

单词 misbelieving
释义 I. misbeˈlieving, vbl. n.
[mis-1 3.]
1340Ayenb. 134 And þerof byeþ y-come alle þe maneres of eresye and of misbeleuinge.1644[see misbelieve 1].1737J. Willison Affl. Man's Companion vii. iv. (1744) 140 What is it but a Misbelieving of God?
II. misbeˈlieving, ppl. a.
[mis-1 2.]
Holding a false belief; heretical, unorthodox.
c1330Arth. & Merl. 5982 (Kölbing) Þe misbileueand paiem starf.1340Ayenb. 69 Þe bougres and þe mysbyleuinde.1470–85Malory Arthur v. x. 178, I aduyse..to make vs redy to mete with these sarasyns and mysbyleuyng men.1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. iv. xxxvi. 160 b, The righteous iudgements of God towards the mis⁓beleeuing.1642Rogers Naaman 577 A misbelieving Turke or Iew.1691Dryden K. Arthur i. Wks. 1701 II. 491 Lift high thy thund'ring arm, let every blow Dash out a mis-believing Briton's Brains.1816Southey Poet's Pilgr. i. 3 When Martel..from the yoke Of misbelieving Mecca saved the West.1873B. Gregory Holy Cath. Ch. xv. 161 Each denominational church has the right..of excommunicating..misbelieving members.
transf.1847De Quincey Sp. Mil. Nun Postscr., Wks. 1854 III. 96 Confessions that..were absolutely mobbed and hustled by a gang of misbelieving (i.e. miscreant) critics.
Hence misbeˈlievingly adv., incredulously.
1882M. E. Braddon Mt. Royal I. iii. 92 He would have shrugged his shoulders misbelievingly.




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