

单词 na
释义 I. na, adv.1 and conj.1 Obs.
[OE. , f. ne ne + á ever (see a adv. and o adv.), giving normally in northern ME. and Sc., and (see no adv.) in midland and southern dialects. But the na which actually appears in northern and Sc. texts seems rather to be an alteration of ne than a genuine survival of the old form.]
1. adv. Not, in no way, by no means.
Frequently used along with another negative, as ne.
Beowulf 1536 Swa sceal man don, þonne he..na ymb his lif cearað.c888K. ælfred Boeth. vii. §3 ᵹif þæt þine aᵹne welan wæron..ne meahtest þu hi na forleosan.971Blickl. Hom. 33 Nolde he him na andswerian buton mid monþwærnesse.c1000Ags. Gosp. Matt. vii. 25 Þær bleowun windas..on þæt hus & hyt na ne feoll.a1121O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 1083 Hi..wolden hiᵹ utdraᵹan, þaða hiᵹ ne dorsten na utgan.c1175Lamb. Hom. 123 Ne nom he na alle þa þe þer inne weren.c1205Lay. 9294 Þer he na ne come ȝif hit nere for swikedome.c1350Will. Palerne 1172, I na gult him neuer, to gif him enchesoun [etc.].
a1300Cursor M. 12847 Baptis þe na dar i noght.13..― 16948 (Gött.), If i ȝu lije na [Cott. ne] sall.1375Barbour Bruce ix. 71 (Edinb. MS.), And that him sair repent sall he..May fall, quhen he it mend na may.1423Jas. I Kingis Q. lxvii, Tho began myn axis and turment, To sene hir part, and folowe I na myght.15..in Dunbar's Poems (S.T.S.) 321, I dar noght speke, For I na dare, my hert it is so sare.
b. na war (it), were it not, had it not been, but for (the fact that), etc.
1375Barbour Bruce iii. 642 He had bene tane but dout, Na war it that he [etc.].Ibid. vi. 345, vii. 218, etc.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints Prol. 98 Ȝet vald I,..na var eld & falt of sycht, Of þe twelf appostolis spek now.Ibid. i. 528, etc.
c. conj. That.. not, but that. Also Deil na = ‘May’ (with negative following).
1375Barbour Bruce v. 372 Of thretty was levit nane, Na thai war slane ilkane, or tane.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxxii. (Justin) 82 Þat wes nocht sa priuely na it wes persawit in hy.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 221 Quhat war he that had sa hard a hert na he wald have merci of thame..?1533Gau Richt Vay 12 Thay quhilk..trowis noth na he wirkis al the guid warkis in thayme.1786Burns Earnest Cry xvi, Deil na they never mair do guid, Play'd her that pliskie.
2. conj. Nor. Also, neither (only in early ME.).
c1000O.E. Chron. (Cant. MS.) an. 995 Naþer na of þam cinge na of þam folce.c1131O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 1131 Þær man him held þæt he ne mihte na east na west.c1205Lay. 13344 Nis nan kine-lond na swa brad næ swa long.Ibid. 14165 Ah nulle ich castel na burh nane þe bi-techen.
a1300Cursor M. 1962 Ete o..nakin worme þat es made, Na o fouxul [Gött. Na foul] þat refes his liuelade.Ibid. 5780 Þis es mi nam, na mar na less [Gött. more ne less].1375Barbour Bruce i. 318 He wyst nocht quhat to do na say.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xv. (Barnabas) 22 He was nocht dwelland with criste, na in þis warld vakand, na hard nothire, na saw his ded.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 167 [They] nouthir had were to him, na he to thame.c1470Henry Wallace i. 105 To thar men without thai mycht nocht wyn, Na thai to thaim.1508Dunbar Tua Mariit Wemen 299 We na fallowis wer..In fredome, na furth bering, na fairnes of persoune.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 439 Quhilk hes no strenth..Na dow to weild ane wapin with thair hand.1786Burns Twa Dogs 16 Tho' he was o' high degree, The fient a pride na pride had he.
b. Used with another negative following.
