

单词 obstructive
释义 obstructive, a. (n.)|əbˈstrʌktɪv|
[f. L. obstruct-, ppl. stem (see obstruct v.) + -ive: cf. F. obstructif, -ive (1690 in Hatz.-Darm.).]
1. Having the quality of obstructing; tending to obstruct; causing impediment. Const. of, to.
1611Cotgr., Oppilatif, oppilatiue, obstructiue, stopping.1637–50Row Hist. Kirk (1842) 204 The King..knowing how obstructiue it would proue to his purpose, sent for Bishop Blackburne.c1695J. Miller Descr. New York (1843) 12 Things..either wanting or obstructive to the happiness of New York.1712Prideaux Direct. Ch.-wardens (ed. 4) 68 Nothing is to be permitted there which shall be..obstructive of it [divine service].1717Poem Birthday K. George I, Far from thy Brows, obstructive Slumbers shake.1859Mill Diss. & Disc. II. French Rev. in 1848. 402 Suppose it [a second Chamber] constituted in a manner, of all others, least calculated to render it an obstructive body.1865M. Arnold Ess. Crit. ii. (1875) 59 Academies may be said to be obstructive to energy and inventive genius.1866Geo. Eliot F. Holt II. xxx. 227 This angry haste..might some day.. be obstructive of his own work.1881C. M. Yonge Lads & Lasses Langley iii. 128 That obstructive old aunt insisted on dusting Mr. O'Toole's parlour herself.
2. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of obstruction of the bowels or of any bodily duct or passage.
1620Venner Via Recta v. 89 It..abstergeth obstructiue humours in the stomacke.1876J. S. Bristowe Th. & Pract. Med. (1878) 531 Obstructive and regurgitant disease of the aortic and mitral orifices.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. IV. 67 The coloration of skin in these cases is usually not so deep as that found in ordinary obstructive jaundice.Ibid. 395 Obstructive suppression may forbid the exit of the urine..after it has been completely formed by the kidneys.
B. n.
1. An obstructive agent, instrument, or force; a hindrance.
1642Jer. Taylor Episc. (1647) 4 Episcopacy..was instituted as an obstructive to the diffusion of Schisme and Heresy.1654Hammond Fundam. xiii. 120 The second obstructive..is that of the Fiduciarie.1860Tyndall Glac. i. xxvii. 218 The leading mule..proved a mere obstructive.
2. One who obstructs or retards progress in legislation, education, parliamentary business, etc.
1856R. A. Vaughan Mystics (1860) II. viii. ii. 41 He must stand condemned..as one of the obstructives of his day.1856Emerson Eng. Traits, The ‘Times’ Wks. (Bohn) II. 116 The people are familiarized with the reason of reform, and, one by one, take away every argument of the obstructives.1879Sala in Daily Tel. 28 June, A meddlesome and intolerant body of political obstructives who called themselves the Constitutional Association.a1884M. Pattison Mem. (1885) 239 Every Oxford man was a Liberal, even those whom nature had palpably destined for obstructives.
Hence obˈstructively adv., so as to obstruct; obˈstructivism, the system or practice of being obstructive.
1863A. M. Bell Princ. Speech 190 Gradually raising the point of the tongue..till it comes upon the palate obstructively, and so forms the letter D.1870Dickens E. Drood iii, Fragments of old wall [etc.]..have got incongruously or obstructively built into many of its houses and gardens.1885Academy 19 Dec. 407/2 A fusion of fanatical obstructivism with official corruption.




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