

单词 ogee
释义 ogee|əʊˈdʒiː, ˈəʊˈdʒiː|
Also 5 pl. oggez. Sometimes written OG or O.G.
[app. worn down from F. ogive, ogive, with which it is identified by Cotgrave and others in 17th c.: see sense 1 and ogive. See Paley, Gothic Mouldings (ed. 1865), 33, 35, 48, 52, and C. Brunel in Romania (1960) LXXXI. 293.]
1. = ogive 1. Obs.
1428–9King's Hall Acc. in Willis & Clark Cambridge (1886) II. 445 note, Item pro ij peciis [of stone] pro armis Regis viij s. Item pro iiij ped' de Oggez viij d. [App. worked stones from Burwell and Hynton.]1611Cotgr., Ogive, an Ogiue, or Ogee in Architecture.
2. Arch. and Joinery.
a. A moulding consisting of a continuous double curve, convex above and concave below; a cyma reversa.
In cross-section, its outline is a sort of S shape when the moulding (with reference to the solid on which it is worked) is towards the observer's left hand, and like this reversed when towards his right. If the S outline is towards his right, or the reversed shape towards his left, the moulding is termed a back-ogee, a cyma, or a cyma recta. An inverted back-ogee (frequently used as a base-moulding to a wall or plinth), and an inverted ogee, are such mouldings respectively turned upside down. The double-curved fall of a piano is a familiar example of the inverted ogee. The term ogee is sometimes applied to all the above curves indiscriminately.
1677Moxon Mech. Exerc. (1703) 267 Scima recta, or Ogee.1703T. N. City & C. Purchaser 1 An O.G. with a Fillet over it.Ibid. 95 An O.G. is a Moulding, somewhat resembling an S.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) II. 234/2 There are eight regular mouldings in ornamenting columns..cyma, talon, or ogee.1847Smeaton Builder's Man. 251 Ogee, a moulding, consisting of a portion of two circles turned in contrary directions, so that it is partly concave and partly convex.1858Skyring's Builders' Prices (ed. 48) 59 Beaded capping..with OG under.1862Rickman Goth. Archit. 15 The ogee, which has the round uppermost and over-hanging.1879Sir G. Scott Lect. Archit. I. 152 The upper torus was often converted into a kind of ogee.
b. Any curve or line having this form.
1851Ruskin Stones Ven. I. x. §17 This double curve is called the Ogee; it is the profile of many German leaden roofs, of many Turkish domes.1875Fortnum Majolica viii. 69 The dishes of this variety usually have the outer edge shaped in alternating ogee.
c. Short for ogee arch, canopy, plane: see 3 a, b.
1677Moxon Mech. Exerc. (1703) 73 Planes in use amongst Joyners, called Molding-planes; as..the Ogee.1855Street Brick & Marb. (1874) 211 The window-head is of that earliest form of ogee, a circle just turned up to a point in the centre.1862Rickman Goth. Archit. 263 The second canopy is the ogee, which runs about half up the dripstone, and then is turned the contrary way, and is finished in a straight line running up into a finial.
3. attrib.
a. Consisting of an ogee or a series of ogees; having the outline of an ogee; as, ogee character, ogee curvature, ogee curve, ogee shape; ogee front, the fall of a pianoforte shaped in an ogee curve; ogee head, -top, a roof or covering, the upper part of an opening, when shaped like an ogee; ogee member, the outline of an ogee as an element of form; ogee mould, a templet for running an ogee moulding in plaster, etc.; ogee moulding = ogee 2; ogee plane, a joiner's moulding-plane with an ogee sole; ogee wing Aeronaut., a wing whose outline is an ogee (used on some supersonic aircraft).
1688R. Holme Armoury iii. 396/2 An other sort of Mould by which a cornice is run about a Room or Mantle-trees of Chimneys..is termed an O.G. Mould.1753Hogarth Anal. Beauty ix. 48 The variety introduced by the ogee member, which is entirely composed of waving lines.1815R. Wornum Price-list, Harmonic [piano-forte]..O.G. front do. in rose wood.1823P. Nicholson Pract. Build. 162 A moulding of the ogee kind, called a Cyma-reversa.1836Loudon Encycl. Cottage Archit. 1129 Ogee moulding, called also cyma reversa.1849Freeman Archit. 226 A circular tower..crowned with an ogee cupola.1851Ruskin Stones Ven. I. x. §18 The varieties of the ogee curve are infinite.1862Rickman Goth. Archit. 291 Triangular canopies..some with ogee heads.Ibid. 357 Canopies..are generally of the ogee character.Ibid. 385 Octagonal towers,..with buttresses, pinnacles, and an ogee top.1864Boutell Her. Hist. & Pop. 318 The arches having an ogee curvature.1875Knight Dict. Mech. II. 1547/1 Ogee-plane, a joiner's plane for working ogee-mouldings.1892W. B. Scott Autobiog. I. i. 10 It was framed by immense ogee stone lintels and architrave.1960Aeroplane XCIX. 791/1 The ogee wing is one of the highly swept delta wings with very low aspect ratio which are being proposed for supersonic airliners. Slender wings of this type have subsonic leading-edges and supersonic trailing edges.1970New Scientist 23 Apr. 172/2 The HS 133 is an ogee wing (Concorde shape).
b. ogee arch, an arch formed by the union of two contrasted ogees meeting at its apex. Similarly ogee doorway, ogee window, etc., a doorway, etc. having the form of an ogee arch.
1816Rickman in J. Smith Panorama Sc. & Art I. 132 The ogee or contrasted arch, has four centres; two in or near the span, and two above it, and reversed.1834Gentl. Mag. CIV. 95 The beautiful ogee doorway.1851Ruskin Stones Ven. I. xi. §14 But if the arch be of any bizarre form, especially ogee, the joints must be in particular places, and the masonry simple, or it will not be thoroughly good and secure; and the fine schools of the ogee arch have only arisen in countries where it was the custom to build arches of few pieces.
4. Comb., as ogee-headed adj.
1851Turner Dom. Archit. I. vi. 218 This [window] is ogee headed.
Hence oˈgeed, ogee'd a., furnished with an ogee or ogees; having the form of an ogee.
1851Ruskin Stones Ven. I. xi. §2 The form of the arch..may be rounded, or lozenged, or ogee'd, or anything else.1880Archæol. Cant. XIII. 460 A piscina, in the south wall of the aisle, has an ogeed, five-foiled arch.1882Ibid. XIV. 364 On the exterior the labels are ogeed.




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