

单词 miskenning
释义 I. misˈkenning, vbl. n. Old Law.
[f. mis-1 3 + OE. *cęnning, vbl. n. f. cęnnan to make known, declare: see ken n.1]
A mistake or variation in pleading before a court. Also, a fine exacted for this.
Found in several alleged charters of Eadweard, but these are either forged or modernized in the 12th c.
11..Charter of Eadweard in Earle Charters 340 And icc an heom eft alswa ðat hi habben ðarto sace and socne, toll and team, infangeneðef and flemenesfermð, griðbriche and hamsocne, forestal and miskenninge.1114–18Leges Henrici xxii. in Liebermann Gesetze I. 561 Sepe etiam ex inscicia placitancium cause transeunt in ius aliorum: exaggeracione rerum..transeunt etiam in mislocutione—miskenninge.1131Charter Hen. I, ibid. I. 525 Et amplius non sit miskenninga in hustenge neque in folkesmote neque in aliis placitis infra ciuitatem.1136Charter of Stephen in Stubbs Sel. Charters (1895) 121 Omnes exactiones et injustitias et mescheningas, sive per vicecomites vel per alios quoslibet male inductas, funditus exstirpo.c1250Gloss. Law Terms in Rel. Ant. I. 33 Miskenninge, Mespris par oi, u de fet.1267in Lib. de Antiq. Leg. (1846) 104 Quod non occasionentur propter miskenninga in suis loquelis, videlicet, si bene non omnino narraverint.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) II. 95 Miskenynge, chaunginge of speche in court.1607Cowell Interpr.1658Phillips, Miskenning [1706 or Miskonning].
II. misˈkenning, ppl. a. Sc.
[mis-1 2.]
Misunderstanding, ignorant; neglectful, forgetful.
1533Bellenden Livy v. xx. (S.T.S.) II. 216 To þame þat ar nocht myskennand na gude dedis suld be remembrit in reproche.1552Abp. Hamilton Catech. (1884) 25 Wilful ignorant and miskennand men.




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