

单词 manhead
释义 ˈmanhead Obs.
Forms: 3 manede, monheade, 3–4 manhede, 3–6 manhed, 4 manhiede, Sc. manheide, 4–5 monhede, 4–6 Sc. manheid, 5 monhedde, 6 manheed, 6–7 manhead.
[f. man n.1 + -head. Cf. manhood.]
1. The state of being human; the condition of belonging to humanity; human nature.
c1220Bestiary 690 He..drowing ðolede in ure manhede.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 5253 Þe gude men sal se hym in manhed þan, With þe godhed, als God and man.c1350Will. Palerne 4390 Sone schal þe puple se þi semli face, In manhede & in minde as it out to bene.1390Gower Conf. I. 144 Forthi, my Sone, tak good hiede So forto lede thi manhiede, That thou ne be noght lich a beste.c1440Hylton Scala Perf. (W. de W. 1494) ii. xxx, For in oure lorde Jhesu are two kyndes, the manhede and the godhede.1450–1530Myrr. our Ladye 228 For anon the godhed was unyed to the manhed in the vyrgyns wombe.1543Becon New Years Gift Wks. 1564 I. 177 b, He only receaued his fleshe and manhed of Mary.1588A. King tr. Canisius' Catech., Cert. Prayers 26 b, Luke, ô maist meike maker, on the manheid of thy weal beloued sone, and haue mercie vpon thy warkmanshipe.
b. Human shape or form.
c1330King of Tars 426 The blake hound,..To hire spac in monhede, In whit ermure as a kniht.
2. The quality of being manly; manhood; virility; courage, valour.
c1275Lay. 24671 Bote he were þries ifonded in fihte, and his manede icud and him seolf icnowe.c1350Will. Palerne 431 Me þinkes, bi his menskful maneres & his man-hede, þat he is kome of god kin.1375Barbour Bruce i. 402 Bot off manheid and mekill mycht, Till Ector dar I nane comper.c1420Anturs of Arth. 351 Here commes ane errant kniȝte; Do him resone and riȝte, For þi manhede.c1475Partenay 92 He wold preue his vertu and manhede With noble knightes and peple worthi.1500–20Dunbar Poems xlvi. 82 Lufe is causs of honour ay, Luve makis cowardis manheid to purchass.1567Satir. Poems Reform. iv. 148 Samson also, for manheid and prudence, All Israell that had in gouernance, Dalila desauit in vnder couertoure.
b. Manly dignity; the dignity of manhood.
c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 74/106 He was þo þe cuyndeste englische man þat was of enie manhede.c1320Sir Tristr. 1840 Lesen y mot mi manhed Or ȝeld ysonde me fro.
3. Homage.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 5197 Hii dude him anon hor manhede, & ne contekede nammore.Ibid. 8716 Þeruore monie heyemen ne dude him none manhede.
4. Humanity, humaneness, kindness.
1382Wyclif Titus iii. 4 The benygnyte, and humanite, or manhed, of our sauyour God.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) III. 429 Alisaundre dede it nouȝt for love but for manhede [1432–50 manhode, L. non amoris sed humanitatis causa].c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 1415 Cuthbert welcomed him with manhede.




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