

单词 mandragora
释义 mandragora|mænˈdrægərə|
Forms: α. 1– mandragora, 3 mandragores, 6–7 mandragoras. β. (in anglicized form) 4 pl. mandragoris, 6 mandragor, -er, 8–9 -ore.
[late L. mandragora (mandragoras Pliny), a. Gr. µανδραγόρας.]
1. a. The plant mandrake. Now only Hist. b. Bot. The genus to which this plant belongs. c. Since Shakespeare, taken as the type of a narcotic.
In Shakes. Ant. & Cl. i. v. 4 the First Folio has the misprint mandragoru, whence perh. mandragorn in Scott's Kenilworth (1821) I. xii. 311. Cf. however mandragon.
c1000Sax. Leechd. I. 244 Ðeos wyrt þe man mandragoram nemneþ.c1220Bestiary 613 A gres, ðe name is mandragores.1388Wyclif Song Sol. vii. 13 Mandrogoris han ȝoue her odour in oure ȝatis.1398Trevisa Barth. De P. R. xvii. civ. (Tollem. MS.), They þat diggen mandragora be besy to be war of contrarye wynde.1535Coverdale Gen. xxx. 14 Ruben wente out..and founde Mandragoras in the felde.1542Boorde Dyetary xx. (1870) 281 Mandragor doth helpe a woman to concepcion.1578Lyte Dodoens iii. lxxxiv. 438 The greene and fresh leaues of Mandragoras.1604Shakes. Oth. iii. iii. 330 Not Poppy, nor Mandragora, Nor all the drowsie Syrrups of the world Shall euer [etc.].1605Chapman, etc. Eastward Hoe v. i, I haue..drunke Lethe and Mandragora to forget you.1623Webster Duchess of Malfi iv. ii, Come violent death, Serue for Mandragora to make me sleepe.1738Common Sense II. 4 The Drug call'd Mandragore.1830Galt Laurie T. v. xi. (1849) 242 Earnest employment is the best mandragora for an aching heart.1855Thackeray Newcomes II. 19 He dosed himself with poppy, and mandragora, and blue pill.1876Farrar Marlb. Serm. vi. 56 The river of oblivion of sin repented of, the true mandragora for every guilty and sleepless soul.
attrib.1398Trevisa Barth. De P. R. xvii. cxii. (1495) 675 Oyle of Mandragora apples.1826W. Ainslie Materia Indica I. 208 The anodyne and soporific qualities of the mandragore root.1832Carlyle Corn-law Rhymes Misc. 1857 III. 161 Her Ariel Melodies, and mystic mandragora Moans.
d. = mandrake wine.
1844Mrs. Browning Dead Pan ii, Have the Pygmies made you drunken, Bathing in mandragora Your divine pale lips.. ?
2. Chinese mandragoras: ginseng.
1727–41Chambers Cycl. s.v.
Hence manˈdragorite, one who is habitually under the narcotic influence of mandragora.
1895Funk's Standard Dict.1902Webster Suppl.




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