

单词 rerage
释义 ˈrerage Obs.
Also 5 rereage, 6 rearage, 7 reradge.
[Aphetic f. OF. arerage: see arrearage.]
Arrears of payment; the state of being in arrears, etc. (Common c 1400–1550.)
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. v. 246, I haue mo maneres thorw rerages than thorw miseretur et commodat.a1400Morte Arth. 1680 He wylle gyfe a rekenyng that rewe salle aftyre,..Or þe rereage be requit of rentez þat he claymez.c1440Jacob's Well 128 So slyly, þat þe lord is in þi dette, þere þou schuldyst ben in reragys.1530Proper Dyaloge in Roy's Rede me, etc. (Arb.) 139 Wherby the comones sufferinge damage The hole lande is brought in to rerage.c1550Bale K. Johan 1752 Shall they pay no tribute yf the realme stond in rerage?1636Heywood Challenge iv. i. Wks. 1874 V. 50, I needs most freely must acquit all debts 'Twixt you and mee, and there Ingeniously Confesse my selfe in reradge.




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