

单词 yark
释义 I. yark, v. Obs.
Forms: 1 ᵹearcian, 2 ȝearceon, ȝeirke, 2–5 ȝarke, 3 ȝarrkenn (Orm.), ȝearkien, ȝarki, -i(e)n, ȝærek-, ȝarekien, ȝerke, 4 yark.
[OE. ᵹearcian, f. ᵹearu yare a. with factitive suffix as in ieldcian to delay, f. eald old.]
trans. (and refl.) To make ready, prepare.
c1000ælfric Gen. xix. 3 He þa ᵹearcode him ᵹereord and hiᵹ æton.a1122O.E. Chron. an. 1091 (Laud MS.) Þa ᵹearcode he his fare & to Englelande com.c1175Lamb. Hom. 19 He haueð us iȝarket þa ecche blisse ȝif we wulleð hit iernien in heuene riche.c1200Ormin 9151 Forr þatt he wollde ȝarrkenn hemm Onnȝæness Cristess come.c1205Lay. 23275 Ȝarkieð bi þan flode Mine scipen gode.a1225[see yare a. 1].a1300Cursor M. 8856 Was neuer man born þat cuth wirc Ne yark suilk a-noþer kirc.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. vii. 80 He þat ȝiueth, ȝeldeth and ȝarketh hym to reste.c1400Destr. Troy 882 He forȝet not, but ȝepely ȝarkit hym þerfore.c1400Laud Troy Bk. 6070 His men he ȝarked Euerychon vnto that fyght.1708Kersey, To Yark, (N[orth] C[ountry]) to prepare.
b. To put in a position; to set, place. yark to, to shut; yark up, to open. Also fig., pass. and intr., to pass into a state.
13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 820 Þay ȝolden hym þe brode ȝate, ȝarked vp wyde.c1400Destr. Troy 414 Yong men yepely yarke into Elde.Ibid. 5595 Now is ȝepely a yere yarket to end.Ibid. 6081 For to ȝarpe [sic] vp the ȝate he ȝepely comaund.Ibid. 10738 Þai ȝarkit to þe yatis ȝepely onon.Ibid. 11265 Þai kepyn the cloyse of this clene burgh, With ȝep men at þe yatis ȝarkit full þik.
c. To ordain, decree, appoint; to grant, bestow.
a1300Cursor M. 8982 Hard it es, þe wird o sin Þat yarked was til adam kin!13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 758 Ȝif þou ȝernez hit, ȝet ȝark I hem grace.a1400Emare 329 Such sorow was here ȝarked ȝore.
Hence ˈyarking vbl. n., preparation.
c1000Ags. Ps. (Spelman) second ix. 20 [x. 17] Ᵹearcunge heortan [Vulg. præparationem cordis].c1200Ormin 10800 Itt [sc. John's baptism] wass ȝarrkinng ȝæn fulluhht Þatt Crist sellf shollde settenn.
II. yark
var. yerk, york n.2




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