

单词 mike
释义 I. mike, n.1 Obs. rare.
Forms: 3 mik, 4–5 myke.
? A friend.
a1300Cursor M. 2807 ‘Has þou her’, þai said, ‘ani man, Sun or doghter, mik or mau to þe langand’.13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 572 For mony ben calle[d] þaȝ fewe be mykez.c1470Harding Chron. lxxii. iv, He made..Hymselfe like Brethel in all semblaunce That [then was] the dukes preuy myke.
II. mike, n.2
[? a. MDu. micke (mod.Du. mik): cf. meck, miche n.2]
? A ‘crutch’ or forked support on which a boom rests when lowered.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 417 Hit waltered on þe wylde flod,..With outen mast, oþer myke, oþer myry bawelyne.
III. mike, n.3 slang.|maɪk|
[Belongs to mike v.1]
A rest; a period of idleness; a waste of time; esp. in phr. to do or have a mike = to be idle, escape from or evade work, go away. Cf. mick3.
1825Egan Life Actor 28 The performances of the last night at the theatre are often discussed over a mike at the fireside the next morning respecting the abilities of the actors. Foot-n., Mike or Shammock. Technical or cant phrases amongst printers. To have a mike is to loiter away the time, when it might be more usefully or profitably employed.1890Barrère & Leland Dict. Slang. s.v., Mike (tailors), to do a mike, to pretend to be working or hang about.1899R. Whiteing No. 5 John St. xxiv. 238 It was pleasant to..share the tobacco and biscuit, and make sure of a good ‘mike’ on this side of a life to come.1925Fraser & Gibbons Soldier & Sailor Words 155 Mike, to (to do a), to make off. To avoid duty.1940M. Marples Public School Slang 119 To do a mike (St Bees, 1915 +), to break bounds.1955‘N. Shute’ Requiem for Wren iii. 83 That's a good mike for you, but you'll have plenty to do later on.1958Times 26 Sept. 19/1 The day of the cheerful veteran forward, gratefully relying upon opportunities for a mild ‘mike’, may be coming to an end.
IV. mike, n.5|maɪk|
Colloq. abbrev. of microphone 1; also attrib. Cf. mic.
1927Melody Maker June 579/3, I think it is more that he plays too loudly than that he is too near the ‘mike’.1928Ade Let. 7 July (1973) 134 Open the act with a fake microphone all set and adjusted for broadcasting. You come out and talk into the ‘mike’ announcing the name of a fake station in the town..and say you have a very interesting program ahead and then you can read it into the mike.1937Daily Herald 16 Feb. 19/6 He is unlikely to be afflicted with ‘mike’ fright, because, in his line, he has found visible audiences in far more truculent mood than will be his unseen Midland Regional listeners.1939Evening News 7 Nov. 4/5 To follow the players about, the ‘mike’ is moved across the floor on a long arm called a ‘mike boom’, and its operator is a ‘mike slinger’.1943J. B. Priestley Daylight on Saturday xi. 68 He delighted in entertainment, liked to make his little speech at the mike.1956B. Holliday Lady sings Blues (1973) iii. 38, I got to the mike somehow and grabbed it.1962Listener 12 Apr. 656/3 Robert Kee avoided..entangling his mike-cable in the mob.1971D. E. Westlake I gave at the Office (1972) 188 ‘I am a soldier’; he said, ‘not a baseball player. No interview.’ Frankly, I think he had mike fright.
V. mike, n.6|maɪk|
In slang phr. to take the mike out of = to take the micky out of. Cf. micky1 6.
1935G. Ingram Cockney Cavalcade i. 14 He wouldn't let Pancake ‘take the mike’ out of him.a1935T. E. Lawrence Mint (1955) ii. vi. 117 But, mate, you let the flight down, when he takes the mike out of you every time.1940N. & Q. 1 June 382/1 ‘Taking the mike out of’ anyone means pulling his leg, having a game with him.1956J. Cannan People to be Found i. 14 They won't 'alf take the mike out of 'im.1973‘B. Mather’ Snowline vi. 75 Watch it... The Swami don't dig taking the mike out of the gods.
VI. mike, n.7 slang.|maɪk|
[Abbrev. of microgram.]
A microgram, spec. of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).
1970N. Saunders Alternative London xxii. 168 Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is the most common hallucinogen—and by far the most powerful, in that you only need a few millionths of a gram (micro-grams, ‘mikes’) to trip for eight hours.1970K. Platt Pushbutton Butterfly (1971) vi. 58 Janet Sanders could be on acid, dropping the usual LSD tab of two hundred and fifty mikes. That's the standard trip..a penny a microgram.1973J. Wood North Beat x. 126 They wanted me to tell where I got the mikes... The acid, see?
VII. mike, v.1 slang.|maɪk|
[Of obscure origin: cf. mitch v.]
intr. To ‘hang about’, doing nothing or waiting for a job; to avoid work; go away, escape; also with off. Hence ˈmiking vbl. n.
1859Hotten's Slang Dict., Mike, to loiter; or as a costermonger defined it, to ‘lazy about’.1887W. E. Henley Villon's Gd. Nt. 3 You spunges miking round the pubs.1894A. Morrison Tales of Mean Streets 47 ‘I ain't settled with you yut, my gal,’ he added to Lizer; ‘mikin' about at 'ome an' 'idin' money.’1930E. Wallace Lady of Ascot xxii. 219, I believe in a fair day's work for a fair day's pay and no miking.1959B. J. Farmer Murder Next Year xv. 83 He knew most of the possible ‘miking’ holes.Ibid. 84 Molden was simply ‘miking’ on a grand scale.Ibid. 85 A policeman is paid to work his beat, not ‘mike’ with or without permission.1959N. Lofts Heaven in your Hand 145 There was nobody to send. Both my young b—s have miked off.1974P. Evett in J. Burnett Useful Toil iii. 336 [He would] spy on us as we worked, and then..thunder at any one he thought was miking.
VIII. mike, v.2 colloq.|maɪk|
[f. mike n.5]
trans. To place a microphone in (a place) or near (a person) for recording purposes; freq. = bug v.1 2. So miked ppl. a.
1962M. Procter Body to Spare xvi. 124 He was put in a cell with Cony, and the cell was ‘miked’.1965D. Torr Diplomatic Cover v. 82 The Russian..turned a switch on the bigger recorder... Christ, they've miked us!1968Treason Line 19, I take it this Dean is the American Counsellor whose bungalow you're trying to mike?1969‘A. Hall’ Striker Portfolio xvi. 196 My one task for the day was to find out if the room was miked because I didn't want them to hear my movements.1969Rolling Stone 17 May 12/3 What came out was a beautifully mixed and miked package of spiritual soul.1972Jazz & Blues Oct. 30/1 Mezz is too closely miked for one to be able to follow the soprano clearly at all times.1974Listener 4 Apr. 437/3 [The] film..owes a great deal to..the unobtrusive miking techniques..and the quiet manoeuvring of the crew.
IX. mike, -lik, -ness
obs. ff. meek, -ly, -ness.




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