

单词 looker
释义 I. looker, n.|ˈlʊkə(r)|
Also 4, 6 loker, 5 locar, 5–6 lokar, 6 Sc. luker, 7 lowker.
[f. look v. + -er1.]
1. a. One who looks, in senses of the vb. Const. with preps., as at, on, to, upon.
1556J. Heywood Spider & Flie xcii. 181 You are the myrrors; that all lookers looke in.1579Twyne Phisicke agst. Fort. i. lxxxv. 108 b, A diligent looker to the profite of the Common wealth.c1580Sidney Ps. xxii. v, The lookers now at me, poore wretch, be mocking.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. I. 17 Quhilke brig haveng 8 bowis, is ane gret delectatione to the lukeris vpon it.1671Villiers (Dk. Buckhm.) Rehearsal i. i. (Arb.) 27, I have ever observed that your grave lookers are the dullest of men.1675Otway Alcibiades iii. i. Wks. 1728 I. 39 An anxious Looker on this Tragic Scene.
b. With advbs., as looker about, in, out, etc. spec. looker-out, in the book-trade, one who looks out wanted volumes from stock; looker-upper colloq., one who looks something up.
1382Wyclif Ecclus. vii. 12 God forsothe the loker about is.c1400Apol. Loll. 2 If we wil, we mai calle bischoppis, locars up on.1767Pol. Reg. I. 363 The lookers-out have not been able to prevail on any man of consequence to accept [an office].1826New Monthly Mag. XVII. 241, I have always casual lookers-in, and it is my cue..to keep..an open house.1836Scottish Christian Herald I. 286/2 Like the keepers of a puppet-show, to extort money from every looker-in.1850Grote Greece ii. lxiii. VIII. 140 The Peloponnesian fleet completely eluded the lookers-out of Thrasyllus.1901Daily Chron. 4 Dec. 9/2 (Advt.), Lookers-up (2 experienced); also several boys in beer factory.1926W. J. Locke Old Bridge ii. viii. 134 The result..if sought, is there for the looker-round to behold.1939H. Hodge Cab, Sir? ii. 20 At the blind corners, where the separate sections are too far apart to keep in touch, there's a ‘looker-out’. He waves up the cabs from one section to another.1951‘J. Tey’ Daughter of Time vii. 91 ‘Marta..said you wanted something looked up.’ ‘And are you a looker-upper?’1961Evening Standard 14 July 19/4 Publisher has vacancy for warehouse-man to train as looker-out.
c. looker on, looker-on, one who looks on; a beholder, spectator, eye-witness. Often, one who merely looks on, without taking part. Cf. onlooker.
1539Taverner Erasm. Prov. (1552) 22 Tearynge a sunder theyr visours..not without great laughynge of the lokers on.1586Spenser Sonn. to G. Harvey, Sitting like a Looker-on Of this worldes Stage.a1627Middleton & Rowley Sp. Gipsy v. iii. 84, I all this while Stand but a looker-on.1711Budgell Spect. No. 161 ⁋2 To gain the Approbation of the Lookers-on.1800Windham Speeches Parl. 18 Apr. (1812) I. 339 Accidents to the lookers-on do sometimes happen at bull-baiting.1850Smedley F. Fairlegh (1894) 9 Every fool knows that lookers-on see most of the game.1898L. Stephen Stud. Biog. II. iv. 128 As an undergraduate he was a looker-on at..the Oxford Movement.
d. looker-in: a viewer of television. Also (now rare) looker.
The more usual word is viewer.
1927Pictorial Weekly 5 Mar. 101 A speech which the ‘looker-in’ can actually see being delivered.1928Daily Tel. 30 Oct. 12/5 This afternoon ‘lookers-in’ will be given a chance of seeing the first still pictures to be publicly broadcast in this country.1933Radio Times 14 Apr. 72/2 The First Television Revue..should draw the majority of Britain's ‘lookers’ to their receivers.1953Sunday Times 25 Jan. 9/4 Producers should never allow themselves to be influenced by the knowledge that their audience contains many doggedly literal lookers.1959Listener 16 July 100/3 If the looker-in [of a televised church service] can only be a looker-on it would be better he did not watch.
2. a. One who looks after or has charge of anything (e.g. children, cattle, land, a farm, woods, etc.); a guardian, keeper, shepherd, farm-bailiff, steward. Now only local.
1340Ayenb. 220 Þe children of riche men ssolle habbe guode lokeres and oneste.a1400–50Alexander 2591 Þan mas he laddis ouire to lend & lokars of bestis.1609MS. Acc. St. John's Hosp., Canterb., Payd to the lowker of Moserd Wood xijd.1793Trans. Soc. Arts IV. 49 Where my looker and family, with two or three labourers constantly resides.1797A. M. Bennett Beggar Girl II. 103 Old Frazer..had..filled the office of looker at Castle Gowrand—a phrase that implicates the combined duties of steward and bailiff.1806–7A. Young Agric. Essex (1813) I. 62 note, Leaving their farms to the management of bailiffs, whom they call lookers.
b. With prefixed n.: An official inspector of (what the n. denotes). (Cf. leave-looker.) local.
18351st Rep. Munic. Corporat. Comm. App. iii. 1627 [Morpeth] There is no election of fish and flesh lookers.Ibid. 1600 [Lancaster] Other officers of the Corporation are, Auditors,..Hedge-lookers.Ibid. 1484 [Clitheroe] Other officers are, Market Lookers,..Lookers of Hedges and Ditches.1899Daily News 23 Aug. 3/5 T. Thornton, cloth looker, Briercliffe.
3. A person, usu. a woman, of particularly pleasing appearance. colloq. (orig. U.S.).
1893S. Crane Maggie v. 41 The young men of the vicinity said, ‘Dat Johnson goil is a puty good looker.’1898E. N. Westcott David Harum 322, I was alwus a better goer than I was a looker.1909E. Rickert Beggar in Heart 207 She isn't much of a looker—my missus has other points than looks.1923L. J. Vance Baroque vii. 65 Just because daughter's a swell looker don't make father out an innocent.1933Auden Witnesses in Listener (Poetry Suppl.) 12 July p. ii, The days went by, he grew mature; He was a looker you may be sure.1947J. Steinbeck Wayward Bus vii. 80 She was a looker too—fine well-filled legs with rounded thighs.1971R. Parkes Line of Fire iv. 42 Bit of a looker... Otherwise..a ranking detective on a priority case, would hardly have bothered driving her home.1973Washington Post 5 Jan. 8/2 Sandra Archer, who plays the heroine from the Peace Corps..is such a looker that she can't help but make the Quest for Revolutionary Consciousness appear hopelessly glamorized.
II. looker, v. dial.|ˈlʊkə(r)|
[f. the n.]
trans. and intr. To tend and guard (farm animals).
1887Parish & Shaw Dict. Kentish Dial. 95 Looker, to perform the work of a looker. ‘John? Oh! he's lookering.’1961John o' London's 5 Oct. 400/3 In East Sussex a shepherd is still called a ‘looker’ and his occupation ‘lookering’.1962R. Jeffries Exhibit No. 13 x. 97 Jones was ‘lookering’ his bullocks. The ministry man was due..and..the bullocks had to be treated with all possible care and attention.




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