

单词 obvious
释义 obvious, a.|ˈɒbvɪəs|
[f. L. obvi-us in the way, meeting, obvious (f. ob against + via way) + -ous.]
1. Lying or standing in the way; placed in front of, or over against; fronting. Obs. or arch.
1603Drayton Bar. Warres vi. ci, No more rejoycing in the obvious Light.1609C. Butler Fem. Mon. i. (1623) B iv, They [the horns of the bee] serue to giue warning in the darke..of any obuious thing quicke or dead that might offend her.1635Swan Spec. M. (1670) 96 As in a broken looking-glass, every part will show the shadow of that face which is obvious to it.1654H. L'Estrange Chas. I (1655) 3 Paris being obvious to him, and in his way to Spain, he delaid there one day.1705J. Philips Splendid Shilling 80 So her disembowell'd web Arachne..spreads, Obvious to vagrant flies.1744Akenside Pleas. Imag. ii. 116 They strike In different lines the gazer's obvious eye.1814Cary Dante (Chandos Cl.) 238 From her..The appellation of that star, which views Now obvious, and now averse, the sun.
2. Exposed or open to (action or influence); liable. Obs.
1601Daniel Civ. Wars (1609) vi. cii, Such as obvious unto hatred are.1647Lilly Chr. Astrol. clx. 672 It renders the Native obvious to many discommodities.1669Worlidge Syst. Agric. (1681) 169 If your Garden be obvious to the cold winds.1710Steele Tatler No. 244 ⁋7 The Pendant is so obvious to Ridicule.1760–72H. Brooke Fool of Qual. (1809) III. 13 She was artless, and obvious to seduction.
3. Coming in one's way, met with; frequently met with or found; commonly occurring. Obs.
1586W. Webbe Eng. Poetrie (Arb.) 26 The Latinists, which are of greatest fame and most obuious among vs.1638Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 25 Suffer me..to tell you of a fish or 2, which in these seas were obvious.1695Woodward Nat. Hist. Earth i. (1723) 9 The next Quarry, or Chalk-pit..these are so ready and obvious in almost all Places.1760–72H. Brooke Fool of Qual. (1809) III. 100 Though your women were as obvious to my walks as yonder pavement.
4. a. Plain and open to the eye or mind, clearly perceptible, perfectly evident or manifest; palpable.
1635Quarles Embl. ii. xi. (1718) 105 My floor is not so flat, so fine, And has more obvious rubs than thine.1651Hobbes Govt. & Soc. iii. §31. 56 Things present are obvious to the sense, things to come to our Reason only.1692Bentley Boyle Lect. ix. 328 Racked and wrested from its obvious meaning.1726Leoni tr. Alberti's Archit. I. 31/2 If you make it in Winter, it is obvious that the Frost will crack it.1793Burke Obs. Conduct Minority Wks. 1842 I. 627 It appears obvious to me, that one or the other of those two great men, that is, Mr. Pitt or Mr. Fox, must be minister.1805E. de Acton Nuns of Desert I. 68 A small palisade, not obvious to the sight.1858Buckle Civiliz. (1873) II. viii. 491 His predecessors in this matter had neglected their obvious duty.
b. Zool. Plainly distinguishable, clearly visible, evident, as an obvious marking or obvious stripe: opposed to obscure.
c. quasi-n., the obvious: something which is obvious; plain or manifest inferences, remarks, details, facts, etc.
1903K. D. Wiggin Rebecca (1904) i. 10 Their steadfast gaze..had the effect of looking directly through the obvious to something beyond.1919M. K. Bradby Psycho-Anal. xiii. 175 The work of the artist who consciously and deliberately descends to the obvious..is uninteresting.1976G. McDonald Confess, Fletch (1977) iii. 19 You do the obvious and stop in at the first singles bar you come to.




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