

单词 merciable
释义 merciable, a. Obs.
Also 4 mercyabil, 4–5 merciabul, 4–6 mercyable, -byl, merciabil(l, 5 marciable.
[OF. merciable, f. merci: see mercy.]
Merciful, compassionate.
a1225Ancr. R. 30 Merciable Louerd.a1340Hampole Psalter lxxvii. 42 He sall be made mercyabil till þaire synnys.1382Wyclif Hebr. ix. 5 (MS. Trin. Dubl.) The propiciatorie [gloss] or merciable place.1421–2Hoccleve Dialog. 368 Thankid be our lord Ihesu merciable.1513Bradshaw St. Werburge i. 2751 Who-so wyll haue mercy Must be mercyable.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Sept. 174 He is so meeke, wise, merciable, And with his word his worke is convenable.
absol.1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 3793 Blessyd be al mercyable! þey shul se God.c1395Plowman's T. 96 Christ so gan us teche, And meke and merciable gan bless.




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