

单词 occult
释义 I. occult, a. (n.)|əˈkʌlt, ˈɒkʌlt|
[ad. L. occult-us, pa. pple. of occul-ĕre to cover over, hide, conceal, f. ob-, oc- (ob- 1 c) + *cel-ĕre (= OIr. cel-im, OTeut. hel-an, hele v.1); cf. L. cēlāre to hide. OF. occult (12th c.) app. did not enter Eng.]
A. adj. Hidden (lit. and fig.).
1. a. Hidden (from sight); concealed (by something interposed); not exposed to view. Now rare or Obs.
1567J. Maplet Gr. Forest Pref. A vij b, Mettalles..are nothing else but the earths hid and occult Plants.1635Swan Spec. M. vi. § 2 (1643) 188 It joyneth it self unto other seas..through some occult passages under ground.1671Grew Anat. Plants i. i. §13 The lesser of the two said Appendents lies occult between the two Lobes of the Bean.1795T. Maurice Hindostan (1820) I. i. vii. 214 The stars of the hydra..became occult when the sun rose.1850Rossetti Blessed Damozel xiv, We two will stand beside that shrine, Occult, withheld, untrod.
b. Applied to a line drawn in the construction of a figure, but not forming part of the finished figure; also to a dotted line. ? Obs.
1669Sturmy Mariner's Mag. iv. 205 In the Latitude of 13 deg. 10 min. I draw..an occult Parallel, and reckon..towards the West: I draw by that Longitude an occult Meridian.1688R. Holme Armoury iii. 139/2 Occult or White Line; is a Line drawn out by points or pricks.1703Moxon Mech. Exerc. 324 Describe an occult Arch.1731W. Halfpenny Perspective 2 Draw the Occult Lines EA, = EB.1823P. Nicholson Pract. Build. 559 Occult arcs, or such as are to be rubbed out again.
c. Med. Of a disease or bodily process: inexplicable, obscure; unaccompanied by any readily discernible signs or symptoms; occult blood, blood abnormally present in some material (esp. fæces) but too scanty to be readily recognized; so occult bleeding [tr. G. okkulte(magen)blutung (I. Boas 1901, in Deutsch. med. Wochenschr. 16 May 315/2)].
[1690S. Blanckaert Lexicon Novum Medicum 450 Occulti morbi... Angl. Hiden disease.]1809R. Carmichael Ess. Effects of Carbonate upon Cancer iv. 292 Three of these lucky people had occult cancers of the breast, and a fourth had an occult cancer of the lip.1820R. Hooper Lexicon Medicum (ed. 4) 623/2 Occult quality, a term that has been much used by writers that had not clear ideas of what they undertook to explain; and which served therefore only for a cover to their ignorance.1854W. E. Swaine tr. Rokitausky's Man. Path. Anat. I. ix. 260 This process takes place either in the depths of the growth,..as so-termed occult cancer; or upon the free surface of the body or of a mucous cavity, as so-called apert or open cancer.1872D. C. Black On Functional Dis. Renal Organs ii. 108 The condition to which Dr. Barnes has applied the term occult menstruation... Owing to the imperforate condition of the hymen, the menstrual flux accumulates in the cul de sac..formed by the upper portion of the vagina.1904Progressive Med. IV. 24 Occult blood is constantly found in cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.Ibid., Occult bleeding in the cases of ulcer was most frequently observed when the patient had recently complained of pain in the stomach.1905G. R. Butler Diagnostics of Internal Med. (ed. 2) i. xii. 147 ‘Occult’ blood is a term applied to blood in the fæces (or stomach contents) which is in such small quantity that it can not be recognised by the eye, or is so altered as not to be identified by the microscope.1936E. N. Chamberlain Symptoms & Signs Clin. Med. xii. 387 The most important chemical test applicable in the clinic room is that for occult blood.1961R. D. Baker Essent. Path. xvii. 458 Occult carcinoma of the prostate is a frequent finding at autopsy in persons who have died from other causes.1962Lancet 1 Dec. 1145/1 Orthotoluidine sampling of these motions was strongly positive for occult blood.1973Q. Jrnl. Med. XLII. 125 (heading) Occult rickets and osteomalacia amongst the Asian immigrant population.1973Lancet 4 Aug. 262/1 Occult bleeding in the alimentary tract.
2. Not disclosed or divulged, privy, secret; kept secret; communicated only to the initiated.
1533Bellenden Livy i. (1822) 62 Began to rise ilk day occult slauchteris and cruelteis in his ciete.1654H. L'Estrange Chas. I (1655) 60 By occult interests of State.1673Ray Journ. Low C., Milan 255 These suffrages are all occult, that is, given by putting of balls into balloting-boxes.1741Middleton Cicero I. vi. 457 Ancient and occult sacrifices were polluted.1841D'Israeli Amen. Lit. (1867) 203 Printing remained..a secret and occult art.1885–94R. Bridges Eros & Psyche July iii, Of their plots occult [they] Sat whispering on their beds.
3. a. Not apprehended, or not apprehensible, by the mind; beyond the range of understanding or of ordinary knowledge; recondite, mysterious.
1545Boorde Pronost. To Rdr. in Introd. Knowl. (1870) Forewords 25 To pronostycate any mater of the occulte iugements of god.1665Glanvill Scepsis Sci. iv. 20 Some secret Art of the Soul, which to us is utterly occult, and without the ken of our Intellects.1751Johnson Rambler No. 160 ⁋8 Some have..an occult power of stealing upon the affections.1830Herschel Stud. Nat. Phil. i. iii. 39 If..the essential qualities..be really occult, or incapable of being expressed in any form intelligible to our understandings.
b. Not affecting, or traceable by, the senses; imperceptible. Now rare or merged in prec.
