

单词 monarchize
释义 monarchize, v.|ˈmɒnəkaɪz|
[f. monarch n. + -ize. Cf. F. monarchiser.]
1. intr. To perform the office of monarch; to rule as a monarch; to rule absolutely. Also to monarchize it.
1592[see monarchizing ppl. a. below].1593Shakes. Rich. II, iii. ii. 165 Allowing him a breath, a little Scene, To Monarchize, be fear'd, and kill with lookes.1649Howell Pre-em. Parlt. 11 That King hath an advantage hereby one way, to monarchize more absolutely, and never want money.1656S. H. Gold. Law 62 He was necessitated to Monarchize it, and self-ly manage all.1822Shelley Tri. Life 504 The delegated power, Arrayed in which those worms did monarchize, Who made this earth their charnel.
b. of personified agencies.
1592Nashe Four Lett. Confut. K, Shee [sc. Art] a banisht Queene into this barraine soile, hauing monarchizd it so long amongst the Greeks and Romanes.1600Dekker Old Fortunatus Wks. 1873 I. 105 Vice..in euery land doth monarchize.1849J. Wilson in Blackw. Mag. LXVI. 25 The enthusiast adores Greece—not knowing that Greece monarchises over him.
2. trans.
a. To make subservient to one monarch; to rule over as a monarch. Obs.
1606Warner Alb. Eng. xv. xciii. 375 King Rodericke, surnamd the great, did monarchize at last Wales, that had neere as many Kings as Cantrefes in times past.1612Drayton Poly-olb. v. 68 By whom three sever'd Realms in one shall firmly stand, As Britain-founding Brute first Monarchiz'd the Land.1621Lady M. Wroth Urania 189 Raise vp your spirit, that which is worthy to Monarchise the world.
b. To make a monarchy of.
1660Milton Free Commw. Wks. 1851 V. 453 So far shall we be from mending our condition by monarchizing our Government.1794J. Courtenay Pres. St. Manners, etc. France & It. 102 Let's boldly advance To hang the Convention, and Monarchise France.1800Jefferson Writ. (1896) VII. 451 Principles which go..to sink the state governments, consolidate them into one, and to monarchize that.
Hence ˈmonarchizing vbl. n. and ppl. a. Also ˈmonarchizer, one who monarchizes.
1592Nashe P. Penilesse (ed. 2) 34 b, Such a monarchizing spirite it was, that sayd vnto Christ, If thou wilt fall down [etc.].1593Christ's T. Wks. (Grosart) IV. 137 The spyrite of monarchizing in pryuate men is the spyrite of Lucifer.1608Heywood Rape Lucrece i. ii, Let the pride Of these our irreligious monarkisers Be Crown'd in blood.a1610Parsons Leicester's Ghost (1641) 10 Or like as Cæsars Monarchising spright Pursued false Brutus at Phillippos field.




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