the Deck.
b. That which is left when part has been taken away, used, dealt with, etc.; the residue.
1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 139 The remainder to be restored when the warre is finished.1601Shakes. All's Well iv. iii. 272 Not that I am afraide to dye, but that my offences beeing many, I would repent out the remainder of Nature.1665Boyle Occas. Refl., Occas. Medit. iv. iv, He gave away more out of the Remainder of his Estate, than every liberal Man would have done out of the Whole.1726Swift Gulliver iii. i, I took out my small Provisions, and, after having refreshed myself, I secured the Remainder in a Cave.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. xxxi. III. 233 He should be permitted to pass the remainder of his life in..exile.1836J. Gilbert Chr. Atonem. iii. (1852) 68 Was it not..expected from them, that they should fill up the remainder of the sufferings appointed by their master..?1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) IV. 25, I will reserve the analysis of the remainder for another occasion.
a. A single person, or a few persons, remaining out of a number. Obs.
1579Fenton Guicciard. (1618) 233 In the end..they had recourse to the remainders of the family of the Manfredi their ancient Lords.1592Kyd Sol. & Pers. ii. i. 303 Ah, Ferdinand, the stay of my old age, And cheefe remainder of our progenie.1615G. Sandys Trav. 119 That three dayes battell..maintained by a poore remainder of the Mamalucks.1686tr. Chardin's Trav. Persia 54 Ibrahim that was the only Remainder of the Ottoman Family.1697Potter Antiq. Greece ii. vi. (1715) 261 After they had utterly routed all the remainders of Xerxes's numerous Army.
b. A remaining ( or still existing) part or fragment; chiefly pl. = remains, esp. of ancient buildings. (Common in 17th c.)
1604E. G[rimstone] D'Acosta's Hist. Indies vi. xiv. 459 The Edifices and Buildings..were many in number..as doth appeare at this day by their ruines and remainders.1653H. More Antid. Ath. ii. ii. §2 Seeming Ashes may be no Ashes, that is, no Remainders of any Fewel burnt there.1702W. J. tr. Bruyn's Voy. Levant iii. 9 With an Intention, as I said before, of visiting all the remainders of Antiquity in that Place.1872‘Mark Twain’ Roughing It l. 357 There'll be a double-barreled inquest here..and your remainders will go home in a couple of baskets.1878T. Hardy Ret. Native iv. vii, The remainders, being cut into lengths and split open, were tossed into the pan.1885Huck. Finn viii. 62, I was having a good enough time seeing them hunt for my remainders.
c. A remaining trace of some practice, quality, feeling, etc. (Cf. remain n.1 3 c.) Now rare.
1641Milton Animadv. Wks. 1851 III. 211 If you have any remainders of modesty or truth cry God mercy.1668Owen in Hearne Collect. 26 Nov. an. 1705 (O.H.S.) I. 99 The Remainders of Indwelling-Sin in Believers.1755S. Walker Serm. 5 Deliver me from the Remainders of Corruption that dwell in me.1818Jas. Mill Brit. India I. iii. iv. 580 With..a remainder of disgust in the breasts of some of the Omrahs.
4. a. Arith. The number which remains after subtraction of a lesser from a greater; the difference between two numbers; the excess after a process of division. (Cf. remain n.1 2 b, remainer 2.)
1571Digges Pantom. ii. xxiii. P ij b, The roote quadrate of the remaynder is the perpendiculare falling from the greatest angle to the greatest side.1594Blundevil Exerc. i. v. (1636) 14 The third number is called the Quotient,..and the fourth number is called the Remainder, if any be.1656Hobbes Six Lessons Wks. 1845 VII. 231 The remainder after subtraction is the measure of proportion arithmetical.1696Bp. Patrick Comm. Exod. xxxviii. (1697) 708 Three thousand, dividing 301775 will produce an Hundred and leave 1775 in Remainder.1798J. Hutton Course Math. I. 12 To prove Subtraction, add the remainder to the less number.1875Encycl. Brit. II. 528 When the number of times is not exact, the excess of the dividend over the divisor..is called the remainder.
b. = remain n.1 2 c. Obs. rare—1.
1593Shakes. Rich. II, i. i. 130 My Soueraigne Leege was in my debt, Vpon remainder of a deere Accompt.
5. In the book-trade: A number of copies remaining unsold out of an edition (esp. after the demand for it has fallen off or ceased), and frequently disposed of at a reduced price. Also transf., an unused portion of goods, unused material; = remnant n. 4 b.
