

单词 ointment
释义 ointment|ˈɔɪntmənt|
Forms: α. 3–5 oygnement, (3–4 pl. -menz, -mens), 4 oigne-, oyni-, ungne-, une-, uine-, 4–5 oyne-, 4–6 oyn-, 5 ony-, hone-, unȝement. β. 4–5 untement, 6 ungt-, Sc. unt-; 4–7 oynt-, 5–6 oynte-, 6 oynt-, -oynct-, 4– ointment.
[ME. oignement, a. OF. oignement:—L. type *ungu(i)mentum for unguentum unguent, f. unguĕre to anoint. In 14th c. conformed to the vb. oint as ointment; first in northern texts.]
1. An unctuous preparation, of a soft consistence like that of butter, often mixed with some medicament, used chiefly for application to the skin, for medicinal purposes, or as a cosmetic; an unguent. a fly in the ointment: see fly n.1 1 e.
αc1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 245/171 Nimeth here þis guode oygnement.a1300Cursor M. 17288+92 Mary maudlayn.. And marie salome, hade boght þam oynemenz.13..Guy Warw. (A.) 6105 An vnement purchast he Þat made his visage out of ble.c1350Will. Palerne 136 A noynement anon sche made.c1386Chaucer Prol. 631 Ne oynement that wolde clense and byte.c1400Rule St. Benet (E.E.T.S.) 23 Wen sho hauis laid hir plaisters and hir vinemens.1422tr. Secreta Secret., Priv. Priv. 247 Vsynge of honementys aftyr the tyme and complexcione.1530Palsgr. 249/1 Oynment, oignement, oyncture.1536Bellenden Cron. Scot. ii. xii. 17 b, The unȝementis & drogareis yt our forbearis vsit.
βc1325Metr. Hom. 17 Scho hauid boht this ointment.c1375Cursor M. 14005, 14062 (Cott. MS.).c1400Destr. Troy 7526 With oile and with ointment abill þerfore.1435Misyn Fire of Love 59 Þe vntementis precius.c1489Caxton Sonnes of Aymon vii. 169 He enoynted Reynawde with an noyntement.1526Tindale John xii. 3 All the housse smelled off the savre off the oyntment.1590Spenser F.Q. i. ii. 42 The divelish hag..With wicked herbes and oyntments did besmeare My body.1696Whiston The. Earth Introd. 11 Our Lord says of the Woman who poured the Oyntment on him.1750tr. Leonardus' Mirr. Stones 137 Physicians dissolve it in the juice of certain herbs, and make an ointment of it.1820Scott Ivanhoe xxxvii, She had given him a pot of that precious ointment.
fig.a1420Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 1429 The oynement of holy sermonynge Hym loþ is vp-on hem for to despende.
2. Anointing, unction. Obs.
1510–20Everyman in Hazl. Dodsley I. 132 Receive of him..The holy sacrament and ointment together.1526Tindale 1 John ii. 20 Ye have an oyntment of the holy gost.1621R. Brathwait Nat. Embassie (1877) 85 But he expected ointment..there He stands.
3. Comb., as ointment-maker; ointment-like adj.; ointment-carrier, an instrument for introducing ointment into the body.
1382Wyclif Ecclus. xxxviii. 7 The oynement makere shal make pymentis of swotenesse.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvi. iii. (1495) 553 The oynement boxe that the gospel spekith of.c1540Recipe in Vicary's Anat. (1888) App. ix. 226 A Cataplasme made vngtment-lyke.1552Huloet, Oyntment maker, vnguentareus.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. III. 744 In place of the injection, ointment may be introduced by means of one of Allingham's ointment-carriers.1899Daily News 29 May 4/7 Coroner: What do you call yourself? Witness: Well, an ointment maker.




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