

单词 mangold-wurzel
释义 mangel-wurzel, mangold-wurzel|ˈmæŋg(ə)l-, ˈmæŋgəldˈwɜːz(ə)l|
Forms: α. 8 mangle wurzel, mangel wurtz, mangal wurzel, 9 mangel worsal, -wursel, mangol wurtzel, mangul wurzel, 8–9 mangel-wurzel (erron. -würzel). β. 8–9 mangold-wurzel, (9 -wurtzel).
[a. G. mangold-wurzel (corruptly mangelwurzel), f. mangold beet + wurzel root.
The corrupt form mangelwurzel (in Eng. now the prevailing form) suggested, or was suggested by, a pseudo-etymological association with G. mangel want, whence in the 18th and early 19th c. the name was often mistranslated ‘root of scarcity’ (and in Fr. racine de disette). The origin of G. mangold (MHG. mangolt) has not been determined: it may be an application of the OHG. personal name Managolt. The G. word has passed into other langs.: cf. Da. mangold, It. manigoldo.]
A variety of beet, with a root larger than that of the garden beet; cultivated as a food for cattle.
(Regarded by some botanists as a hybrid between the red and the white beet.)
α1779[see b].1787(title) tr. Abbé de Commerell's Account of the culture and use of the Mangel Wurzel.1787Gentl. Mag. Nov. 963/1 The Mangel Wurtz (Wurzel, you call it,) or Root of Scarcity.1788Wolcot (P. Pindar) Peter's Prophecy Wks. (1823) 237/1 Beets, in whose just applauses we are hoarse all; Such are the wondrous powers of mangel worsal.1844H. Stephens Bk. Farm III. 762, I sowed the common long red or marbled mangel-würzel.1881H. Tanner Sci. Agric. Pract. lviii. 288 The Mangel wurzel..obtained by the improvement of the Sea-Beet (Beta Maritima).
β1800Med. Jrnl. III. 8 Mangold Wurzel, or Root of Scarcity.1856Farmer's Mag. Jan. 77 Mangold wurtzel.
b. attrib. and Comb., as mangel-wurzel beet, mangel-wurzel leaf, mangel-wurzel plant; mangel-wurzel fly, a small dipterous insect (Anthomyia betæ) the larva of which feeds on beet leaves; mangel-wurzel potato, a coarse variety of potato used as food for cattle.
1779Mawe & Abercrombie Univ. Gardener (1797) X b, The Mangel Wurzel Beet.1851H. Stephens Bk. Farm (ed. 2) II. 92/1 The mangold-wurzel plant..is attacked by the larva of a beetle,..Silpha opaca.Ibid., The ultimate effect of these attacks on the mangold-wurzel leaves is not serious.1862Q. Jrnl. Microscop. Sci. II. 230 The Mangold-wurzel Fly.1875Encycl. Brit. I. 365/2 There are several varieties of the potato, such as ‘yams’, ‘lumpers’, ‘mangel-wurzel potato’, &c., which, although unfit for human food, are much relished by cattle.




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