

单词 proposer
释义 proposer|prəʊˈpəʊzə(r)|
[f. propose v. + -er1.]
One who proposes: in various senses of the vb.
1. One who presents to view or exhibits something. Obs.
a1690J. Collinges in Spurgeon Treas. Dav. Ps. cvii. 43, I should view it [a picture] as curiously as I could; yet the proposer would..undertake to show me something in it which I did not observe.
2. One who propounds an argument, a question, or the like.
(In quot. 1602 erroneously explained by Schmidt ‘A speaker, orator’; whence in some recent dictionaries.)
1602Shakes. Ham. ii. ii. 297 Let mee coniure you by the rights of our fellowship, by the consonancy of our youth,..and by what more deare, a better proposer could charge you withall.a1714Abp. Sharp Answ. Quest. Rom.-Cath. Wks. 1754 VII. App. 300 Q. May a man, wilfully dying a Roman-catholic, be saved? A. What the proposer means by wilfully dying a Roman-catholic, I know not.
3. One who makes a proposal; one who brings forward or offers a scheme or suggestion; spec. one who formally makes a motion, or who proposes or nominates some one for a position.
1660Milton Free Commw. Wks. 1851 V. 448 Queen Elizabeth..imprison'd and persecuted the very Proposers therof.1762H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. (1765) II. i. 43 One of the first proposers of coining money by a press, instead of the former manner of hammering.1873Tristram Moab vii. 117 Schwartz is the proposer of this identification.1886Daily Tel. 12 Jan. 5/5 His proposer and seconder will..conduct him to the chair.1886Law Times Rep. LIII. 761/1 In a form of proposal to an insurance office..the residence of the proposer was stated to be [etc.].
b. One who tenders for a contract.
1750in Picton L'pool Munic. Rec. (1886) II. 152 Parker, paviour, the lowest proposer. [Cf. proposal 3 c: quot. 1748.]




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