

单词 anti-fed
释义 anti-ˈfed, -ˈfederal, -ˈfederalist U.S.
[anti-1 5.]
An opponent of federalism in the early years of American independence. Also anti-ˈfederal a., -ˈfederalism.
1787Independent Gazetteer (Philad.) 28 Sept., This anti-federalist should reflect that his name may yet be known and himself branded with infamy as an enemy to the happiness of the United States.1788R. King in Life & Corr. (1894) I. 327 Of three thousand votes given..not more than two hundred were in favor of the antifederal Ticket.1788C. Gore in R. King Life & Corr. (1894) I. 348 Non-residence in one candidate..who was abhorred for his anti-federalism.1788Maryland Jrnl. 3 June (Th.), The famous Dr. Spring asked a lady on which side she was, fed, or antifed.1800Aurora (Philad.) 28 Nov. (Th.), By anti-federalist, the same is meant as by jacobin,..and the like.1804Fessenden Orig. Poems (1806) 55 And swears no anti-federal noddy Has half a soul to bless his body.1805Democr. Unveiled i. 13 As Torries many of you vex'd us As Antifederals then perplex'd us.Ibid. 112 Supported by the factious heads Of ever restless anti-feds.




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