

单词 ob.
释义 I. ob.
abbreviation of obolus, formerly used to denote a halfpenny.
1442in Willis & Clark Cambridge (1886) I. 387, xvj Skaynys of grete packethrede..at ob a pec'; in al viijd.1463Bury Wills (Camden) 30 To reseyve an ob..fore here offryng.c1550Disc. Common Weal Eng. (1893) 42 His hen at a peny, his chiken at ob.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, ii. iv. 590 Item, Sacke, two Gallons. v.s. viii.d... Item, Bread. ob. Prince. O monstrous, but one halfe penny-worth of Bread to this intollerable deale of Sacke?1631Weever Anc. Fun. Mon. 238 The Hospitall of Saint Iames was..valued at the suppression to 32.l. 2.s. 1d. ob.
II. ob.
abbrev. of L. obiit, died; used before the date of a person's death.
1890Barrère & Leland Dict. Slang II. 93/1 Ob (Winchester College), for obit.1952D. Balsdon Freshman's Folly iii. 141 The highly complexioned countenance of the Reverend Nathaniel Blunt, S.T.P., ob. 1782.1978C. Jones et al. Study of Liturgy ii. i. vii. 57 The Apostolic Tradition, ascribed by many scholars to Hippolytus, the schismatic bishop of Rome (ob. a.d. 236, 237?).




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