

单词 measondue
释义 ˈmeasondue Obs. exc. Hist.
Forms: 4 masondewe, 4–5 mesondieu, (pl. -deux, -dieux), 5 mayson-, mesondewe, 5–6 masendewe, maysyndew, 6 masone dew, massindewe, meason de dieu, masoun de Dieu, 6–8 measondue, 7–9 maisondieu, 8 massondew, measondieu.
[a. OF. meson-dieu, maison-Dieu, lit. house of God. Cf. F. hôtel-Dieu (hotel 1 c.).]
A hospital or poor-house.
1354–5Durham Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 555 Rogero de Esshe cooperienti super le Mesondieu.1362Langl. P. Pl. A. viii. 28 Treuþe..Bad hem..make Meson deu [1377 B. vii. 26 mesondieux] þer-with Meseyse to helpe.a1400Morte Arth. 3038 Mynsteris and masondewes they malle to the erthe.1429–30Wills & Inv. N.C. (Surtees) I. 78 To ye mesondieu of sint kateryne..for yair enorments xxl.1455Rolls of Parlt. V. 315/2 A meson Dewe founded by him by oure licence, in the seid Toune of Bockyng.1470Will in Ripon Ch. Acts (Surtees) 144 Pauperibus manentibus in Masyndew.1546Yorks. Chantry Surv. (Surtees) 468 There is a Bedehouse or Massindewe of poure folkes.1558Act 1 Eliz. c. 21 §34 Any Hospitall, Measondue, or Spittel House.1597–8Act 39 Eliz. c. 5 To erecte, founde, and establysh one or more Hospitalls, Measons de Dieu.1630Acts of Sederunt (1790) 43 Aganis unlawfull dispositiouns of whatsomevir landes, teinds, or rentes, dottit to hospitallis or massondewis.1631T. Powell Tom All Trades (1876) 170, I find not any Meson de dieu for relieving of mayned Marriners.1641Termes de la Ley, Measondue is an appellation of divers Hospitalls in this Kingdome.1842Barham Ingol. Leg. Ser. ii. Old Woman in Grey, Where can I find out the old Maison Dieu?




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