

单词 repugnancy
释义 repugnancy|rɪˈpʌgnənsɪ|
[See -ancy.]
1. Contradiction, inconsistency, etc. = repugnance 1. Now rare (common c 1560–1800).
1560Becon New Catech. Wks. (1564) i. 464 b, Whiche are two suche repugnauncies and contraries, as darkenes is not more contrary to lyght, nor death to lyfe.1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie i. i. (Arb.) 20 Without any repugnancie at all, a Poet may in some sort be said a follower or imitator.a1625Sir H. Finch Law (1636) 391 This carrieth a repugnancie in it, inasmuch as the house and the wall are all one thing.1681Glanvill Sadducismus i. (1726) 78 Both the Hypotheses do entangle..the Doctrine..with greater Difficulties and Repugnancies.1785Paley Mor. Philos. (1818) II. 31 If these..serve to remove the apparent repugnancy between the success of prayer and the character of the Deity, it is enough.1822–34Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) II. 610 From the number and repugnancy..there is no small difficulty in reducing them to anything like an intelligible classification.1865Daily Tel. 21 Oct. 3/4 Even Sir James Stephen..acknowledged that he could not render the exact legal idea of ‘repugnancy’ more intelligible.
b. The opposite of something. Obs. rare—1.
1586A. Day Eng. Secretary i. (1625) 3 The repugnancy hereof is when either with too much curtalling our arguments..or with too many or ouer-often repetitions,..wee abbreuiate or amplifie our Epistles.
2. Opposition or resistance of mind or feeling. In later use = repugnance 3.
1557N.T. (Genev.) 1 Cor. i. 10 note, Dissention of mynde, wherof procedeth repugnancie of iudgement, which is the mother of schisme and heresie.1577tr. Bullinger's Decades (1592) 302 Yet is that repugnancye still in theyr heartes.1642Rogers Naaman 131 Such an horrible repugnancie of heart against this way.1681Bellon Myst. Physick 64 If the Sick has a repugnancy against so frequently taking of the Drink, it may be given less often.1742Fielding J. Andrews (1815) Pref. 6 It hath not that violent repugnancy of nature to struggle with, which that of the hypocrite hath.1839Keightley Hist. Eng. II. 52 Pole's strong repugnancy to accept the highest dignity.1868Milman St. Paul's 316 He treated the Puritan divines with more and more determined repugnancy.
b. Dislike or aversion on the part of one. Obs.
1702Echard Eccl. Hist. (1710) 399 Scarce any man arrived at the Empire with a more sullyed reputation, or a greater repugnancy of the people.
3. Opposition or resistance to action; tendency to oppose. Obs.
1587Holinshed Chron. III. 979/2 His too much repugnancie..in matters of councell to the residue of the councellors about the king.1602Warner Alb. Eng. Epit. 385 King Henrie the sixth was triumphantly crowned..mauger the Dolphins then repugnancie.a1635Naunton Fragm. Reg. (Arb.) 42 He was sent Lord Deputy into Ireland, (as it was thought) for a kind of haughtinesse of spirit, and repugnancy in Councels.




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