

单词 loser
释义 loser|ˈluːzə(r)|
[f. lose v.1 + -er1.]
1. A destroyer. Obs.
a1340Hampole Psalter Cant. 512, I sall be glad in god..my saueoure, noght in þe warld my losere.1388in Wyclif's Sel. Wks. III. 459 Þis court is..loser of al þe worlde.c1611Chapman Iliad xviii. 109 And when the loser of my friend his death in me shall find; Let death take all.
2. a. One who loses or suffers loss.
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 60 b, One daie thone parte lost, and the other gained, and likewise the losers regained.1555Eden Decades 303, I may vppon iust occasion thynke my selfe a looser manye wayes.1602Shakes. Ham. iv. v. 143 You will draw both Friend and Foe, Winner and Looser.1608Burgh Rec. Glasgow (1876) I. 283 That thay be nocht loseris of thair provisioun.a1703Burkitt On N.T. Mark x. 31 We may be losers for Christ, we shall never be losers by him.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. vii. II. 267 He always declared that he had been a loser by his mission.
Proverb. [1533More Debell. Salem Wks. 1018/2 Hit is an olde curtesye at the cardes perdy, to let the leser haue hys wordes.]1562J. Heywood Prov. & Epigr. (1867) 146 Let the loosers haue their wordes.1599Sandys Europæ Spec. (1632) 123 The wisest men have beene..pleased, that losers should have their words.1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 47 Giue loosers leaue to prate.a1716South Serm. (J.), Losers and malecontents, whose portion and inheritance is a freedom to speak.
b. A squanderer or waster (of time).
1650Jer. Taylor Holy Living i. §1. 8 If one of the Speakers be..trifling, he that hears, and he that answers..are equal losers of their time.1691Wood Ath. Oxon. I. 354 The author was no loser of his time.
c. A horse that loses in a race.
1902J. Burns in Speaker 11 Jan. 419/1 The workman works hard five days, but on the sixth is generally found at the ‘Corner Pin’ spotting winners and catching losers.
d. a bad, poor (or good) loser: a person who loses with bad (or good) grace.
1892A. W. Pinero Magistrate i. 28 I hate a bad loser, don't you, Guv?1917Dialect Notes IV. 326 Loser n., differentiated as good loser and bad loser. Not local. ‘Those college boys are good losers and do not complain at defeat, but the academy boys..are sure bad losers.’1931D. L. Sayers Five Red Herrings xiii. 146 He was a bad loser. A slice off the tee..would put him off his game for the afternoon.1947‘G. Orwell’ Eng. People 14 The admiration for a ‘good loser’.1951[see clobber v.3].1973A. Mann Tiara xvii. 164 The British were always talking about ‘being a good loser’.1973Radio Times 20–27 Dec. 10/1, I like to win at things. But..I'm a good loser.
e. An unsuccessful or incompetent person, a failure.
1955Amer. Speech XXX. 304 Loser,..someone..hopeless.1959Ibid. XXXIV. 154 Those limited in ability or old-fashioned in dress or manners, [are] losers.Ibid., The opposite of a B[ig] M[an] O[n] C[ampus] is a loser.1972Melody Maker 25 Nov. 53 (heading) Jiving K. Boots. The adventures of a loser musician.1974J. Stubbs Painted Face xiii. 180 Poor fellow... A born loser, every time.
3. Billiards. A losing hazard.
1873Bennett & ‘Cavendish’ Billiards 281 There may be a loser left off the white.1902J. Roberts jun. Mod. Billiards 88 The angle is not suitable for a following loser, so the play is again a loser off the cushion.
4. U.S. slang. A convicted criminal, a person who has served a sentence in prison. So two-time (or three-time, etc.) loser, a person who has been in prison twice (or three, etc., times).
1912D. Lowrie My Life in Prison xi. 127 T'day some four 'r five time loser'll drive up with a year.Ibid. xxvii. 337 He was a ‘ten-time loser’ the last time I saw him; i.e., he had served nine previous terms at either San Quentin or Folsom.1914Jackson & Hellyer Vocab. Criminal Slang 56 Loser noun, current amongst prison habitues. An ex-convict... Examples: ‘Three-time losers cop life in some states.’1926Clues Nov. 161/2 Loser, one who has served a prison sentence.1931Amer. Speech VII. 117 Two-time loser, a prisoner who has been convicted twice. ‘He's a two-time loser; got the book the second time.’1939E. S. Gardner D.A. draws Circle (1940) xii. 213 He's a two-time loser.1950H. E. Goldin Dict. Amer. Underworld Lingo 129/1 Loser, anyone convicted of a felony. (A second felony conviction makes one a ‘two-time loser’; a third conviction, a ‘three-time loser’, etc.) ‘I'm a four-time loser on the next pinch (arrest).’1973Houston (Texas) Chron. Texas Mag. 14 Oct. 4/1 Bob, a three-time loser with a long line of busts and drug abuse..was sick of his life.
5. Bridge.
a. A losing card.
1917E. Bergholt Royal Auction Bridge (ed. 2) 56 The opponent will be able to make two tricks in that suit before Y has had a chance of discarding his two losers.1921F. Irwin Compl. Auction Player ii. 48 You hold five losers. That is a two-bid, no more.1964Contract Bridge (‘Know the Game’ Series) (ed. 2) 29/1 You should not play any trumps but utilize them to ruff losers.1964Official Encycl. Bridge 334/1 At no trump, all cards below the ace and not in sequence with it are possible losers.
b. loser-on-loser (see quot. 1964).
[1929Auction Bridge Mag. Jan. 328/1 (title) Discarding a loser on a loser{ddd}discarding a losing card on a loser..may be the only play to secure the contract or game.]1947T. Reese Reese on Play xi. 162 Loser-on-loser play makes the hand against any defence... Some very complicated positions can arise after a loser-on-loser elimination.1964Official Encycl. Bridge 334/1 Loser on loser, the act of playing a card that must be lost on a losing trick in some other suit.




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