1757Monthly Rev. Sept., C. Henderson, Bookseller, under the Royal Exchange, having purchased the remainder of the impression of the following very entertaining book..proposes to sell them for 4s. only.1854Gowans' (115 Nassau St., N.Y.) Catal. No. 13. 6 Remainders of editions by other publishers.1865N. & Q. VII. 510/2 (Advt.), ‘Remainders’ of valuable books, all in new condition, at greatly reduced prices.1873Curwen Hist. Booksellers 391 Tegg..visited all the trade sales, and bought up the ‘remainders’, i.e. surplus copies of works in which the original publishers had no faith.1888Athenæum 22 Dec. 850/2 His main dealings before this having been in ‘remainders’, and his one solitary publication a failure.1914J. Leatham Daavit 69 My dear good old mother bocht a remander fae Johnnie Hitcheon, and took it an' me ti Saunders ti be mizhur't.1926C. N. Bennett Photogravure 121 Paper makers, like drapers, have their remnants, though the name for them in the paper making industry is ‘remainders’.1930J. H. Appel Business Biogr. John Wanamaker viii. 104 ‘Bargain Room’ opened—‘a place where remainders of lots are sold at smaller prices’.
6. attrib. passing into adj. Remaining, left over; reserve; (sense 5) remainder binding, remainder list, remainder-shop.
1567Ld. Herries in Robertson Hist. Scot. (1759) II. App. 51 He hoped the remainder noblemen of their party..would come to the same conformity.1579G. Harvey Letter-bk. (Camden) 83 Lett us not be so iniurious to remaender antiquitye as to deprive y⊇ fardist of[f] of his due commendation.1600Shakes. A.Y.L. ii. vii. 39 His braine..is as drie as the remainder bisket After a voyage.1824Lamb Elia Ser. ii. Capt. Jackson, He would sometimes finish the remainder crust, to show that he wished no savings.1827Hood Mids. Fairies xxiv, Their memories are dimm'd and torn, Like the remainder tatters of a dream.1856Kane Arct. Expl. I. xv. 181 All my tired remainder-men were summoned.1899Sketch 1 Nov. 62/1 The poor evening paper cannot afford this. It must..be content with the ‘remainder biscuit’ of the morning's telegrams.1912Chambers's Jrnl. Dec. 773/2 It is pitiful to see the rows of discarded books in circulating libraries and remainder-shops.1931Times Lit. Suppl. 10 Sept. 688/2 The unsold sheets of a published book are re-issued with a cancel title or a new preface, or in a remainder binding.1977Gay News 24 Mar. 21/3, I use anything that's cheap on the remainder list.
7. Special Comb.: remainder theorem Math., the theorem that if a polynomial f(x) is divided by (x-a) the remainder will be f(a).
1886G. Chrystal Algebra I. vii. 134 (heading) Results of the application of remainder theorem.1933R. W. Brink College Algebra xix. 295 Without performing the divisions, by means of the Remainder Theorem find the remainder after each of the following divisions.1971Willerding & Hoffman College Algebra ix. 267 By the Remainder Theorem, the remainder when x3+7x2+3x+3 is divided by x+1 is 6. As a corollary of the remainder theorem we have the Factor Theorem.
II. reˈmainder, n.2 Obs. rare.
[f. as prec.: cf. remain n.2]
Stay; time of staying or remaining.
1594Nashe Unfort. Trav. 56 During my remainder there [in Rome].1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. 123 The first [reason] is that of Aristotle, drawne from..the small time of its remainder in the wombe.
III. reˈmainder, v.
[f. remainder n.1]
trans. To dispose of (an unsold part of an edition of a book) at a reduced price; to treat as a remainder (sense 5). Also transf. So reˈmaindered ppl. a., reˈmaindering vbl. n.
1904Heffer & Sons' Catal. 2 As the History of ‘Remaindered’ Books would almost prove, it might be said that no Book was really great until it had been ‘Remaindered’.1906Times 17 Nov. 9/3 How many books do we see every year produced by publishers who..‘remainder’ them at a few pence a copy?1907Times 25 Mar. 12/1 There is no doubt now that the boycott is not meant to stop remaindering at low prices.1910Library I. 46 The plays in question were printed in the years with which they are dated and unsold copies..remaindered in 1619.Ibid. 49 A nineteen-year-old edition was then being remaindered.1932John o' London's Weekly 25 June 428 He told me he had bought them when they were remaindered by publishers, at 9d. a copy.1959Daily Tel. 29 Dec. 6/2 Swift turnover for cash, sometimes of goods specially ordered for the sales, and the ‘remaindering’ of clothes, carpets, furniture and whatnot which might not otherwise be sold so quickly—or even, where fashion is important, at all.1968C. M. Vines Little Nut-Brown Man x. 155 He liked his books to be in short supply, thus perhaps appearing better sellers than they were; or he disliked the thought of being remaindered.1981Country Life 1 Jan. 34/1 Picture-books seem to end up by being sold off cheap as remaindered volumes.




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