1375Barbour Bruce i. 230 A noble hart may haiff nane es, Na ellys nocht that may him ples, Gyff fredome failȝhe.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints i. (Peter) 6 Þis petir..vald neuir bow for aduersite, na for na perele þat mycht be.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 26 He..schewe in dede that he lufit it nocht na nane that delt with it.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 205 For clerk or preist,..Na for na bischop that wes in Britane.
c. With omission of preceding negative.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxx. (Theodora) 631 For Ioy na solace bot thru þe, Na lykine in my hert ma be.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 219 We may undo na gaynsay the commoun lawe.
II. na, adv.2 Sc. and north. dial.|nɑː|
[repr. OE. (see prec.), and corresponding to the midland and southern no. The pron. (nɑː) for |neɪ| has parallels in twā, whā.]
No, used in answer to a question, to express dissent, etc.
1228in Mem. Ripon (Surtees) I. 53 Per suum na vel suum ya.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxix. (Placidas) 600 Þane cane þai at hym hertly spere..gyf he wist quhare he was..he sad: ‘na’.c1375Cursor M. 766 (Fairf.), And wate þou quar-fore? na [Cott. nai, Gött. nay], ho sayde.c1475Rauf Coilȝear 79 Na, thank me not ouir airlie, for dreid that we threip.1513Douglas æneis vii. vi. 32 Hes nocht Troy all infyrit ȝit thame brynt? Na: all sic laboure is for nocht and tynt.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. viii. 75 Na; nocht sa: bot he quhen pleises him selfe wil cum.1725Ramsay Gentle Sheph. i. i, Na, Patie, na! I'm nae sic churlish beast.1786Burns To a Louse iv, Na faith ye yet! ye'll no be right Till ye've got on it.1816Scott Old Mort. vii, Na, my leddy, it's no that.1827J. Wilson Noct. Ambr. Wks. 1855 I. 354 Na Sir—I canna say that I should.1894Northumbld. Gloss. s.v., ‘Are ye gan win us?’ ‘Na’.
b. Doubled for the sake of emphasis.
1513Douglas æneis i. Prol. 24 Na, na, nocht sua, bot knele quhen I thame heir.1594A. Hume Treat. Conscience iv. Wks. (S.T.S.) 104 Na, na, thy intention sall be na releuant defence vnto thee.1682Peden Lord's Trumpet 20 Na, na, sirs, love to God goes beyond all that.1786Burns Answ. Tailor x, ‘Na, na’, quo' I, ‘I'm no' for that’.1815Scott Guy M. xxiii, ‘Had we not better..dismount?’ ‘Na, na,..we maun cross Dumple at no rate’.1891‘H. Haliburton’ Ochil Hills 51 Na, na, my lad!
III. na, conj.2 Sc. Obs.
[Of obscure origin: cf. nor in the same sense. Examples of ne in this use are very rare.]
1375Barbour Bruce vi. 538 The lest party of thame twa Wes starkar fer na he.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints iii. (Andrew) 1103 Þe fend wes away in hy, sonare na ony man cuth thynke.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 53 [He] slewe of his menȝe ma na fourty thousand.c1470Henry Wallace v. 388, I meyn fer mar the tynsell off my men, Na for my selff.1508Dunbar Tua Mariit Wemen 295 Mar with wylis I wan na wichtnes of handis.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. I. 271 Tha wald erar de Na with the Romanis to subdewit be.
b. Than if. rare—1.
1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 303 Quhen he cummys furthwart on thre festuale days,..all the peple..press the mare to se him na he rade every day.
IV. na, adv.3 Sc. and north. dial.||
Also -na.
[Enclitic form of no adv. ‘not’, with obscuration of vowel owing to the absence of stress.]
Not. Chiefly used with auxiliary verbs, as canna, maunna, dinna, hasna, etc.
1714Ramsay John Cowper 29 'Tis an ill wind that dis na blaw Some body good.1725Gentle Sheph. i. 1, I needna mak sic speed.1786Burns Holy Fair xiv, They canna sit for anger.1793Wilt thou be my dearie? If it winna, canna be.1816Scott Old Mort. i, Them that shame na to take upon themsells the persecuting name of..tories.a1828T. Bewick The Howdy (1850) 13 [Thou] dis na leuk vara pleasd.
V. na
obs. variant of nay.




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