

单词 likewise
释义 likewise|ˈlaɪkwaɪz|
[abbreviated from in like wise: see like a. and wise n.]
1. (The full phrase.) in like wise: in the same manner. Obs.
1449Rolls of Parlt. V. 148/1 As we have..besought the Kyngs Highnesse..in lyke wyse tenderly we desire all youre wysdomes.c1489Caxton Sonnes of Aymon ix. 225 Alarde began to synge..a new song..& Richarde dide in lykewyse.1509Bury Wills (Camden) 109 To y⊇ chyrch of All Seyntys in y⊇ same town in lykwyse xs.1582Stanyhurst æneis i. (Arb.) 22 In lykewise Neptun thee God..apeered.1673Ray Journ. Low C. 183 If any be not present, he is searched out and brought in like wise.
2. In the like or same manner, similarly; = 1. Obs. exc. arch. in to do likewise (after Luke x. 37).
a1460Gregory's Chron. in Hist. Coll. Citizen Lond. (Camden) 133 Also lyke wyse al maner of personys of Hooly Chyrche obedyente unto us..shalle swere for too kepe thys present acorde.1489Caxton Faytes of A. ii. xxxv. 150 Item they..may yssue out.. that owre whan the enemyes be not aware of..and likwyse to sawte them as they be sawted.1534Tindale Luke x. 37 Goo and do thou lyke wyse.1535Joye Apol. Tindale (Arb.) 9 And lyke wyse he plaith with the verb in Luke and in Marke.1611Bible Judg. vii. 17 Hee said vnto them, Looke on mee, and doe likewise.c1625Milton Death Fair Infant ii, He thought it toucht his Deitie full neer, If likewise he some fair one wedded not.1828J. H. Moore Pract. Navig. (ed. 20) p. xiv, Multiplication of Decimals is performed likewise as that of whole numbers.
3. Also, as well, moreover, too.
1509Fisher Funeral Serm. C'tess Richmond Wks. (1876) 290 Wherfore let vs consyder lyke wise whether [etc.].1604E. G[rimstone] D'Acosta's Hist. Indies iv. xxxviii. 314 There is likewise a small beast very common which they call Cuyes.1747Wesley Prim. Physic (1762) 84 It is good likewise..in all Hypocondriacal cases.1816J. Wilson City of Plague ii. iii. 188, I had forgot to mention that his wife Was likewise lying dead.1850Tennyson In Mem. lxxxv. 53 Likewise the imaginative woe..Diffused the shock thro' all my life.1880Geikie Phys. Geog. Introd. 7 As there is a geographical distribution of climates, so likewise is there one of plants and animals.
Hence ˈlikewisely adv., similarly. ˈlikewiseness, a similar method or manner.
1598Sylvester Du Bartas ii. ii. iv. Columnes 327 Th'other, which cuts this equi-distantly..is (like-wisely) The second Colure.1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. To Rdr., We..may either find better words..or at least coin fitter..in a likewiseness to the old, than [etc.].




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