1650Bulwer Anthropomet. 170 The dissipation of those things which constitute our body, being occult and a thing which escapes the reach of our senses.1743Lond. & Country Brew. iv. (ed. 2) 297 There..ensues an occult Commotion upon first mixing it (tho' apparent enough soon after).1876Birch Rede Lect. Egypt 20 Amen at Thebes, the occult or unseen God hidden in the powers and operations of nature.
c. Applied in early science or natural philosophy to physical qualities not manifest to direct observation but discoverable only by experiment, or to those whose nature was unknown or unexplained; latent; also transf. treating of such qualities, experimental. Obs. exc. Hist. or as merged in 3 a.
a1652J. Smith Sel. Disc. x. iii. (1856) 473 Those natural antipathies..being nothing else but occult qualities, or natural instincts.1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacr. iii. ii. §14 It will be the least of all pardonable in the exploders of substantiall forms and occult qualities, when the Origine of the whole world is resolved into an occult quality which gives motion to Atoms.1671J. Webster Metallogr. ii. 26 Others experimentally knew something in this occult Science.1704Newton Optics (J.), The Aristotelians give the name of occult qualities..to such qualities..as they supposed to lie hid in bodies, and to be the unknown causes of manifest effects.1717J. Keill Anim. Oecon. (1738) 52 How the Blood came first by its Motion..I leave to be determined by the occult Philosophers.1727De Foe Syst. Magic i. ii. (1840) 58 Occult powers, known in Nature, but unknown and unseen by vulgar heads and eyes.1831Brewster Newton (1855) II. xv. 60 He accuses him of reviving the occult qualities of the schools.
4. Of the nature of or pertaining to those ancient and mediæval reputed sciences (or their modern representatives) held to involve the knowledge or use of agencies of a secret and mysterious nature (as magic, alchemy, astrology, theosophy, and the like); also transf. treating of or versed in these; magical, mystical.
a1633Austin Medit. (1635) 249 Much vertue and power is attributed to these..by the Occult Philosophers.1651J. F[reake] (title) Three books of Occult Philosophy, written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa..Translated out of the Latin into the English Tongue.1711Shaftesbury Charac. (1737) III. ii. i. 53 From this Parent-Country of occult Sciences..he was presum'd..to have learnt..judicial Astrology.1832W. Irving Alhambra I. 216 A beetle of baked clay, covered with Arabic inscriptions, which was pronounced a prodigious amulet of occult virtues.1851D. Wilson Preh. Ann. (1863) II. iv. iii. 257 A charm, or occult sign.1884H. Jennings Phallicism xiii. 133 An assertion of the occult philosophers.
B. n. Something hidden or secret. Obs. rare.
1656S. H. Gold. Law 70 Its Natures, and not Names; its occults, and not occulars, entitle to the title King.
II. occult, v.|əˈkʌlt|
[ad. L. occultā-re to hide, conceal, freq. of occulĕre: see occult a. Cf. mod.F. occulter (Littré).]
a. trans. To hide, conceal; to cut off from view by interposing some other body; also fig. Now chiefly in scientific or technical use (see b and occulting below; cf. eclipse).
1527Andrew Brunswyke's Distyll. Waters B ij b, The same water occulteth and hydeth the pymples..in the face.1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. xvii b/1 The vise which is occultede in the end of the handle.1830Fraser's Mag. I. 745 Knowing where the cat was occulted.1870Proctor Other Worlds vi. 152 The sun is occulted in the forenoon and afternoon but free from eclipse in the middle of the day.1887Rossetti Keats viii. 153 Nor was his personality by any means occulted.1957A. MacNab Bulls of Iberia vi. 61 In both the gaonera and the mariposa the man's body is fully exposed in front of the bull's face, and not occulted by the cloth lure.1977‘E. Crispin’ Glimpses of Moon v. 76 The platform for the legs competition..had a wooden screen designed to occult the competitors from the groin upwards.
b. spec. in Astron. said of one heavenly body (as the moon, or a planet) hiding another (as a star, or a satellite) from view, by passing in front of it.
1764Maskelyne in Phil. Trans. LIV. 391 The Virgin's spike was occulted by the {moonfq} this night.1872Proctor Ess. Astron. iii. 43 The epochs when the moon occults stars or when Jupiter's satellites are eclipsed or occulted.
c. intr. Of a lighthouse light: to be cut off from view as part of its cycle of light and dark.
1880,1892[implied in occulting ppl. a.].1902Encycl. Brit. XXVI. 464/1 The light occults every ten seconds,..the occultations being actuated by a double valve arrangement.1964J. Masters Trial at Monomoy i. 15 Close on the north the lighthouse tower edged into the view... That light occulted every four seconds.
Hence oˈcculted ppl. a., hidden, concealed; oˈcculter, an apparatus for occulting lights; oˈcculting ppl. a., that occults; spec. in lighthouses, applied to a light cut off from view for a few seconds at regular intervals.
1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 34/2 The occulted are soe called, because we noe wher externally espye them.1602Shakes. Ham. iii. ii. 85 If his occulted guilt, Do not it selfe vnkennell in one speech.1880Trinity House Advt. 30 Apr., During..June, 1880, the light at the North Foreland will be made occulting. That is to say, it will, once in every Half-minute, suddenly disappear for Five Seconds, and then as suddenly reappear at full power.1892Strand Mag. IV. 351/2 The occulting light..may be seen long after the tower itself is lost to view.1902Encycl. Brit. XXX. 256/1 This light shows, instead of one prolonged flash at intervals of one minute, as would be produced by the apparatus in the absence of a gas occulter, a group of short flashes.




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