

单词 masquing
释义 I. masking, vbl. n.1 Obs. exc. Sc. or dial.|ˈmɑːskɪŋ, -æ-|
[f. mask v.3 + -ing1.]
= mashing vbl. n.
1654Extracts Burgh Recs. Stirling (1887) 211 They sall pay for ilk maskene lost in thair default fourtie shilling.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) III. 544/1 (Brewing), This part of the operation is called masking.
b. A sufficient quantity (of tea, etc.) for an infusion.
1825–80Jamieson.1893Northumbld. Gloss., Maskin.
c. Comb. (cf. mash, mashing), as masking-fat, masking lead (see lead n.1 5 a), masking-loom (see loom n.1 2), masking rudder, masking tub; masking pot (pat) Sc., a tea-pot.
a1400Chalmerlan Ayr c. 26 (in Sc. Acts I. 337/1) Et ea est causa quod cum coquitur in lie *masking fat non currit.1659A. Hay Diary (1901) 94, I payed him for the great masking fat 4 merks.1822Scott Pirate xxiv, She found him drowned in his own masking-fat.
1465Finchale Priory Acc. (1837) p. ccxcix, In primis j *maskyng leyd.
1711Ramsay Maggy Johnstoun xii, The pith of broom That she stow'd in her *masking-loom.
1786Burns When Guilford good i, Then up they gat the *maskin-pat.
1648Invent. in Spottiswoode Misc. (1844–5) I. 372 Ther is in the brewhous..and ane *maskine rudder.
1457Peebles Charters, etc. (1872) 119 A *maskyn tub with the laf that langis it.
II. masking, masquing, vbl. n.2|ˈmɑːskɪŋ, -æ-|
[f. mask v.4 + -ing1.]
1. a. The action of performing or taking part in a masquerade or masque.
α1546Bale Eng. Votaries i. (1548) 50 b, Theyr maskynges in y⊇ night after y⊇ paganes maner.c1560in T. Warton's Life Sir T. Pope (1772) 85 In Shrovetide, 1556, sir Thomas Pope made for the ladie Elisabeth all at his owne costes, a greate and rich maskinge in the greate halle at Hatfelde.c1640C'tess Lindsey in Buccleuch MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) i. 285 There will be masking at Quort at Twelfth-night.1711Lond. Gaz. No. 4836/1 There was a publick Masking permitted for three Days and Nights.1864Burton Scot Abr. I. v. 309 Those who thus go a-masking on New Year's eve,..are called guisards or guizers.
βa1616B. Jonson Love Restored ad init., I tell thee, I will haue no more masquing.1716–8Lady M. W. Montague Lett. I. xxi. 64 The carnival is begun, and all sorts of diversions..except that of masquing.1742H. Walpole Lett. (1903) I. 175 The Duchess..makes a grand masqueing next week.
b. Used with contemptuous reference to the Mass.
[1546,1550: see 3.]1555Philpot in Foxe A. & M. (1583) II. 1828 Ye haue deceiued the people with that your sacrifice of the Masse, which ye make a masking.1563–83Foxe A. & M. II. 1203 Playne, seeing a Priest go to Masse, said, Now you shall see one in masking.
2. a. The action or process of using a mask; obscuring or covering (wholly or in part) by the interposition or overlaying of something. Also masking-out.
1881Abney Photogr. 242 In the printing of the picture..by a judicious masking of parts he can cause pictures which would be inartistic to become merely inoffensive.1884Ibid. (ed. 6) 212 Masking the Negative.1933E. Molloy Mod. Motor Repair III. 980/1 Where a line is required or a clear finished edge, this is obtained by masking.Ibid., Any upholstery will require masking..if the whole car is going to be sprayed.1949C. E. Chapel et al. Aircraft Maintenance & Repair xxi. 361/1 Figure 6 illustrates the masking of an airplane wing in order that the wing may be finished in two colors.1951Electronics Feb. 109/1 In color photography a technique known as ‘masking’ has been developed in which a negative image is combined with a positive image in printing, thus effectively introducing negative light in the final result.1956Bell Syst. Techn. Jrnl. XXXV. 334 If part of the work is coated with an insulating varnish, electrolytic etching will take place only on the uncoated surfaces. This technique, often called ‘masking’, has the limitation that the etching undercuts the masking if any considerable amount of material is removed.1967E. Chambers Photolitho-Offset iv. 39 Additional equipment should include an airbrush, for use in connection with continuous tone negatives and positives complete with frisket-paper for masking-out and vignetting.1972L. Lamb Picture Frame i. 16 Adhesive tape was used for temporary masking-out so that a colour could be given a straight, hard-edge.
b. The action of one stimulus in diminishing the sensitivity of a subject to another (cf. mask v.4 2 h).
1923Physical Rev. XXI. 706 For tones introduced into the same ear, except when the frequencies are so close as to produce beats, the masking is greatest for tones nearly alike.1949McCord & Witheridge Odors xvii. 186 Masking is an effect produced at the point of sense perception in the respiratory passages together with the final interpretation in the brain and does not constitute an aromatic correction of the aerial components.1962A. Nisbett Technique Sound Studio x. 170 A second reason for holding effects back..is the masking that is caused by even moderately quiet background sound.1967Science 15 Sept. 1335/3 Visual backward masking consists in the retroactive interference with the perception of one visual stimulus, the target, by another visual stimulus, the mask, closely following the target in time.1974Encycl. Brit. Macropædia IX. 243/2 Some dentists use auditory analgesia (a ‘masking’ of pain by sound).
c. Chem. The prevention of a substance or ion from taking part in a certain reaction by causing it to undergo another preliminary reaction.
