

单词 mange
释义 I. mange, n.1|meɪndʒ|
Forms: α. 5 maniew(e, manyew, 6–7 mangie, 7 maungie, mangy. β. 6 maunge, 7 mainge, 6– mange.
[Late ME. manjewe, a. OF. manjue, mangeue itch (also in the sense ‘eating’), vbl. n. f. manjuer = mangier (mod.F. manger) to eat. Cf. F. démanger to itch.]
1. A cutaneous disease analogous to the itch in man, occurring in many hairy and woolly animals, and caused by an arachnidan parasite. Also sometimes loosely, a dirty, scabby or scurfy condition of the skin. flying mange, quick mange, red mange, scabby mange, varieties of this disease.
αc1400Master of Game (MS. Digby 182) xii, Þe houndes also hath an oþer sicknesse, þat is cleped þe Maniewe [Bodl. MS. manyew].Ibid., Þat oþer manere of maniewe is cleped þe fleynge maniewe.Ibid., Þat one is cleped quyc maniewes, þe whiche pileth þe houndes.1575Turberv. Faulconrie 363, I place the Mangie firste, as the capitall enemie to the quiete and beautie of a brave spanell.1598Yong Diana 306 The Iuniper oile may neuer helpe my flockes, With lothsome mangie being ouerrun.1604E. G[rimstone] D'Acosta's Hist. Indies vi. xv. 465 If the mangie or the scurvie..take any beast, they were presently commaunded to bury it quicke.1624Heywood Captives ii. ii. in Bullen O. Pl. IV, Tis good phisick To cure thee of the mangy.1647R. Stapylton Juvenal 141 The dogs whose mangy eats away his haire.
β1540Act 32 Hen. VIII, c. 13 §9 Anye horse, geldynge or mare infecte with scappe or mange.1601Holland Pliny II. 450 The scurvie thicke roufe in the farcins or mange of horses.1623J. Taylor (Water P.) Praise Hempseed Wks. (1630) iii. 66/1 Gangrenaes, Vlcers, wounds, and mortall stabs, Illiaca passioes, Megrims, Mumps, or Mange.1663Butler Hud. i. i. 612 And tell what Crisis does Divine The Rot in Sheep, the Mange in Swine.1667T. Coxe in Phil. Trans. II. 451, I procured an old Mungrell Curr, all over-run with the Mainge.1683Tryon Way to Health 88 At last they [sheep] will break out with a Mainge or Scab.1750Rutty in Phil. Trans. LI. 473 It cures the mange in horses, and the itch in men, by bathing.1822Scott Fam. Lett. 4 Sept. (1894) II. xviii. 149 As it was, I came off with a fit of the mange, and it was a good escape.1843Youatt Horse (1848) 379 Mange in cattle has been propagated to the horse.1858Dog 367 The Scabby Mange is a frequent form which this disease assumes. It assumes a pustular and scabby form in the red mange.1868Regul. & Ord. Army ⁋567 The veterinary Surgeon will inspect all the horses of the detachments for the detection of Mange.
2. fig. A restless desire. (Cf. itch 2.) Obs.
1648Herrick Hesper., A Country Life 22 Those that have the itch Of craving more are never rich. These things thou know'st to' th'height, and dost prevent That plague [MS. Ashm. 38. p. 90 Mange], because thou art content.a1680Rochester Sess. Poets 56 Don Carlos his Pockets so amply had fill'd, That his Mange was quite cur'd.1789Wolcot (P. Pindar) Expost. Odes x. 22 The Love of Flattery is the Soul's rank Mange.1790Ep. to Sylv. Urban, If yet thy head possess the Mange of Writing.
3. mange mite, a parasitic mite of the family Sarcoptidæ, causing mange in various mammals.
1873A. S. Packard Our Common Insects xi. 125 (caption) Mange mite.1911Encycl. Brit. XXVIII. 13/1 The dermatozoa..are lice, fleas, ticks, acari or mange mites.1950N.Z. Jrnl. Agric. Jan. 68/1 Two types of mange mites affect pigs.1962Metcalf & Flint Destructive & Useful Insects (ed. 4) xx. 973 When hogs are scratching and rubbing vigorously and their hair is standing erect,..it is probable that the animals are infested with mange mites.
II. mange, n.2 Obs.
[? f. mange v.]
1. A meal.
a1605Montgomerie Cherrie & Slae (revision) iii, I saw the hurcheon and the hare In hidlings hirpling heir and thair, To mak thair morning mange.
2. A food for animals.
1611Markham Countr. Content. i. i. (1668) 12 The best food is to give them Mange, made either of ground Oats, Barley Meale, Branne, or Mill-dust.Ibid. 13 Meat which if it be sweet is called the Mange, if otherwise Carrion or Garbage.1615Eng. Housew. (1660) 177 Nor is there any more..excellent meat for Swine in the time of sicknesse, then a mange made of ground Oates and sweet Whey.
III. mange, a. Obs. rare.
Also 5 manyew, 6 maunge. Cf. manged a.
[f. mange n.1]
Having the mange; = mangy.
c1410Master of Game (MS. Digby 182) xii, Anoynt þe hounde þerwith as he is maniewed [Bodl. MS. manyew].1537Matthew Lev. xxi. 20 Wether he be..gogeleyed, or maunge, or skaulde.Ibid. xxii. 22 Whether it..haue a wen, or be maunge, or scabbed.1547Hooper Answ. Bp. Winchesters Bk. L 4 b, To saue hym [sc. a dog] he wax not mange.
IV. mange, v. Obs.
Also 4, 6 maunge.
[a. OF. mangier, manjuer (mod.F. manger) to eat:—L. mandūcāre: see manducate v.]
trans. To eat. Hence manging vbl. n.
1362Langl. P. Pl. A. ix. 245 Þei han I-Maunget ouur muche þat makeþ hem grone ofte.c1460Towneley Myst. xii. 232 And two swyne gronys, All a hare bot the lonys, we myster no sponys here, at oure mangyng.1582Stanyhurst æneis iii. (Arb.) 83 Feare not thee manging fortold of burd⁓seat in hunger, Thee fats thee passage shal smooth.Ibid. iv. 117 Yea the lad Ascanius wel I might haue slaughtered, after At tabel of the father too set thee chield to be maunged.




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