

单词 mesne
释义 mesne, a., n., and adv.|miːn|
Also 5 meosne, 5–7 measne, 6 mesn, 7–8 measn.
[a. Law F. mesne, altered spelling of AF. meen mean a.]
A. adj.
1. Feudalism.
a. mesne lord: a lord who holds an estate of a superior lord.
1614Selden Titles Hon. ii. v. §4 [The vavasour] either held of a mesne lord, and not immediately of the king, or at least of the king as of an honour or mannor, and not in chief.1754Hume Hist. Eng. I. App. ii. 251 Men..whose duty was immediately paid to the mesne lord that was interposed between them and the throne.1869W. S. Ellis Antiq. Her. x. 236 The mesne lord did not, as a customary practice.., imitate the insignia of his feudal chief.
b. mesne tenant: inaccurately used to denote one who holds of a mesne lord.
1853Parker Dom. Archit. II. Introd. 24 The mesne tenants of the great barons.1869W. S. Ellis Antiq. Her. x. 232 The theory of derivative coats having been adopted by mesne tenants from their feudal superiors.
c. mesne land: = mesnalty. Obs.
a1575Gascoigne Posies, Flowers 41 He racketh vp our rentes and keepes the best in hand, He makes a wondrous deale of good out of his own measne land.
2. Occurring or performed at a time intermediate between two dates.
mesne encumbrance: an encumbrance the right of priority of which is intermediate between the dates of two other encumbrances. mesne profits: the profits of an estate received by a tenant in wrongful possession between two dates.
1548W. Stanford King's Prerog. (1567) 84 b, Where the king is to be answered of the mesne issues and profits perceued and taken of any landes which [etc.].1648Milton Observ. Art. Peace Wks. 1738 I. 327 That no Man shall be question'd by reason hereof, for Measne Rates or Wastes, saving wilful Wastes.1709J. Johnson Clergym. Vade M. ii. 137 That [where a bishop has died] the Mesne profits of the widow church be secured by the Oeconomus.1883Sir R. Baggallay in Law Times Rep. L. 193/2 A mortgagee was prohibited from tacking so as to gain priority against a mesne registered incumbrance.
b. mesne process: that part of the proceedings in a suit which intervenes between the primary and the final process.
a1625Sir H. Finch Law (1636) 436 Mesne processe which is for any necessarie act to be done, not onely for the plaintife against the defendant, but for ether of them against any other.1721Lond. Gaz. No. 5953/1 He had been committed by Mesne Process.1861May Const. Hist. (1863) II. xi. 280 In the reign of George I arrests on mesne process, issuing out of superior courts, were limited to sums exceeding {pstlg}10.
3. Intermediate, intervening: applied to persons.
1810J. Marshall Const. Opin. (1839) 129 Neither James Greenleaf nor Peck nor any of the mesne vendors between Greenleaf and Peck, had any notice [etc.].1884Q. Rev. Jan. 161 One or more of the middlemen or mesne lessees.
B. n. Obs.
1. = mean n.2 1 and 10.
1447Rolls of Parlt. V. 130/1 Execute by such processe and meosnes, as it shall seme hym resonable.1472–3Ibid. VI. 39/1 To aredye youre self by all measnes to you possible.1822C. Butler Remin. (ed. 3) 240 These are extreme cases,—the application of them to the mesne is not very difficult.
2. = mesne lord (see A. 1).
1531Dial. on Laws Eng. i. xxx. G v b, Assyse may lye for the lorde..agaynste the mesne onely.1641Termes de la Ley 202 s.v., He of whom the Mesne holdeth, is called chiefe Lord.1642[see b].1704J. Harris Lex. Techn. I, Mesn, or Measn,..signifying him that is Lord of a Manor.
b. writ of mesne: ‘an ancient and abolished writ, which lay when the lord paramount distrained on the tenant paravail; the latter had a writ of mesne against the mesne lord’ (Wharton Law Lex.).
1602W. Fulbecke 1st Pt. Parall. 48 The writ of mesne, because it is in the realty, ought alwaies to suppose the husband and wife to be mesnes.1642tr. Perkins' Prof. Bk. v. §432 (1657) 161 If there be Lord, Mesne, and tenant,..& the tenant bringeth a Writ of Mesne against the Mesne.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) V. 75 A fine may be levied on every writ by which lands may be demanded,..such as a writ of mesne.
C. adv. At a time intermediate (between two other times).
1439Rolls of Parlt. V. 17/2 Mesne bitwene ye date of ye seide writte, and ye dai of ye retourne yereof.1642tr. Perkins' Prof. Bk. xi. §806 (1657) 311 As if the day of payment of the annuity bee incurred Mesne after his admission and his induction.




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