1936F. Feigl in Industr. & Engin. Chem. (Analytical Ed.) 15 Nov. 409/1 The masking of certain reactions of mercury, copper, nickel, and cobalt by cyanide and thiocyanate has been known for a long time.1963P. W. West in E. W. Berg Physical & Chem. Methods of Separation xviii. 343 The term masking was introduced many years ago by Prof. Fritz Feigl, who utilized this technique in making specific or highly selective spot tests when the available reagents were general.1971Nature 19 Mar. 194/1 Generally speaking ‘masking’ has come to mean the prevention of the normal reaction of an ion upon addition of a reagent with which it reacts.
3. attrib. passing into adj. Used in, appropriate to, or consisting of a ‘masking’ or masquerade; masquerading.
1542Nottingham Rec. III. 220 One maskynge garment of sarcenet.1546Bale 1st Exam. A. Askew 34 b, Their popish portyfolyoms and maskynge bokes.c1550Becon Jewel of Joy Wks. 1560 ii. 30 The papists affirme yt theyr massekyng Masse is a perfecte sacrifyce for the quycke and the deade.Ibid. The papistes put on masking apparel Albes, girdels [etc.].1581G. Pettie tr. Guazzo's Civ. Conv. iii. 137 To maintaine their wiues in suche pompeous and masking sorte.a1586Sidney Apol. Poetrie (Arb.) 41 Therefore [they] made Mistres Philosophy very often borrow the masking rayment of Poesie.1612in Buccleuch MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) i. 243 Now the masking sports shall follow.1649Milton Eikon. Pref., The conceited portraiture before his Book, drawn out to the full measure of a Masking Scene.c1670A. Wood in Life (1848) 77 note, He hath compositions in courtly masquing ayres.1673Dryden Marr. à la Mode Prol., We shall show to-day A masking ball, to recommend our play.1812Byron Ch. Har. ii. lxxviii, In motley robe to dance at masking ball.1821Scott Kenilw. xl, Men, still habited in their masquing suits.
4. Comb. masking board Photogr., the board on which the printing paper is fixed in an enlarger; masking frame Photogr. (see quot. 1940); masking tape, adhesive tape used for masking, esp. to protect certain areas of a surface before applying paint.
1958Newnes Compl. Amat. Photogr. 319 The paper is removed from the masking board, and the next negative lined up in position.1972G. L. Wakefield Exposure Control in Enlarging viii. 110 As a good masking board for the enlarger easel is expensive..it is worth making one.
1940F. J. Mortimer Wall's Dict. Photogr. (ed. 15) 441 Masking frame, an accessory used with vertical enlargers to hold the paper flat and provide a white border.1958Newnes Compl. Amat. Photogr. 318 The sheet of bromide paper is then placed in the masking frame.1972G. L. Wakefield Exposure Control in Enlarging viii. 107 It had been intended to build the microammeter and associated electronics into a masking frame.
1936Brimm & Boggess Airplane & Engine Maintenance 282 After the numbers or letters have been outlined by pencil, they should be blocked in with masking tape.1962Which? Car Suppl. Oct. 138/1 Marks had been left by masking tape on the right rear body panel.1971D. E. Westlake I gave at the Office (1972) 53 Someone had fairly recently put strips of masking tape over some sort of company name on the doors [of the trucks].
III. ˈmasking, ppl. a.1 Obs.
[f. mask v.2 + -ing2.]
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) II. 219 Man..fel..out of hous in to maskynge and wayles contray [L. de domo ad devium].
IV. masking, ppl. a.2 Obs.
[f. mask v.1 + -ing2.]
Ensnaring, trammelling.
1578Timme Calvin on Gen. 170 When we are so carried away with the maskingnettes of beauty, that [etc.].1601Deacon & Walker Spirits & Divels 287 You are almost quite ferreted foorth from all your starting holes, and are now brought in a manner before the very mouth of that masking net, which will so entangle your toong, as [etc.].
V. masking, ppl. a.3|ˈmɑːskɪŋ, -æ-|
[f. mask v.4 + -ing2.]
That masks, in various senses of the vb. In early use, hypocritical.
1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 1143/1 She should both to Christ shew hir selfe a false christian, and vnto hir prince a masking subiect.1596Gosson Pleas. Quips Gentlew. (Percy Soc.) 7 Our masking dames can sport, you knowe, sometime by night, sometime by day.a1652J. Smith Sel. Disc. vi. 237 That which was acted upon it..every one will grant to have been a masking or imaginary business.1725Ramsay Gentle Sheph. iii. iv. Prol., Sir William draps his masking beard.1863W. Thornbury True as Steel II. 133 No one ever confesses that he has committed an injury; he calls it retaliation, or justice, or conceals it by some masking name.1900Westm. Gaz. 2 May 5/2 The masking force will have to be a strong one.1923[see mask v.4 2 h].1969T. C. Thorstensen Pract. Leather Technol. viii. 115 In the study of masking agents it was established very early in chrome tanning research that the anions could be listed in order of increasing affinity for the chromium tanning complex.1970D. D. Perrin Masking & Demasking Chem. Reactions i. 1 A masking reagent..is one that lowers the concentration of a free metal ion or a free ligand to such a level that certain of its chemical reactions are prevented.1970Jrnl. Gen. Psychol. LXXXII. 37 An exhaust fan provided masking noise.




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