

单词 molestation
释义 molestation|mɒlɪˈsteɪʃən, ˌməʊ-|
[a. OF. molestation, ad. L. molestātiōn-em, n. of action f. molestāre to trouble: see molest v.]
1. The action of molesting, or the condition of being molested; annoyance, hostile or vexatious interference; vexation, distress.
c1400Beryn 1599 Wee have no nede to dout werr, ne molestacioun.1513Douglas æneis ii. ii. 28 With this regrate our hartis sterit to petie, All molestatioun cessit and lattin be.1578T. N. tr. Conq. W. India 28 Neyther his person, nor none of his countrey should receyve anye molestation of him.1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 2 There are some of the Plates (vnto my great molestatione and sorrowe) lost.1604Shakes. Oth. ii. i. 16, I neuer did like mollestation view On the enchafed Flood.1611Florio, Asa,..Also molestation, lazines, or anxiety of mind.a1661Fuller Worthies, Westminster (1662) ii. 239 Such his hazarding his person (really worth ten thousand of them) to the great molestation of his true friends.a1691Boyle Hist. Air (1692) 180 Having in great veneration the bodies of their ancestors, being most extreamly against any molestation of the dead.1708S. Centlivre Busy Body i. i, You are..to move your suit to Miranda..without let or molestation.a1720Sewel Hist. Quakers (1722) Pref. b 2, The People called Quakers at length obtained Liberty to perform their publick Worship without Molestation.1777Watson Philip II xxii. (1839) 483 He arrived in a few weeks without receiving any molestation by the way.1878R. B. Smith Carthage 97 He would be safe from Roman molestation.
b. Scots Law. The harassing of a person in his possession or occupation of lands.
c. Eng. Law. (See quots. 1884.)
1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 106 The pape..may tak fra thame thair foresaid jurisdictioun..gif thai mak ony molestacioun to cristyn that is in thair jurisdictioun.1497Extracts Aberdeen Reg. (1844) I. 65 Or yit, that ye or thai mak ony arrestment, molestatioun, tribule, or injur to the saide Nicholl.1547Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 72 He sall desist and cese fra all stop, molestatioun, lett, and impediment making to the said Schir George Douglas.1564Ibid. 275 The partie makand the invasioun, persute, and molestatioun sall pay..the soum of fyve thousand markis.1597Skene De Verb. Sign. s.v. Assisa, In sundrie civil causes, sik as perambulations, cognitions, molestations,..serving of brieves, and in all and sundrie criminal causes.1627Burgh Rec. Glasgow (1876) I. 359 Sik as beis imprissonet for capitall crymes, truble, molestatioun or ryett done within the said burghe.1861Hurlstone & Norman Excheq. Rep. VI. 453 The words ‘molest or disturb’, in that convenant, mean personal molestation or disturbance.1884Law Rep., 12 Q.B.D. 543 It amounted to substantial molestation, using the word ‘molestation’ in the sense of injury knowingly and without lawful excuse inflicted upon another in his person, character, social position, or property.1884Law Rep., 14 Q.B.D. 796 The molestation may be of different kinds: adultery and the birth of an illegitimate child as a consequence of that adultery are sufficient evidence of molestation.1885Law Times Rep. LIII. 306/1 The trustees covenanted to indemnify the husband from the debts of and molestation by the wife.
2. With a and in pl.: A trouble, annoyance, vexation; concr. a cause of annoyance. Now rare.
c1400Beryn 1101 For a molestacioune Ther was noon othir remedy, but a consolacioune.1474Caxton Chesse 111 There cometh of glotonye riottes wronges and molestacions.1555Eden Decades 359 Such greefes & molestations as they otherwyse receaue.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 62, I wil withdraw me selfe from al molestations and perplexities.1604T. Wright Passions i. iv. 16 If the inferior appetite or passions obey and concurre with the will..they take away the molestations and tediousnesse that occurre in the practise of good woorks.1629J. Cole Of Death 93 The molestations of trade, or worldly affaires.1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. iii. xxii. 213 All the molestations of Marriage are abundantly recompenced with other comforts.1863Geo. Eliot Romola lxxi, The man who was as great a molestation to vicious citizens..as to a corrupt clergy.

Add:[1.] c. (An act of) sexual abuse or harassment.
1956Pacific Reporter CCXC. 250/1 Such offense [sc. indecent exposure] was punishable under either Code section relating to molestation of children.1977Washington Post 30 Jan. c2/1 Child molestation and exploitation, including prostitution, pornography, sex perversion and the furnishing of narcotics, are extensive in this city.1993Guardian 21 Aug. 21/1 A nation so obsessed with the sexual molestation of children that one hesitates to coo at a good-looking infant-in-arms.




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